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  • Serve PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 2, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes the Christian call to service, sacrifice, and selflessness, challenging worldly views of power and greatness through the example of Jesus.

    Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather here today under the banner of our Savior, bound by His love and guided by His Word. We are not here by accident, but by divine appointment. It is not by chance that we have come together, but by the providence of our Heavenly Father who, in His more

  • Serve As Jesus Would Serve

    Contributed by Ben Foley on Jun 30, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” -Mark 10:45

    I once heard a parable trying to explain the difference between heaven and hell. Imagine that in both places, there was a table set with the best pot of stew imaginable. But there was one requirement: you could only use a long spoon for each person. Do you know the difference between the approach more

  • Serve The Lord

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Jan 6, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Laying aside the past, looking to the future. A future of serving the Lord, doing his will and engaging in the call he put on your life - now there's a challenge.

    The last time I will stand here and speak as your Corps Officer, the years between 2009 and 2013 have brought many joys many struggles, much growth for Rochelle and I as individuals and as a couple. There have been the odd moments! It’s not every officer couple who can attest to their first more

  • The Gift Of Serving Series

    Contributed by Bruce Willis on Mar 15, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon is the third in a series of ten on Motivational Spiritual Gifts which communicates the characteristics of the Gift of Serving in order to allow the Holy Spirit opportunity to reveal this gift to those who have it.

    We’re looking at the Motivational Spiritual Gifts from the Word of God. And we’ve already established the fact that there are three categories of gifts; Motivational, Ministry and Manifestation gifts. Last week we looked at the Gift of Prophecy, the heart gift of Prophecy and the person who more

  • Serving As Friends

    Contributed by John Tung on Jan 24, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    Jesus no longer calls us servants, but friends. There are 4 advantages that friends have over servants. There are 3 applications to our relationship to Jesus and to our service with others.

    SERVING AS FRIENDS John 15:13-17 John Tung, 1-21-07 I. Introduction Already this year we have seen our new deacons become ordained and installed. They have agreed to serve as deacons. And besides the deacons, there are many others in the church who have also given themselves to serve others and more

  • Equipped To Serve Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 10, 2018

    23rd in the Ephesians series dealing with body life.

    “Equipped to Serve” Ephesians 4:7-16 I. Our Wealth and Worth In Christ 1-3 II. Our Worthy Walk in Christ 4-6 A. Walk in Unity 1. Exhortation to united walk worthy of our calling 1 2. Characteristics of a united worthy walk 2-3 3. Unifying factors of the church 4-6 1. ONE BODY more

  • Saved To Serve Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 28, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    God saves us so we will serve Him.

    How many of you have ever had physical therapy? Do we have any physical therapists or physical therapy assistants here today? I’m 12 weeks into PT for my rotator cuff surgery and now know what PT stands for – pain and torture! JK. I’m actually making great progress…finally. I’ve graduated to more

  • Serving To The End Series

    Contributed by Leroy Redding on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Malachi #8

    Serving to the End Malachi 3:13-18 A man stopped by a house with a sign out front that said, “Talking Dog For Sale.” The owner directed him to the backyard to see the dog. He was pretty skeptical and called out, “You talk?” “Yep,” the mutt replied. The man then said, “So, what’s your story?” more

  • Serving The Transformed Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jul 13, 2014

    1) Service in Love (Romans 12:9-10), 2) Service in the Lord (Romans 12:11), 3) Service in Loyalty (Romans 12:12), and finally 4) Service in Lack (Romans 12:13)

    In the latest summer installment of the movie Transformers: Age of Extinction: A mechanic and his family join the transforming Autobots as they are targeted by a bounty hunter from another world. Following the plot of the three previous transformers movies, vehicles transform to fight evil. This more

  • Session 10 "From Served To Serving” Series

    Contributed by Rik Wadge on Dec 18, 2006
    based on 38 ratings

    Week 10 0f 13

    Seismic Shifts Session 10 “From Served to Serving” RBW (inspired from “seismic shifts” book) + Cannes Film Festival Video Clip: (50sec) children’s cancer video. Example of an act of unselfish service. Not giving to get, just giving. Congregational Scripture Reading: +Mark 10:45 (NIV) 45 For more

  • Serve, As You Have Been Served

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Feb 13, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    Get rid of the me-mentality and serve like Jesus has served you.

    CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP CALLS FOR SERVICE Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." What does it mean when you say, "This restaurant has bad service"? What does that mean? It means that they put a big plate of food in front more

  • Serving God Is Serving Your Country Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Jul 9, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    So often as believers we seek to find blame for our nations woes in our leaders, in society, even by blaming Satan, but the blame for America decline can be laid at the feet of the church!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: July 02, 2009 Date Preached: July 05, 2009 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: Seasonal Sermon Series Sermon Title: Serving God IS Serving Your Country Sermon Text: 2 Chronicles 7:12-15 [ESV] Introduction: This weekend is a HUGE more

  • Ask To Serve Series

    Contributed by Kyle Meador on Nov 28, 2000
    based on 69 ratings

    Ministering to others begins with praying to God for his guidance, power and blessing in opportunities to make his grace known through ministry.

    Ever notice how you pick up little habits from people without even noticing it? When I first became a Christian, the preacher at the University Church was a positive, encouraging gentleman named Harold Jones. He would always speak about the ‘wonderful love of Jesus’ and bob up and down on his more

  • Serving God Series

    Contributed by Norman Mc Leod on Aug 14, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    A bible study on serving God.

    Part 1 (Qualities of Leadership) Serving God Mark 10: 42-45 by Norman Mc Leod August 14, 2001 Introduction: This same situation that Jesus teaches James and John along with the ten in our text, exists today as it did then. As ministers (servants) in the body of Christ, we have to be careful more

  • Dinner Is Served

    Contributed by Larry Bergeron on Aug 15, 2001
    based on 79 ratings

    God has prepared a banquet for His people. The question then for us is, How hungry are we for the things of God?

    DINNER IS SERVED By Dr. Larry A. Bergeron Matthew 5:6 Red Bay COG / June 10, 2001 / PM INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The title of the message this evening is DINNER IS SERVED. How many of you know that God has prepared a banquet table, full of the things of God? Listen again to 2 Peter 1:3 3His more

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