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  • Attribute Four | A Man Strategizes Self-Discipline Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Apr 29, 2018

    A man welcomes and embraces self-discipline. He will use self-discipline as a means of accomplishing God’s purposes in his life, understanding that the flesh prefers indifference over discipline.

    Well, gentlemen, today we are in attribute number 4 of a Man of God – Strategizing self-discipline. And as promised, I am going to share a verse with you each time – one from something Jesus did, and something that he said that help us to make this attribute real for us. Something that both Jesus more

  • Agape Love Versus Self-Centered Love

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Aug 9, 2018

    The church in Corinth, like many modern churches, was in a great deal of trouble. Self-centered love and self pride was wreaking havoc. What's the answer?

    If you would, please stand as we say together our memory Scripture for this quarter: Matthew 6:31-33 “Do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. “But more

  • Can God Bless A Self-Willed Man? Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Mar 12, 2016

    The message endeavours to explore the tragic life of Samson, a man given to pursue his own will despite the rich blessings of God and the call to serve as a Judge of Israel.

    “Samson went to Gaza, and there he saw a prostitute, and he went in to her. The Gazites were told, ‘Samson has come here.’ And they surrounded the place and set an ambush for him all night at the gate of the city. They kept quiet all night, saying, ‘Let us wait till the more

  • Part 2: Putting Away The Old Self Series

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Oct 25, 2019

    If we want to walk in God's freedom, a first step is to stop doing the things that distance us from our God.

    If you go into Chicago, maybe to the loop or North Michigan Avenue on a warm evening, you might see a strange sight, a 19th century horse and buggy out in the street in the 21st century. It’s wonderfully quaint to be brought back in time to ‘the good old days,’ and see a real horse in modern more

  • Fight The Good Fight - Opponent #2: Self

    Contributed by Jerry Rittenhouse on Mar 5, 2019

    Opponent #2 is harder than our first fight. Our first attempt to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH was with People and their Problems. But today, our second opponent is the fight we have with SELF. This is a harder match.

    VIDEO: FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT (LYRIC VIDEO) CHAMPION VIDEO: MAIN SLIDE: FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT SCRIPTURE SLIDES: 1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 2 more

  • Self-Dependence - Mark 9:14-29 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Dec 26, 2023

    If you are a Christian, you probably don’t have the kind of unbelief the boy’s father had. But we often have the kind of unbelief the disciples had. This message will show you how to detect that kind of unbelief in your heart and overcome it.

    Mark 9:14 When they came to the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them. 15 As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him. 16 "What are you arguing with them about?" he asked. 17 A man more

  • Embracing A Spirit Of Power, Love, And Self-Discipline Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 4, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    We are not called to live in fear and timidity, but in the power, love, and self-discipline that God has given us. Let us face life's challenges with the confidence that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

    Embracing a Spirit of Power, Love, and Self-discipline Introduction: Begin with a warm welcome to the congregation and introduce the key verse: 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT) - "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." Share a brief more

  • Don't Quit- A Self-Exam Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Oct 23, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 120th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 22nd sermon from 2 Corinthians.

    Series: Action [#120] DON’T QUIT- A SELF-EXAM 2 Corinthians 13:1-14 Introduction: It has been a long time since I have been in School. From the time I started School until I finished my Bachelor’s Degree in College, I hate exams. If I had the choice to write a 100 page paper or take an exam, I more

  • Self Encouragement In The Lord In The Midst Of Discouraging Circumstances

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Mar 4, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Everyone will have times of crisis which can bring discouragement, we are expected to turn them to God for His intervention.

    Self Encouragement in the Lord in the Midst of Discouraging Circumstances Study Text: 1 Samuel 30: 1-8 Introduction: - Persevering pursuit of God gives us encouragement in the midst of discouraging situations of our own lives. - The Philistine King, Achish, gave David the town of more

  • Jehovah, The Self-Existent God Lesson 4 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on May 3, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The absolute moral attributes and comparative attributes of God.

    CORRECTED LESSON WILL BE UPLOADED. A. THE MEANING OF THE NAME JEHOVAH LORD 1. The name LORD appears in the Bible after the name God. It appears after the Creation of man (Gen. 1:27, 31; 2:4). It occurs 6,823 times in the Old Testament and is associated with His more

  • Self-Control - 2 Peter 1:6 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Mar 9, 2025

    Imagine how much better your life would be with more self-control. Why is it so hard? Elite athletes who are unbelievers often outshine most Christians in this area—how can that be, if it’s a fruit of the Spirit?

    2 Peter 1:5 For this very reason, having made every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control. Introduction I want to start with this question: in Peter’s list of virtues in 2 Peter 1:5-7, why isn’t verse 5 enough? By the end of v.5 you more

  • Guarding Your Thoughts

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Jan 25, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Our thoughts shape our attitudes, decisions, and ultimately, our lives.. A mind filled with godly thoughts produces a life that honours God, while an unguarded mind is vulnerable to sin and defeat.

    Title: GUARDING YOUR THOUGHTS By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there more

  • The Mirror Series

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on May 21, 2008
    based on 55 ratings

    Are you willing to look in a full length mirror...where people can see you for who you are? It’s the only way you will get an accurate picture of what you look like and what others see of you. Or will you just take a glance, and turn to forget what you s

    What’s the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Whatever it is, it’s probably the same thing every day. Everybody seems to have their own morning rituals to get them going. Maybe you have to have a cup of coffee before you can do anything. Maybe you make your bed as soon as you get more

  • You Are Somebody Important, I Promise! Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 20, 2020

    An important anchor for our souls is God's promise that we are somebody important to Him. Every person has supreme value to God because we are made in God's image.

    A. In the 1957 comedy film, called “The Delicate Delinquent,” Jerry Lewis played the typical inept young man that he always played. 1. In this silly film, he tried but failed to be a juvenile delinquent. 2. In the film, there is a powerful scene where Lewis is talking to his best friend, whom he more

  • Misconception 3:man Can Become Sinless And Righteous On His Own Series

    Contributed by Stephen Smarowsky on Feb 26, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    Struggles with the flesh. Self righteousness, spritual struggle, and Christ’s Death.

    The Three Misconceptions Of Man - 1John 1:6-2:2 Misconception 3 – 1John 1:10-2:2-Can Man Become Sinless and Righteous on His Own Intro- Sin is a terrible thing. We see it in the headlines of the news every single day. Murder, kidnapping, assault, fraud, cheating, lying, deceit, adultery, fighting, more

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