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  • Little Things That Illustrate The Power Of The Tongue! Series

    Contributed by John Wright on Feb 1, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    James teaches that a small briddle for a horese, a small rudder for a ship, a small tongue in comparrison to an out of control tongue warns us of the tremendous dangers of the tongue.

    INTRODUCTION 1. Open your bible to James 3:3-6. 2. The title of our lesson: “Little things that illustrate the power of the tongue”! 3. James 3:3-6 is filled with visual images. 4. The three images that James uses illustrate the point that since they are small and yet control more

  • Handling Rejection

    Contributed by Randall Parker on Sep 26, 2011

    Are you wondering why Rejection resides in you?Here is the answer for you!

    How to overcome rejection Correcting a mistaken identity This is such a big cause of demonic bondage, and it's one of the most common things to address in being set free. I had one highly experienced deliverance minister tell me that spirits of rejection are among some of the most common demons more

  • You Make Me Sick!

    Contributed by Bramwell Hayes on Oct 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Christ's letter to the Church in Laodicea urges us to see ourselves as Christ sees us, which might not be very pleasant, but he also longs to restore our lost fellowship with him.

    They thought they were doing very well. They had a high opinion of themselves, their Church and their town. The town was famous and wealthy. So wealthy that, when much of it was destroyed by an earthquake in 60AD, they turned down an offer of money from the government to help to rebuild it, more

  • From Selfishness To Service Series

    Contributed by Thomas Cash on Aug 15, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    Third in a series on the book of Acts. In the middle of the church’s peace, grace, and generosity, there was one dark spot. But the way the church dealt with its problems allowed it to shine.

    From Selfishness to Service Acts 5 & 6 (Third in the series What’s Next? The Adventures of Growing in Christ) “Who do you think you’re going to kid? Did you really think you could lie to the Holy Spirit?” (Acts 5:3). “And the Word of God increased; and the number of disciples multiplied” (Acts more

  • Stop Feeling Guilty

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Aug 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    All of that is important, but it is David’s record of Psalm 51 which is his diary of sorts on how he dealt with that guilt. David’s wrote his heart down on paper and we have it recorded in Scripture for us. All of us deal with guilt from many different

    STOP FEELING GUILTY PSALM 51 & PSALM 32 INTRODUCTION The movie “Saving Private Ryan” (1998) is a movie that many of us have seen and is quite a memorable movie because of its portrayal of the D Day invasion of Normandy in World War II. The movie begins and ends with an elderly man more

  • Taking The Focus Off Of Ourselves Series

    Contributed by Larry Wilson on Aug 25, 2011

    In sermon four of the series, What am I Missing Here?, we continue to answer the question, "Why have I lost my joy?" This message deals with the importance of "looking unto Jesus" instead of constantly focusing on self. Peace is promised to those whose mi

    What am I Missing Here? Steps to Recovering Your Joy October 24, 2010 Calvary Baptist Church Hebrews 12:2 SERMON 4: Taking the Focus Off of Ourselves What am I missing here? What is wrong with me? Why am I not finding joy in the Lord? • First, may I say to you, that it is good that you have more

  • Give Me More!

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Apr 6, 2011
    based on 11 ratings

    A message showing that we have the same attitudes that the Israelites had while traveling in the desert with Moses.

    How many times have we gone to God and asked Him for things we wanted or needed? The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years and were brutalized, beaten, and killed. Many of them had asked God to help them get out of that mess, but it was not until the entire nation of Israelites more

  • Internal Series

    Contributed by Troy Richards on Apr 26, 2011

    A look at how our attitude affects how we live for God. This sermon looks at our internal attitude, what we think of God and ourselves.

    -welcome to Drink Deep on this fine Sunday evening. I know, it’s weird to be here in January without the Colts playing but life goes on. -for the next two weeks we’re going to look at attitude. Now I want to make this a little bit clear, I don’t mean “attitude” [SNAP]. more

  • Can I Do More?

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Nov 5, 2015

    No matter how much we feel that we do for Christ, the question is, "Can I Do More?"

    The film Schindler's List chronicled the heroic efforts of a German industrialist named Oskar Schindler. Through his unselfish activities, over a thousand Jews on the trains to Auschwitz were saved. After Schindler found out what was happening at Auschwitz, he began a systematic effort to save as more

  • Mere Mortal

    Contributed by Kayode Omotoso on May 18, 2016

    Man is always quick to forget that he does not have the supreme authority over himself. There is a God outside of man who rules over the affair of man.

    Regardless of genealogy or demography, every human shares something in common and it is the fact that we all came from dust and to dust shall we all return. Everyone came empty and shall someday return empty. Class notwithstanding, all men are same and nothing (Psalm 62:9). Psalm 103:15-16 also more

  • Keeping Things In Perspective

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on May 22, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes we believe the whole world revolves around us. Other times, we wonder if God really cares about us. Psalm 8 gives an attitude adjustment for both. Our true self-esteem is found in God, who is great and greatly to be praised!

    Psalm 8 Keeping things in Perspective Do you ever think that maybe Galileo and Copernicus got it wrong, that our solar system doesn’t really revolve around the sun? Because on some days it seems like the universe just revolves around you? Now let’s be honest. We all have our moments of more

  • Who Prays In A Modern Global Society?

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on May 16, 2014

    Prayer is not for the faint of heart. It requires a well-made up mind to serve the Lord, Jesus Christ.

    Who Prays In A Modern Global Society? By Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (May 16, 2014) “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil” (I Peter 3:12 King James Version, KJV more

  • Anger

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jun 30, 2014

    We must be in control of our anger.

    Anger June 29, 2014 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must be in control of our anger. Focus Passage: Ephesians 4:26-27 Introduction: A lady once came to Billy Sunday and tried to rationalize her angry outbursts. "There's nothing wrong with losing more

  • You Must Know The Entreator Series

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jul 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Do you really know yourself and why you are speading the message?

    You must also know the entreater. While it is ultimately the work of the Holy Spirit to get people to listen and respond. We are the package for the message. This is why prosperity preachers must wear expensive suits, Rolexs and have jets and multi-million dollar homes. For them to more

  • "Knowledge Of God" Series

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on May 30, 2015

    The Book of 2 Peter opens up with a statement to indentify to the reader who is the author of the book. Peter uses the term "bond servant" thus implying that he, Peter is a slave to no man but by his own choice he has chosen to serve and summit to Jesus.

    "Knowledge of God" Introduction : The Book of 2 Peter opens up with a statement to indentify to the reader who is the author of the book. Peter uses the term "bond-servant" thus implying that he, Peter is a slave to no man but by his own choice he has chosen to serve and summit to Jesus Christ. more

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