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  • An Appeal For Holiness Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jun 15, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Salvation is the greatest moment in any individual's life, but we must realize that salvation is not an event at a single moment in time. Salvation is the beginning of a life-long journey with the Lord.

    Series: Saved, Settled, and Sanctified An Appeal for Holiness 1 Peter 1: 13-17 In recent weeks we have considered the gracious salvation provided for humanity and the hope we have in Christ, even in the midst of great difficulty. Having assured believers in their faith through the certainty of more

  • Appearances Are Deceiving Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 24, 2000
    based on 218 ratings

    A quest for truth often begins with disillusionment, but is easily diverted to something that appears good on the surface; but when you find God's truth, even if it is in a strange place, embrace it quickly and fully.

    The LORD does not see as [men] see; they look on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart. Ridgecrest is a large Baptist-run assembly ground, nestled in the mountains of western North Carolina. All summer long, every year, thousands of Christians come to Ridgecrest for training, more

  • Vison Of Obadiah Series

    Contributed by Jerry Smith on Apr 14, 2020

    To learn the meaning and message of the prophet Obadiah

    Let’s break some new ground and learn what God has for us to know from Obadiah. I. The man Nothing is known about this prophet outside of his name. Although there are 10 men by the name Obadiah named in the Old Testament, scholars are in agreement none of them was this man. Many prophets share a more

  • Creating Holy Moments-- Many Thoughts Come From The Book--Rediscovering Jesus By, Matthew Kelly.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on May 21, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Many thoughts from Matthew Kelly, book called—Rediscover Jesus, This man's simple but profound writing has touched my heart. The authors discernment is needful. Question, “Can you go out tomorrow and create one holy moment?”

    Creating Holy Moments Matthew 28:18-20NKJV Let’s look at the great commission together this evening, In fact, these scriptures should be read together as a corporate body more often. Matthew 28:18-20NKJV And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and more

  • Election Results From A Biblical Perspective

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Nov 15, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    The Nov. 8, 2016 election results represent an open door of opportunity for the American Church? What now? What will we do with this opportunity? What is at stake? This message is a prophetic call to seize the day!

    A monumental event occurred in America last Tuesday. The media has been talking about it ever since. Some people are so upset about it that they are rioting in the streets. Although there is some evidence that some of that was planned and people bussed in to make it happen. The point is that people more

  • Lesson 2: Now Is Imperative

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 14, 2011

    God holds out lives in His hands. Learning to live every moment to glorify Him.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. God holds your “time” in His hands. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). “I am (He) . . . who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty” (Rev. 1:8). 2. It’s never too early to start. a. Mozart at more

  • A Secret No Longer Sermon I: Before You Were Born, The Lord Knew You Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Apr 6, 2020

    Clearly and unmistakably the Bible teaches that human life was created for a purpose and that the Lord God knows about every birth-to-be.

    BEFORE YOU (WE) WERE BORN, THE LORD GOD KNEW YOU (US)? HOW CAN THAT BE? One of the most intriguing encounters with Jesus recorded in the Bible is the account of a visit with Jesus one night by a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin, Nicodemus, who honestly acknowledged that Jesus was a more

  • Urgent, Wounded, Healed

    Contributed by Ernest Corty on Mar 22, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Seeking restoration in an urgent and repentive way is a message that is not taught very often today!

    One of the stories that is rarely told in regards to the Titanic is the story of John Harper. I guess it would not be dramatic enough for Hollywood! Perhaps there isn’t enough promiscuity or infamy in his story. Harper was born into a Christian family in May of 1872. He became a Christian at 13 more

  • God Is My Co-Pilot Series

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Oct 3, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Part 3 in series debunking popular bumper sticker descriptions of the faith

    A brief recap: Week One—“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” • We are always dependent upon the grace of God Week Two—“Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.” • We are made right before God (positional sanctification) • We are afforded grace at conversion to grow (progressive more

  • "A Crippled Body But A Healthy Soul"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on May 4, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    The moment we hear Jesus ask us, “Do you want to get well?” and the moment we heed Christ’s call to, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk,” is the moment when victory is assured!!!

    John 5:5:1-9 “A Crippled Body but a Healthy Soul” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN Tony Campolo tells the story of a young woman named Nancy. Although Nancy has a handicapping condition and is confined to a wheelchair, she has an more

  • Are You Living Right Series

    Contributed by Clinton Smith on Mar 7, 2008

    To gain victory over the enemy you need to put on the breastplate of righteousness that is to say you need to live in daily, moment-by-moment obedience to our heavenly Father.

    Gary Richmond, a zookeeper at the Los Angeles Zoo, was given master keys to every animal’s cage. He was cautioned sternly to guard them with his life and to pay close attention to which doors he opened and closed. “Richmond”, the supervisor said, “these keys will let you in to care for millions more

  • Our Great Peril If We Won’t Let God Answer And Remove Our Doubts.

    Contributed by David Leach on Jan 5, 2014

    Each of us is choosing to believe God or doubt God, moment by moment, depending on what or who we are looking at, and the thoughts we are allowing to occupy our minds:

    1 Our great peril if we won’t let God answer and remove our doubts Each of us is choosing to believe God or doubt God, moment by moment, depending on what or who we are looking at, and the thoughts we are allowing to occupy our minds: Matt 14:29 So He (Jesus) said, "Come." And when Peter had more

  • I Want That Mountain, It Belongs To Me!

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Sep 10, 2012
    based on 9 ratings

    You need to declare the good things of God, over your life on a daily basis! Sometimes you need to do it on a moment by moment basis, if that's what it takes

    I want that Mountain, it belongs to me! Psalms 107:1-2 NKJ. Says it this way, 1. Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. 2. Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy, The bible doesn’t say let them wish it were more

  • Poured Out

    Contributed by Todd Kingrea on Apr 24, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    David wisely recognized the significance of what his friends had done for him, and he created a sacramental moment with it. The body and blood of Christ is a sacramental moment for Christians.

    This is a story of four friends and a drink of water. Once upon a time--in a far away land of craggy rocks, dull sand, and dark caves—there lived a king. But nobody called him king. He had no throne, no palace. He didn’t even have a crown. But he did have three very close friends who more

  • Wrestling With God

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Aug 6, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    There are moments in life that change us forever. Today's story looks at the second of two such moments in Jacob's life, where he wrestled with God in prayer and in pride, and was forever changed.

    Genesis 32:22-31 Wrestling with God Have you ever had a pivotal moment in your life that has forever changed you? For me, one such moment was the day I joined the military. I felt like God wanted me to do something truly significant with my life, and that decision forever changed me. In the life more

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