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  • God's School For Greatness

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Aug 29, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a message that speaks of how God uses obscurity to create His greatest men.

    1 Kings 17:1 KJV And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. I. INTRODUCTION -- SCHOOL ADMISSIONS -It is May and school is almost more

  • Will Christians Go Through The Tribulation Period? (Vi) Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Feb 10, 2021

    Mid-tribulation position (Prewrath) is analyzed in light of Scripture and Scholarship. Strengths and weaknesses of this eschatology are examined.

    Will Christians go through the tribulation period? That is the question we are engaging in this study. The futurist camp which we are a part of entertains three possible answers: pretribulationists believe the rapture of the church will occur before the tribulation period begins. more

  • Was Jesus Married?

    Contributed by Mark Stepherson on Sep 22, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    A response to claims that "evidence" that Jesus was married is “apt to send jolts through the world of biblical scholarship - and beyond.”

    Was Jesus Married? “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.” 1 Timothy 4:7 “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15 Popular characters tend to be used, more

  • Who Is The Real Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Denis O'callaghan Ph.d. ,th.d., D.d., D. Phil. on Dec 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus , We hardly knew you!

    Each year I try to give you a different look or approach of what Easter means to you, to Christians and to the world in general. This year I am going to either outdo myself or fall flat on my keyboard and commit hari karri. i intend to share what we know about Jesus, the real Jesus not the movie more

  • Exposing The Da Vinci Code, Pt. 3

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Jan 21, 2005
    based on 68 ratings

    There are problems with the many blasphemies within “The Da Vince Code” and there is the burden of proof that goes unanswered by Dan Brown’s silly scholarship. Don’t be fooled!

    Exposing The Da Vinci Code, Pt. 3 2 Peter 3:14-18 Luke 1:1-4 As we have learned over the last 2 sermons, there are problems with the many blasphemies within “The Da Vince Code” and there is the burden of proof that goes unanswered by Dan Brown’s silly scholarship. Barnamin Bailey, the great more

  • A Doctor You've Never Heard Of

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 29, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The sixteenth century saw so much heretical scriptural writing that we usually write it off. But good Catholic scholarship was going on in that century, and John of Avila was one of the brightest lights.

    Thursday of the 13th Week in Course 2018 Reformation/Revolution The vocation to be a prophet is not for the faint-hearted. We see in this reading from the Book of Amos that the poor fellow was a migrant shepherd and tree-dresser, but he heard the voice of God and responded “yes.” And then God told more

  • Saving Santa Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Dec 1, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Far from being a dangerous distraction from the real meaning of Christmas, believe it or not, Santa Claus can actually be saved! The true story of Saint Nicholas reveals that he was a saint, a scholar, and shepherd. We can learn a lot form Santa this Chri

    Saving Santa Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 12/4/2011 Well, it’s time to start getting into that Christmas spirit again! Thanksgiving is behind us. Black Friday has come and gone. It’s almost impossible not to think about Christmas. Trees have been going up in more

  • Where The Bible Speaks... Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 23, 2007
    based on 106 ratings

    Does it matter if matter if we change Bible terminology? If we add to God’s thinking because we think we can "improve" upon His Word? Consider these thoughts.

    OPEN: A man once told of purchasing his first pickup truck. And he also bought a book on gasoline engines because he was afraid of being ripped off at the service station. He wrote: “The first time I took the truck in for repairs, I smugly wrote down what the problem was and what needed to be more

  • Second Sunday Of Lent, Year B- The Three Mountains: Transfiguration

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jan 22, 2024

    “You aren’t going to sacrifice me, are you, Dad?”

    Because of our three readings, today could be called the Sunday of the Three Mountains. "Take your son Isaac, your only one, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah.” Moriah, as a girl's name, is of Hebrew origin, meaning "the hill country." The land of Moriah was a more

  • Does It Really Matter? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Cash on Dec 17, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    First in a series of three sermons on the reliability of the Bible. Are the words of the Bible really the words of God? Can you set your life by it? The Bible has some powerful defenders: generations of faithful scribes, an army of textual scholars, & God

    Does It Really Matter? Deuteronomy 6:1–9, 2 Timothy 3:14–17, Galatians 1:6-12 (First is the series Our Still Point with God: The Reliability of the Bible) DISCLAIMER: The material in these three messages come from others who are better scholars than I! Contact me if I can credit anything in this more

  • Confession: Reasons And Excuses

    Contributed by Rich Cook on Jun 21, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    God doesn’t want our excuses or reasons. He desires a pure heart and real confession. Both Saul and David confessed. One was real.

    Confession: Reasons and Excuses Purpose: To better explain full confession 1. Cheating reasons: a young man comes from a very poor farming family. The only way he can go to college is on scholarship. He wants to study agriculture so he can return home and help the family increase the productivity more

  • Financial Freedom Workshop - Session 5

    Contributed by Aaron Mishoe on Apr 2, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Sending your children to College for less or debt free is possible!

    Download the free Powerpoint and teaching materials at FINANCIAL FREEDOM WORSHOP Destination 4 Developed from the book Your Money Map: A Proven 7 Step Guide to True Financial Freedom. - How is your spending plan progressing? - Anyone finished their’s yet? Intro - Last more

  • Seeing Things In A New Light

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Feb 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    When we see in the Transfiguration that Jesus is fully human and fully divine, listening to Him takes on great power.

    Introduction: Our scripture passage took place six days after Jesus asked the disciples who people thought He was, and Peter recognized that He was the Messiah. Still the disciples didn’t really understand. As Jesus began His journey to Jerusalem, He was transfigured in front of Peter, James and more

  • Why Community?

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Jan 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at our need for true community in all of its glorious messiness.

    Dakota Community Church January 06, 2008 Why Community? - I We live in a very “individual” focused social order. It’s all about personal rights and freedoms, personal space, and let’s not forget personal relationship with God. This church thing though is about something different altogether; in more

  • Fan Or Follower - The Specifics Of Following - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Jan 17, 2011
    based on 21 ratings

    Now that we have seen the differences between a fan and follower and see that Christ calls people to be followers, what are some of the specifics of becoming a follower of Christ? Today we want to ask, who actually can become his follower and is there an

    The Specifics of Following – Part 1 Who can follow? Anyone What is the Cost? Nothing And Everything Intro Transition slide in Easy worship Good morning. I know everyone is excited for the Bears to beat the Seahawks today. Well everyone except Billy (and a couple other Washington natives). more

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