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  • The Same Jesus

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jul 8, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Jesus the same yesterdat and tomorrow.

    The same Jesus. Acts 3: 11 -- 18. 03/31/02 We need to know something about the sitting for the sermon which Peter preached about the Lord Jesus. There was a man who had been crippled for over 40 years and now Jesus healed him. The crippled man used to sit at the gate called beautiful more

  • The Tears Of Jesus

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Jul 9, 2003
    based on 129 ratings

    Let’s weep over the same things Christ wept over and not so much the other things we sometimes cry about.

    Surely Jesus is the manliest man who ever lived, for no one endured and suffered what He did. Yet the Bible clearly states that this strong man shed tears. "Jesus wept." He was a strong man, yet a man of great compassion. Since it was proper for Jesus to cry then certainly it is for us. But more

  • Working For Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 14, 2003
    based on 90 ratings

    How we behave at work says a lot about our faith to those around us. It also says a lot about our attitude toward worshipping God. How to make our workplace and our worship work together.

    OPEN: During the middle 1800’s there was a popular set of rules for the office that showed up in one form or another across the nation. They all resembled something like these which were posted in Zachary Geiger’s establishment: 1. Office employees will daily sweep the floors, dust the furniture, more

  • Jesus Calls:

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jul 17, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    Draw aside and spend time with the Lord. Offload your problems and see how he wonderfully provides

    Binham 20-07-03 This morning, I would like to look at one verse from the record in St. Mark’s Gospel of the feeding of the five thousand. And this is the words of Jesus when he said to his disciples: "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get more

  • Look To Jesus

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jul 22, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    In our text today we will see that the specific experience of Israel in the WAY OF THE RED SEA is also much like our journey to the heavenly promise land.

    "LOOK TO JESUS" TEXT: NUMBERS 21:4-9 INTRODUCTION [Numbers 21:4-9] PRAYER The greatest event in the life of God’s people in the Old Testament was their deliverance from slavery in Egypt. Time and time again this historic event is mentioned throughout the pages of the Old Testament. And the more

  • Jesus Is Lord

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Jul 29, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    This sermon is about the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His authority over 1.SIN 2.SICKNESS 3.SCOURGE 4.STORM 5.SCHEMES 6.SATAN 7.SOVEREIGNS

    JESUS IS LORD ************ OUTLINE 1.SIN 2.SICKNESS 3.SCOURGE 4.STORM 5.SCHEMES 6.SATAN 7.SOVEREIGNS THE MESSAGE JESUS IS LORD 1.SIN John 8 : 34-36 Matthew 9 : 2-7 Jesus is Lord over all the power of sin. He can set us free from the more

  • Jesus Is The Way

    Contributed by Chris Hodges on Jul 30, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    To prove that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ.

    Jesus is “The Way” Text: John 14.1-6 Thesis: To prove that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ. Introduction: 1. The disciples were worried about where Jesus was going (John 13.36). 2. “They were troubled by the uncertainties which faced them, by the confusion they experienced regarding more

  • The Denials Of Jesus.

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    I have noticed it down through the years that anytime one’s fellowship with the Lord and his people, his church begins to wane, they sooner or later move into the company of the world.

    The denials of Jesus. Mark 14: 66 -- 72. 07/30/03 After the sword incident, Peters drifting away is best summed up by Matthew 26:58. Matthew said, “but Peter followed him, Jesus, afar off.” When Jesus was arrested in the garden, he was taken to the court. Peter before time had been following more

  • Jesus Is In The House

    Contributed by Orvel Barker on Aug 2, 2003
    based on 67 ratings

    Jesus is looking for a place to minister. If you’ll give him place He’ll minister in your house.

    Introduction: Throughout the ministry of Jesus He went about preaching and healing the sick on the hillsides and by the sea. But now the Word says He was in a house, ministering in a more confined area. I. Jesus was in the house. A. Why was Jesus in the house? 1. The last verse of chapter more

  • Jesus Is The Way

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Aug 12, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Jesus is the way to find God and get to heaven

    Jesus is the Way John 14:6 August 8, 2003 VBS Closing Message Introduction How many of you have gone on a trip this summer? Last, April I went to a special meeting for pastors in Lancaster, PA and we had to drive a long way to get there. We went through West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania to more

  • The Jesus Moment Series

    Contributed by Clark Bates on Aug 21, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    When we place ourselves in the right place at the right time Jesus can do amazing things in our lives.

    THE JESUS MOMENT MARK 15:21-32 April 9, 2003 is an important date to many people...what happened that day? The fall of Bagdad, and the Saddam Hussein Regime. The culmination of a carefully planned ground assault by the US and GB military. Yet for all its planning the day will probably be more

  • The Temptation Of Jesus

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Feb 4, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    Even before Internet pornography, rampant materialism, and on-line gambling, there was temptation. Even Jesus faced it, and in studying His example, we can learn a lot about being victors.

    THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS Scripture: Mark 1:12–13 Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him. Introduction: Even before Internet pornography, rampant more

  • Listen To Jesus Series

    Contributed by Garth Wehrfritz- Hanson on Feb 14, 2004
    based on 120 ratings

    A sermon focussing on listening to Jesus for purpose and direction and vision in our lives individually and collectively.

    Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday Yr C, 22/02/2004 Based on Lk 9:28-36 By Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson, Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, & Chaplain of the Good Samaritan Society’s South Ridge Village, Medicine Hat, Alberta “Listen To Jesus” Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who often endured long receiving more

  • The Baptism Of Jesus

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Feb 16, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Second message on Matthew 3:13-17, this one focusing on the Baptism of Jesus.

    The Baptism of Jesus Matthew 3:13-17 February 1, 2004 Introduction Last week I told you that I was having a hard time with coming up with a message for the passage in Matthew describing the baptism of Jesus. I said that it was tough because I wanted to make sure I wasn¡¦t just trying to throw more

  • Who Is Jesus?

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Feb 20, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    At the Transfiguration, God the Father answers the question: Who is Jesus?

    Langham 22-02-04 Who is Jesus? The Transfiguration – Luke 9:28-36 Readings: Ex 34:29-53 Luke 9:28-36 The poet W.H. Auden in his book “A Certain World” wrote this: Christ did not enchant men; He demanded that they believe in Him: except on one occasion, the Transfiguration. For a brief while, more

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