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  • Saved By The Sea Walker

    Contributed by Jerry Mills on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 8 ratings

    1. Expounding scriptures.

    1. Expounding scriptures. Matthew 14:22-33 2. The setting is after the death of John the baptist,the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Saying, "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." John sent a messenger before giving his head to king Herod’s choping block to enquire if Jesus was more

  • The Saving Grace Of God Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 96 ratings

    Those who are outside the people of God are in rebellion against Him and are therefore spiritually dead. But God makes them a free offer to bring them back to life. All that’s needed to receive all of the bounty that God offers is to believe his promise,

    I guess everyone in the world is aware that not all is right with either the world or themselves. If I were to ask you to name 3 things that were wrong with the world, I imagine that most of you would answer within a few seconds. If I were to ask you the same question about yourself you might take more

  • Save Before It Multiplies

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 90 ratings

    Thesis: We must irrevocably decide to follow God and destroy any other option.

    Thesis: We must irrevocably decide to follow God and destroy any other option. Intro.: 1. When God's people first approached the Promised Land after deliverance from Egypt they sent 12 men to spy out the land. a. Land of milk & honey, huge grapes; also giants & great walled cities. 1) 10 more

  • Saved By The Man Of Impact Series

    Contributed by Dave Bentley on Feb 6, 2010

    The Only Reason we can have an IMPACT in the world is becasue we have first been IMPACTED by Christ.

    Jesus - The Man of IMPACT 33 Years – An Eternal IMPACT INTRO: What Makes the Difference for a Lasting IMPACT? Defining Impact, in general, can refer to the influence or effect of an object. In science it can refer to the collision of two objects. (wikipedia) Time’s Man of the more

  • I Do! (Saved)

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Feb 20, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is for the first Sunday in Lent and is based on Paul’s letter to the Romans about what is necessary for salvation.

    Romans 10: 8 – 13 / I Do! (Saved) Intro: George was an aspiring musician/composer who suffered from depression. His musical group had to disband b/c they lost their lease / last concert was shut down because of the boos and mocking of the audience / Charles, his friend asked George to create more

  • God Is Mighty To Save

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Sep 5, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    It is time for the church to worship the God of the Bible and not the God of our experience.

    September 6, 2009 Morning Worship Text: Zephaniah 3:14-17 Subject: God’s Might Title: God is Mighty to Save Last week I shared with you about how God is ready to take us to the next level. He is calling the church to a higher place and is preparing us for something great. The work of God is not more

  • Saved From Hell

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Many pastors do not want to preach on HELL fearing they’ll not appear relevant. It’s pressure from the culture to not speak anything negative. Apparently we have begun to deny hell. There’s an assumption that everybody’s going to make it to heaven somehow

    Opening illustration: Video of ‘HELL’ from center of the earth. Introduction: Many pastors do shy away from the topic of everlasting damnation. "It’s out of fear they’ll not appear relevant. It’s pressure from the culture to not speak anything negative. I believe we’ve begun to deny hell. There’s more

  • Friends Saving Friends

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Oct 2, 2009

    The greatest miracle of all is the transformation of a lost sinner into a child of God This is a look at how we can do this

    Last week I pointed out the fact that after Jesus had raised from the dead • The first thing that He did when He saw His disciples • Was to command them to go and make more disciples. • Part of our faith • Part of being a Christian is that we obey Christ’s commands. • And the most important more

  • God Acts To Save Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 7, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God sent an earthquake to draw out a jailor and saved his entire family. Worship God in the midst of difficulties. Your focus determines your reality.

    Amazing, God sent an earthquake to save a family. • Yes, the foundations of the prison were shaken. Yes, the prison doors were all opened. Yes, the chains were all broken. • But that was not the purpose of the earthquake. No one got away. Paul shouted, “We are all here!” Even after their more

  • Seeking And Saving The Lost

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Mar 25, 2011
    based on 35 ratings

    Let’s get to the nitty gritty of the matter. How are we are going to seek and save the lost? Let me share some simple but powerful tools for bringing people to Christ.

    INTRO.- Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. Let’s memorize this verse. Let’s get it deep in our hearts, minds and souls. Why? BECAUSE THIS IS WHY JESUS CAME AND IT’S ALSO WHY WE’RE HERE, whether we realize this or not. We’ve been bought and paid for by the blood of Christ. Now we’re more

  • Born To Save Me

    Contributed by Dennis Munn on Dec 15, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus' coming was for one primary save us.

    Born To Save Me Matthew 1:21 Introduction: Patrizia Durante was her name, and she was young, attractive, intelligent, a financial advisor by profession, and was six and a half months pregnant with her first child, when she was diagnosed with acute myloid leukemia. Acute Myloid Leukemia is a more

  • A Church Saved By Grace

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 29, 2010

    Tonight from this passage of scripture we will learn about a church saved by grace, and what that really means for us.

    Will the true Church Arise: Titus Series Part 4 A Church Saved by Grace Pm October 4th 2009 Titus 2:11-15 Introduction In our series on Titus, “will the true church arise” we have already learned some great things about how we should do church from a biblical perspective. In the first more

  • Lord Save Me

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Nov 4, 2010
    based on 51 ratings

    The crowds followed Jesus into the wilderness without a second thought. Almost like children, they seemed to respond to Jesus in a manner that they truly believed that Wherever Jesus is; He will care for us. Do we feel that way about Jesus?

    Remember the back country trip that we read about last week, when Jesus sought solitude after He received word of John the Baptist's arrest. The crowds followed Jesus into the wilderness without a second thought. Almost like children, they seemed to respond to Jesus in a manner that they more

  • Saved By Your Ears

    Contributed by John Perry on Nov 10, 2010

    What we hear will one day either save us or condemn us ...... The Bible says that we will literally be saved by our ears!

    Bunbury Wed pm 10/11/2010 “Saved by your ears” Intro: A 6 year old boy gives us the introduction to our text this morning by virtue of an incredible thing that happened to him – his life was saved by his ears!!! *** A SIX-YEAR-OLD Chinese boy was left dangling by his ears eight more

  • Saving The Best For Last

    Contributed by James May on Dec 14, 2008
    based on 20 ratings

    God wants to perform miracles, signs and wonders in the midst of His people. I believe that He has saved the best for these last days, but we will only receive them if we pay the price of preparation.

    Saving the Best for Last By Pastor Jim May John 2:1-10, "And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. more

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