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  • Satisfied

    Contributed by Jason Bonnicksen on Jul 31, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is more than enough to satisfy our needs

    INTRO News flash: I like food! You know — with a dash of seriousness — it doesn’t take a master chef to see that I’ve had a love-affair with food for some years. I’m like a lot of Americans, I often eat more than I need, in order be “satisfied.” A more

  • Satisfied

    Contributed by Lauri Smalls on Oct 11, 2012

    A message of how Jesus fulfills all of our needs. He satisfies

    Satisfied Verse 1: All my life long I had panted for a draught from some clear spring, that I hoped would quench the burning of the thirst I felt within. Chorus: Hallelujah! I have found Him, Whom my soul so long has craved! Jesus satisfies my longings Thro’ his blood I now am saved. more

  • Satisfied Series

    Contributed by Charles Wallis on Jan 30, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This message is part of a series on relationships and dating emphasizing the need to marry a committed believer (based on Neh. 10:30). Power Point with pictures for message available. Email

    “Satisfied” Theme: We can be fully satisfied in God. John 4:27-42 Intro: Have you ever been full? So full you felt sick? We fill our lives up with so many things, but on the inside we are empty and lonely. The Samaritan woman had six men, but was still not satisfied. Review: Nehemiah more

  • Satisfied Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Dec 1, 2015

    The things of this world cannot satisfy. Only the things of God can do so.

    Series: Big 10 “SATISFIED” EXODUS 20:17 OPEN It was the middle of the night. Keith Richards, guitarist for the Rolling Stones, had a musical riff playing in his head. He woke up, grabbed his guitar and a tape recorder, recorded the tune and then went back to sleep. Their more

  • Satisfied?

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Feb 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Contentment can only be found in God, not things.

    Title: Satisfied Text: I Timothy 6:6-8 Truth: Contentment can only be found in God, not things. Aim: I want the pursuit of God to be more important than the pursuit of things. Life ?: What do I need to know & do so that it will produce contentment? INVITATION Where do the happiest kids in the more

  • What Will I Be Remembered By PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the lasting impact of our actions and the importance of leaving a legacy that glorifies God, using the story of the alabaster jar.

    Good morning, family! It's a beautiful day to gather together, isn't it? We're here to share in the love and light of our Lord, and to learn from His word. So, let's get right to it! Before we get started, I want to share a quote with you from Shannon L. Alder. She once said, "Carve your name on more

  • Service That Satisfies

    Contributed by Cameron Cloud on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 40 ratings

    Introduction: One of the most successful quarterbacks in football history is Troy Aikman of the Dallas Cowboys.

    Introduction: One of the most successful quarterbacks in football history is Troy Aikman of the Dallas Cowboys. An article in Texas Monthly tells of the night after winning his first Super Bowl. Instead of celebrating with his teammates, he went to his hotel room and stayed by himself for a couple more

  • Satisfied With Christ?

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Oct 3, 2002
    based on 114 ratings

    What counts in your life?

    Thornage 06-10-02 Philippians 3:4-14 Story: A Quaker once posted a sign on one of the choicest fields of his farm. It stated, "This land will be given to the first truly satisfied person who passes this way" . He no sooner arrived back at his house than a more

  • Satisfied People Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Apr 5, 2004
    based on 26 ratings

    Message 4 of 5 on John 5 & 6. Let’s talk about Jesus today… Let’s see him today the way he described himself. Jesus said, “I am the bread that gives life.”

    There is something about bread and its ability to satisfy you. It’s not just a full belly! It’s that sense of security and comfort that comes from the smell of warm bread and the fullness of the soul. There is something about a piece of warm bread that satisfies the heart of a person. Maybe more

  • Being Satisfied Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Houck on May 13, 2005
    based on 47 ratings

    Contentment is something that we all strive for, the problem is that the world tells us to all look in the wrong place, so we either become apathetic where we don’t feel anything or we spend our lives thinking you know if I only

    Being Satisfied Philippians 4:10-13 If you have your Bibles with you this morning please hold it up high where we can all see it. Now that you have held it up I want you to open it up and read with me today one of the hardest passages in the whole Bible. It not difficult because it is filled with more

  • The Starving That Satisfies Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Jul 15, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    4th sermon in an 8 part series on the Beatitudes. This series challenges us to "Shift" our thinking in what really brings true happiness. (*Refreshed in 8/08. PowerPoint and Video Clips available on request.)

    Shift Week 4 THE STARVING THAT SATISFIES MATTHEW 5:6, John 6:35 INTRODUCTION: (:33 intro) {Play 45 seconds of “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”} Every time I hear that song by I think, “Wow, our music in the 60’s was so much deeper than the music today...” Okay, maybe not but I do believe that more

  • Come And Be Satisfied Series

    Contributed by William Morris on Feb 15, 2003
    based on 214 ratings

    The forth message in a series of messages on the Great Invitations of the Bible. This message deals with God’s Invitation to us to come and drink the living water and eat teh bread of life.

    Sermon by: Dr. Todd Morris Text: Isaiah 55:1-2 Title: Come and Be Satisfied (Great Invitations of the Bible) Date: February 16, 2003 Introduction: If you look back at Isaiah 54 you will find that it is a chapter of preparation for a great invitation. It is a chapter of comfort and faith. In more

  • Single And Satisfied Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 13, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    Did you know that there’s an entire chapter in the Bible that celebrates singleness and explodes multiple marital myths? Please turn to 1 Corinthians 7 to find Paul’s manifesto on marriage and his treatise on singleness.

    Single and Satisfied 1 Corinthians 7:7-9, 25-35 Rev. Brian Bill 10/30/05 A first grade teacher gave her class the first part of a proverb and asked them to finish the second half. Here’s what they came up with… • Better to be safe than…punch a 5th grader. • It’s always darkest before…Daylight more

  • Satisfied And Single Series

    Contributed by Fernando Cabrera on Nov 24, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    An outline describing the three characteristics of a satisfied single Christian.

    Satisfied and Single By Pastor Fernando Cabrera We become satisfied as a single Christian when we are: 1. Content “Only, as the Lord has assigned to each one, as God has called each, in this manger let him walk…” (7:17) “…However, each man has his own gift from God, one in this manner, and more

  • Failure To Satisfy Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on May 30, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of Mark 11:12-26 about Jesus’ condemnation of hypocrisy and affirmation of genuine faith

    Text: Mark 11:12-26, Title: Failure to Satisfy, Date/Place: NRBC, 6/1/08, PM A. Opening illustration: Hypocrite: Someone who complains there is too much sex and violence on his VCR. One of the subjects I taught was physical science for learning disabled kids. It was hard to get them motivated to more

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