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Sermons on satan rebelled:

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  • 4. The Heavenly Rebellion Series

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Nov 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The created turn against the Creator

    IN GOD'S IMAGE 4 - THE HEAVENLY REBELLION This message is part of a series of 90 sermons based on the title, “In God’s Image – God’s Purpose for humanity.” This series of free sermons or the equivalent free book format is designed to take the reader through an amazing process beginning with God in more

  • What Does The Bible Say About Angels Demons And Satan Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Oct 10, 2009
    based on 25 ratings

    Are angels, demons and the devil the result of superstition or reality? A myriad mix of superstition, truth and opinion can easily confuse, entice, harm or belittle the truth.

    Angels, demons & Satan In an increasingly secular world, there is still a surprisingly large attention to Angels. Cards, gifts, jewellery, art, ornaments, decorations, clothing and even TV dramas feature angels. Many people even use the term ‘guardian angel’ with sincerity. Many popular films more

  • Our Life Under Fire Series

    Contributed by Mark Hiehle on Aug 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual Warfare is something every believer faces - Why? This sermon reveals why and how to do warfare well and WIN!

    Our Life under Fire – Spiritual Warfare by Rev. Mark Hiehle How many times have you had someone say: “I have some Good News and some Bad News”? There was a husband who had a very difficult day. When he came home his wife said to him, “I have some good news and some bad news, which do you want more

  • The Battlefield - The Mind Series

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Oct 30, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Satan, our enemy, is a roaring lion seeking to devour us... but his point of attack is the mind. His attack is like the Japanese at Pearl Harbor... stealth.

    The Battlefield 1 Peter 5:8 It was a picture-perfect, postcard morning. Light northeast trade winds played over the peaceful South Pacific harbor as an armada of cumulus clouds sailed proudly overhead. The U.S. sailors stationed there yawned and stretched to greet the lazy Sunday morning. This more

  • A Killer In The Midst - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Mar 30, 2017

    A look at the Genesis 3 account of Lucifer's interaction with Eve

    The killer in our midst (Part 2) Most Christians don’t truly understand how devilishly persuasive Satan can be. We don’t realize that he’s constantly whispering to us his thoughts, desires and dreams for our lives. He has one goal: to lure us away from serving God. And the more we listen the more

  • Scariest Story Of All

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Oct 28, 2016

    With all the horror stories played out at Halloween, the scariest story of all is found in the Bible.

    Did you enjoy the music that was playing when you came in? Were you looking over your shoulders for Jason or Michael Myers? Was Freddy Krugger stalking you? All of these of course were characters from famous horror films. We love to be frightened. Last week we went to Scarowinds on Friday night. more

  • Signs Someone In Your Life Is Sent By The Devil. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Mar 11, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Satan sends his own people to stop the flow of God's blessings and Gods purpose and plan in your life .

    As believers, we are not unaware of the enemy's schemes. Satan deploys his minions to distract, discourage, and destroy God's people. But we must recognize the marks of demonic influence in individuals sent to attack us. As Christians, we are called to be vigilant and discerning in our more

  • Satan Is Happy When We Almost Do Right.

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Mar 23, 2001
    based on 51 ratings

    This sermon deals with Christians who choose to compromise their obedience to God.

    Satan Is Happy When We Almost Choose To Do Right 5/3/98 Proverbs 3:5-12 Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Samuel 13:1-6 Almost is a word which can be very encouraging or very discouraging depending on whether you are at the top of the almost looking down or at the bottom of the almost looking up. Would more

  • Satan's Plan To Destroy Lawrence Drive Baptist Church

    Contributed by Wade Bridges on Jan 29, 2001
    based on 117 ratings

    Being Aware of Satan’s Devices

    SATAN’S PLAN TO DESTROY LAWRENCE DRIVE BAPTIST CHURCH I Peter 5:8 Satan has a Plan to Destroy Lawrence Drive Baptist Church. This Plan has not changed since the fall of mankind. What is this Plan? Notice the following Outline below. 1. SATAN’S PLAN IS TO DISTORT OUR LOVE: A--Our more

  • Satan Is Happy When We Almost Do Right.

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Mar 3, 2001
    based on 84 ratings

    This sermon deals with the issues of compromise in our walk with God.

    Satan Is Happy When We Almost Choose To Do Right 5/3/98 Proverbs 3:5-12 Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Samuel 13:1-6 Almost is a word which can be very encouraging or very discouraging depending on whether you are at the top of the almost looking down or at the bottom of the almost looking up. Would more

  • Satan, You Can't Ride This Ass Anymore

    Contributed by Willie Richard, Jr on May 17, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    When you feel that you’ve been used and abused to the point of wanting to throw in the towel, remeber these words.

    Satan, you can’t ride this ass anymore!!! May 2, 2003 Minister Willie O Richard, Jr. Pastor, Little Rock B C Scripture: Numbers 22:21-31 also see 22:10-19 Have you ever felt that Satan was own your back to the point that you had been ridden into the ground? Have you ever felt that the more

  • What Satan, Society And A Savior Can Do For A Man

    Contributed by Jeffrey Kellum on May 21, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Different reactions to sin oppression

    INTRODUCTION: Read Story from Mark 5 TEXTUAL IDEA: The story of the healing of the demon possessed man shows us much about the relationship demons have with man and Christ. SERMON IDEA: What Satan, Society and a Savior Can Do For a Man NEED: To develop healthy spiritual relationships 1.Consider more

  • Three Things To Remember About Satan And His Helpers

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jun 24, 2009
    based on 28 ratings

    In the midst of an attack by satan and his forces, we need to remember three things.

    THREE THINGS TO REMEMBER ABOUT SATAN AND HIS HELPERS Text: Ephesians 6:10 – 12 Introduction: • Sunday morning March 29, I made a statement – “we are under attack” • In past 6 months: o Dealt with a crime spree in church neighborhood and my neighborhood o Deaths of loved ones o Family members more

  • Satan Can't Beat 'em, So He... Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Oct 4, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Exposition of Nehemiah 5 about the internal conflict within the ranks of the Jewish rebuilders

    Text: Nehemiah 5:1-19, Title: Satan Can’t Beat ‘Em, So He…, Date/Place: NRBC, 10/7/07, PM A. Opening illustration: In the 13th Century, Nicolo Polo (father of Marco Polo) was visiting the court of the grandson of Genghis Khan - Kublai Khan. Kublai Khan was the Emperor of China and he had never met more

  • The Eighteen Similarities Between David & Goliath And Jesus & Satan

    Contributed by Kim Oliver on Jun 5, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The Eighteen Similarities between David & Goliath and Jesus & Satan

    Introduction The story of David and Goliath is the story of the battle between good and evil. Goliath is the abomination, who profanes the name of God, while David, the saint of God, defends God's honour. Both David and Goliath are zealous to the extreme, that is, unto death. Goliath's zeal to more

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