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  • Carisma Sin Caracter

    Contributed by Amat Fernandez on May 31, 2003
    based on 194 ratings

    La uncion no lleva el caracter sino el caracter lleva la uncion. Debemos despertar del sueño de Sanson y hacer la obra de Dios en santidad.

    Carisma sin Caracter Pastor Amat Fernandez Lectura: Jueces 13:4-5 «pues concebirás y darás a luz un hijo. No pasará navaja sobre su cabeza, porque el niño será nazareo para Dios desde su nacimiento, y comenzará a salvar a Israel de manos de los filisteos». Introduccion: 1.El caracter lleva la more

  • No Mueras Con Tus Enemigos

    Contributed by Samuel Malave on Jan 2, 2003
    based on 85 ratings

    El Sermon trata de como muchas personas quieren verte fracasar. Pero, tu no puedes fracasar y hay una forma de como no morir con nuestros enemigos.

    NO MUERAS CON TUS ENEMIGOS Agosto 25, 2002 Registro Biblico: Jueces 16:27-31 Por el Pastor Samuel Malave Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David. Estos son varios de los cuales tuvieron enemigos los cuales querian verlos muertos. Gedeón tambien tuvó enemigos y uno de sus enemigos mas fuertes fuerón los more

  • Los Que Perdieron Series

    Contributed by Nestor Menjivar on Nov 28, 2002
    based on 90 ratings

    Un sermon que examina unas figuras Biblicas que perdieron la lucha. Examina sus vidas y que podemos aprender nosotros de ellos.

    Luchas con Dios – Los Que Perdieron la Lucha Lucas 9:25 {Lee Lucas 9:25} En cada lucha hay quien gana y quien pierde. Hemos estado estas ultimas semanas mirando a hombres que lucharon con Dios y ganaron. No ganaron porque vencieron a Dios pero porque permitieron que Dios reinara en su vida y en more

  • El Secreto De Tu Fuerza

    Contributed by José Soto on Mar 29, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    Una de las tentaciones a las que más fácilmente sucumbe la gente es la auto-suficiencia. Emprendemos tareas y proyectos confiados en nuestra propia fuerza, nuestras habilidades e ingenuidad. Entre más auto-suficientes seamos, menos dependientes de Dios no

    El secreto de tu fuerza Jueces 16.4—31 Versículo clave: Jueces 16:20 Introducción El secreto de un niño peleonero. En la escuela había un niño peleonero al que todos le tenían miedo, pero su gran secreto no radicaba en su fuerza o bravura, sino en que tenía un hermano mayor bastante grande y more

  • ¿a Quién O A Qué Adoras? Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jun 11, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Aquello que adores, te controlará

    Lo que adoras te controla –12/06/11 Jueces 13-16 Intro. Recuerdo que aquella tarde estaba viendo las noticias en Orlando Florida y con horror escuchaba el reporte. Una mujer salió en la televisión siendo entrevistada acerca de la desgracia de la que había sido víctima. Estaba cargando more

  • What To Do Until The Lord Comes Back - Part 1

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jun 1, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    1. Stir-up your mind with Scripture (vs. 1-2). 2. Don't be sidetracked by scoffers (vs. 3-4). 3. Count on God's control (vs. 5-8). 4. Keep sharing the good news of salvation (vs. 9).

    What to Do Until the Lord Comes Back - Part 1 2 Peter 3:1-9 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - April 21, 2013 *Have you thought about the Lord coming back lately? -- We really should, you know, and not just because of what's going on in our world. We should be thinking about Jesus more

  • The Preacher God Wants Us To Be

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 28, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    How can we be the preachers God wants us to be? 1. We must have passion to share the gospel. 2. We must have pure hearts. 3. We must have a parent’s love.

    The Preacher God Wants Us to Be 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13 Charge to the Preacher - Luther Sanson Ordination Twin Oaks Baptist Church - April 21, 2013 *Luther and Trudy, I can’t tell you how blessed I am to be here with you today. The way the Lord has worked in and through you both is one of the more

  • Increasing Your Love For Life Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Mar 12, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    This 6th command is needed in our world today. You may think, “At least I don’t break this commandment. This is an off week for me.” But don’t be too quick to think you have this one mastered.

    Increasing your love for life Text – Exodus 20:13, p. 56 Series – God’s Top Ten: 10 Timeless Truths for Life Each week, we’re considering some overall Truths about the Ten. Over the last several weeks, we’ve learned that… 1. The Ten do not restrict our freedom; they restore our freedom. 2. The more

  • Jehova Y La Apostacia De Israel

    Contributed by Jorge Alvarez on Jun 4, 2003
    based on 155 ratings

    Es un mensaje poderoso que desafia al creyente a no dejar lo que ha creido. Ademas, habla a los lideres de la iglesia, para que no se olviden de los basico del ministerio. No se dejen llevar por lo que dice la mayoria, sino agradar a Dios a pesar de ser e

    Jehová y la apostasía de Israel Jeremias 2- 3:1-5 Introduccion: Junio 1, 2003 servicio matutino en Ebenezer, Union City, CA ¿Qué haria usted si Dios le hablara por medio de otra persona para decirle unas cuantas verdades? Posiblemente, usted resistiria tal persona, le diria palabras como: ¨No te more

  • El Ejemplo De Una Madre Series

    Contributed by Jose Vega on Dec 11, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    La Biblia nos da ejemplos dignos de imitar

    Tema: Día de la Madre Lugar: IBD Texto: Varios Fecha: 05-14-06 Título: El ejemplo de una madre. • Aquí tengo una lista de cosas que dijeron las madres de algunos personajes bíblicos. o Sanson! Sacá tu mano de la boca del león, quién sabe dónde habrá estado. o David! Te dije que no jugaras more

  • Turning Whiners Into Winners Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Oct 1, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    In this message, we’ll learn how simply building a dream team to rebuild something that’s broken isn’t enough; we must anticipate the trainwrecks that can create whining, foster a losing attitude, and derail the rebuilding project.

    I’m going to state the obvious. It’s more fun to win than it is to lose. Winning puts a smile on our faces. But what does it take to win? Quitters never win and winners never quit. Whiners never win and winners never whine. Turning whiners into winners Series: Here’s hope: Rebuilding a more

  • How A Church Can Change For The Better

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Jan 6, 2003
    based on 186 ratings

    In this message, we explore five paradigm shifts that a church can make to have a better future. This is a kind of "halftime" talk from a pastor/coach to the congregation/team.

    To compete for a championship, during a game a great team has to make some adjustments. I sometimes think of the New Year as a kind of halftime. My personal internal calendar starts in August when the kids go back to school. The first semester is over. Now, it’s the halftime before the second more

  • Unshakable

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Sep 13, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Life change happens best in a community group. It’s the best thing you can get involved in to have an unshakable walk with God.

    I’ve had the privilege of helping two teenagers learn to drive. Both of our oldest sons had the same habit. They loved to drive waaay right. As a passenger, you thought, “If he swerves to the right just a little, I’m going to be wearing a mailbox.” I’d say things like, “Whatever you do, don’t more

  • When Problems Look Big And God Looks Small Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Mar 12, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    Some people handle these problems really well. They have a sense of joy and confidence no matter what the trial might be. And other people live in a constant state of stress and anxiety. What’s the difference? Well, for some people, their problems loo

    The war on terrorism. The impending attack on Iraq. An economy that can’t quite seem to get back on track. How are you handling the uncertainty of all that? Add this to the typical stresses in life. Problems with relationships at home, work, or school. A fear of not getting the job done more

  • When Your Problems Are Big And Your God Is Small Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Feb 10, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    In this message, we learn how even evangelicals can be guilty of violating the 2nd commandment. When we do, we minimize God and magnify our problems.

    The war on terrorism. The impending attack on Iraq. An economy that can’t quite seem to get back on track. How are you handling the uncertainty of all that? Add this to the typical stresses in life. Problems with relationships at home, work, or school. A fear of not getting the job done more