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Sermons on San Mateo 28:10:

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  • Easter? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Apr 26, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    What does Easter really mean to us personally and are we encouraging others with the truth?

    Most people call today what?? Is it alright to use the word Easter for today? Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines Easter “a feast that commemorates Christ's resurrection and is observed with variations of date due to different calendars on the first Sunday after the paschal full more

  • Afraid Yet Filled With Joy

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Apr 27, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A short talk given at a midweek communion service 3 days after resurrection Sunday. What God-inspired task have you been given. Like the women, as you go, Jesus will meet you and minister to you in the task.

    They were ‘afraid yet filled with joy’ (28:8). Mary Magdalene and the other Mary - Mary the mother of James and Joses (27:56&61) – arrive at the tomb (28:1). They witness the stone rolled away from the mouth of the tomb (28:2). They see the guards posted by Pilate (27:65) so more

  • The Day Everything Changed

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Feb 16, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The Resurrection Day Changes Everything. God has planned for us something much better. He’s preparing us for a new world, a better world, a greater world. Jesus was the first fruit. His resurrection changes everything. His Church will be the next harvest.

    The Day Everything Changed 04/04/10 AM Reading: Matthew 28:1-15 Introduction What a wonderful day this is, as all over the world people are acknowledging and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords! From the earliest times, Easter Sunday has been more

  • A Life Changing Discovery Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on May 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The women discovered an empty tomb. The implications of their discovery changed their lives and ours forever.

    Mathew 28: 1-10 “A Life Changing Discovery” INTRODUCTION What would your list consist of if I were to ask you to name some of the greatest discoveries of history? This would be a list of discoveries that changed our lives. My list would include: A sun centered solar more

  • What If There Had Been No Easter

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on May 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Good Easter message. (1) Preaching would be vain.(2) Our faith would be foolish. (3)Sin would hold us(4)Death would control us. 3 Salvations and 15 rededications from this message

    What if there had been no Easter? Introduction- (Some text taken from fellow coleagues of Sermoncentral) Matthew 28:1-10 Text The account of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ Prayer We know the account of Jesus being on this earth. Being sent from God the Father to die for the sins of mankind. more

  • The Details Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Ric Veal on Jun 27, 2011

    Following Christ in His last days on earth.

    The Details Of Christ Matthew 28:9-15 I. The Care (28:9) these women had for Christ A. The Compliance (28:9a) B. The Coming together (29:9b) C. The Cheer (28:9c) rejoice D. The Celebration (28:9d) true identity; Philippians 2:9-11 II. The more

  • Communion, What Is It?

    Contributed by Gary Taber on Aug 13, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Do we know what Holy Communion is all about?

    Pray: Lord let the words of my mouth and the mediation of all our hearts be acceptable to you Lord our rock and salvation. I was watching Judge Mathis on TV this past week and a couple was suing another for unpaid rent. The Plaintiff began by saying to the judge that they were Christians and they more

  • The Resurrection Brings Us...

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Dec 15, 2009

    Discussion of what we gain through Christ’s resurrection.

    The Resurrection Brings Us… Matthew 28:1-10 November 22, 2009 Me: I’m not generally a very pessimistic person. I do get down once in a while, and I’ve been through some deserts and hardships that caused me to wonder if it was really worth going on. But thankfully those have been few and far more

  • The Most Glorious Day In History

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Easter morning celebration. Praying the Lord will use this and you have an amazing service.

    The most glorious day in history Matthew 28:1-10 Matthew 28:1-10 Introduction Last week we talked about Palm Sunday. The triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into the city of Jerusalem. We took a hard look at those that were cheering him and how quickly more

  • The Breakthrough Of The Resurection Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Apr 6, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    We all too often have a religious experience easter, christmas, other holy holidays. However what you need more than anything is a righteous encounter with the person of Jesus Chrsit. The breakthrough of the resurrection is afull life.

    Intro: What a wonderful passage its fast paced, filled with espionage, excitement and the supernatural. Sounds like something Hollywood dreamed up doesn’t it? However as we look at this passage it is not filled with lights and sounds but the light of the world and the darkness of more

  • What Are You Going To Do With The Resurrection?

    Contributed by John Perry on Apr 6, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not just an event, it is something that each & every one of us has to make a decision about. The resurrection demands a response, so the question is what is your response going to be?

    Bunbury Sun am 4/04/10 “What are you going to do with the resurrection?” Intro: The nature of the resurrection is such that it demands that every one of us make a decision about it. Paul placed the resurrection at the centre of the gospel when he said ..... 1 Corinthians 15:14 (NKJV) more

  • A Tale Of 2 Jesus' Part 2

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Apr 7, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever wondered if Christ's death had an impact on Barabbas? He knew that Jesus had taken his place on the cross.

    And so this is how it would end, it wasn’t what he expected at all. On Friday he had watched as they crucified the carpenter and he walked free. And that is how it should have ended, a happy ending for him, a not so happy ending for Jesus of Nazareth, the carpenter who almost became more

  • Easter Sunday 2010

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Apr 7, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    God turns everything upside down, from defeating the power of death, to breaking down our barriers that keep His life and hope out.

    Easter Sunday Apr. 4, 2010 Intro: Video: “Blindness” from “But then I met Jesus, and He turned everything in my life upside down…” Today is a day of life. We have walked through death, we have stood once again at the cross as Jesus died, but now we more

  • The Greatest Miracle Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Sep 27, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    Easter Sermon in the "Miracles in Matthew" series. How do we react to the news of the resurection?

    The Greatest Miracle Matthew 28 I don’t normally begin with sad news, but I think sometimes it’s good for us to pause and remember how precious life is. Larry LaPrise, died recently at age 83 in Boise, Idaho, after a career that brought him no fame, modest fortune, and a job with the Postal more

  • He Is Not Here! (So Where Is He?) (A Sermon On Matthew 28:1-10)

    Contributed by David Smith on Apr 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sa

    If you’ve ever been to our Anglican seminary - Moore College in Newtown - you may have also visited its unusual chapel, known as the Cash Chapel (named after the guy who donated it, rather than how it was paid for). Now, when people set up a church building, they tend to design it with the more

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