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Sermons on San Juan 6:23:

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  • Are You Ready To Be A Disciple Of Christ?

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on May 7, 2013

    There are times when it is very easy to be a Disciple of Christ. there are other times when it is the most difficult thing there can be. This message looks at putting Christ first regardless of how life is.

    ARE YOU READY TO BE A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST? JOHN 6:1-70 I. IT IS EASY TO BE A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST WHEN JESUS SERVES US, AND LIFE IS GOOD. 1.) It was easy to be a disciple of Christ when he had fed the 5,000. A.) There was likely never a time that Jesus was as popular as this day, unless it more

  • The Bread Of Life,

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on May 7, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus meets all human needs. The little that you have is enough for a miracle.He still has victories coming your way because he has called not to pauper you but to prosper you.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: The bread of Life, Introduction: Do you know that humans can survive by eating more

  • Running On Empty

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Dec 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating


    Running on Empty July 4th, 2010 Introduction: As a teen in the70's one of the classic songs was Jackson Brown's Running on Empty. Listen to it with me. Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels Looking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields In sixty-five I was seventeen and more

  • Signs And Wonders #3: Jesus Is The Bread Of Life

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Nov 27, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In the feeding of the 5,000, we discover that the Lord is our Provider who is able to meet our spiritual and physical needs. We also see the call to radical discipleship, living a life of serving and giving.

    SIGNS AND WONDERS #3: JESUS IS THE BREAD OF LIFE REVIEW THE INTRO TO THE GOSPEL OF JOHN: • The Gospel of John is one of four accounts of the life of Jesus in the New Testament. • Purpose: “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not more

  • "Goodies, Goals, And Gimmicks” Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Mar 17, 2013

    Jesus miracle of feeding the 5,000 demonstrates some of the Steps of Salvation found in Romans 8:28-31: This miracle turned away some followers, but not those He had chosen.

    “Goodies, Goals, and Gimmicks” John 6 It is about time for some of us to be thinking about lunch and in our message for today, there were more than 5,000 people looking for lunch as Jesus was speaking. If your stomachs are empty this morning, we’re not offering free lunches today (we did that more

  • Believe In The Son And Walk The Talk Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 13, 2013

    The answer to the new atheism is the old faith, belief in Christ and reception of his forgiveness and grace.

    Monday of Third Week in Easter 2013 Gaudium et Spes It’s been a while, but some years ago I used to hear Christians using the phrase “walk the talk.” That means that what you profess with your lips you have to live with your whole person. Today we are given the first more

  • Jesus Builds His Body 12 Ways Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 31, 2007

    Are you looking for short term fixes to your life or long term solutions? Are you looking for a leader to get you out of a jam or a savior to bring you into peace?

    Years ago there was an ad campaign by a certain maker of bread: "Wonder, it builds a body 12 ways" or something like that. I sort of pictured this incredibly wonder-ful food that after you ate it you turned into Superman or something. In reality it was bread made of white flour. The problem with more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life

    Contributed by Ben Peak on Jan 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What does Christ mean when He calls Himself the Bread of Life?

    For the last few weeks we have sort of gotten off course in our Sunday evening services, but tonight I want us to again look to the book of John. We have been asking the question, “Who is Jesus?” It’s a question that can be answered from several different approaches. We can study the attributes more

  • Bread & Expectations

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jul 9, 2007
    based on 35 ratings

    1. We want a god we can control. 2. We want a god we can understand. 3. We want a god who will not make demands.

    Bread & Expectations John 6:22-35 I was watching TV not long ago — just sitting back on the couch and relaxing. I had eaten a great dinner Sue had prepared. I probably ate too much. But as I was watching a television program, I saw a guy eating a sandwich, and suddenly I had an urge for a more

  • What Do We Labor For? Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Mar 4, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    God offers a satisfaction deeper and more real than any pleasure the world provides.

    Scripture Introduction “I am the bread of life.” “I am the light of the world.” “I am the gate.” “I am the good shepherd.” “I am the resurrection and the life.” “I am the way and the truth and the life.” “I am the true vine.” Each of these seven statements by Jesus, known as the “I AM more

  • Do You Want To Leave Too? Series

    Contributed by Ron Murphy on May 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Why do people follow Christ? If not for the right reasons, they will soon fall away.

    Introduction: I. Why do people follow Christ? II. We might expect that any reason people respond to Christ would be a good reason, but that is not always the case. III. One of the more interesting facts about “church” life that I have observed is that there are many reason why people “follow” more

  • I Am The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on May 25, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    Jesus made His claims through ordinary lessons from life which people could relate to. In this case he used BREAD.

    May, 2007 I AM the Bread of Life John 6:5-58 INTRODUCTION: John chapter 6 opens with the scene where a great crowd of people have gathered to hear Jesus. It is getting late in the day; and Jesus, wanting to test Philip, asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all of these people.” Philip more

  • Sign 5 - Walking On Water Series

    Contributed by Mark Holdcroft on Jun 20, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    This is the fifth sign found in the book of John, the walking on water.

    Walking on Water During my last four Bible studies I have covered the first four signs in the book of John. I said that in the Gospel of John, he makes no secret of why he write his account of Jesus’ life. John 20:31 ... that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by more

  • Wonder Bread, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Apr 22, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The bread (manna) that the Israelites were fed in the desert foreshadowed Christ, the true bread from heaven.

    [If you would like to receive a free weekly sermon by email, please contact] REVIEW Jesus took a little boy’s lunch and miraculously multiplied it to feed a crowd of five thousand men, plus women and children (John 6:1-13). Lesson: God can use anyone to do great more

  • Fan Or Follower - What Is The Difference? Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Jan 9, 2011
    based on 31 ratings

    Probably everyone reading this likes Jesus. We like the things he said, we like the things he did. In that sense, all of us could be considered fans of Jesus. However, to truly be a Christian requires more than being a fan of Jesus. He called people t

    Fan or Follower - What is the Difference? John 6:1-29 Being a Fan requires nothing Being a Follower requires heart belief Slide Thank you Margie. We appreciate PASS and all they do to help protect the life of the unborn. I am excited to start this new year and one of the things we are doing more

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