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  • Jesus Reaches Out To Sinners Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Nov 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This message examines the shocking action of Jesus, when he reached out to Zacchaeus. Application is made to today, noting that Jesus still reaches out to sinners today.

    INTRODUCTION TO SERIES * The “Most-Shocking” video genre (i.e., Top 20 Most Shocking Boozers and Losers; Most Shocking Fights and Wild Riots; etc.) * A different kind of “most-shocking” action: the life and ministry of Jesus Christ - Christ did things that shocked those who more

  • Jesus' Advent Means Restoration

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Dec 13, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus’ Advent Means Restoration 1) For the fallen tent of David 2) For the fallen descendants of Adam

    The porch creaked. The roof leaked. The carpet hadn’t been changed since the last time the (Toronto Maple) Leafs won the Stanley Cup (‘67). For most this house would have been more nightmare than dream, but not for this couple. When they looked at the well-worn house they saw opportunity for they more

  • All Paths Lead To God... Not!

    Contributed by Monty Newton on May 5, 2012

    All religious paths do not converge at the same place, rather they diverge and end at different places... the only path that leads to salvation is the Jesus path.

    Title: All Paths Lead to God… Not! Text: Acts 4:5-12 (John 14:6) Thesis: All religious paths do not converge at the same place, rather they diverge and end at different places… the only path that leads to salvation is the Jesus path. Introduction Imagine one of our staff of teachers more

  • Solo Christo: Christ Alone Series

    Contributed by Mark Connelly on Aug 24, 2011

    In Jesus is your salvation. In Jesus is resurrection life. In Jesus is justification, the forgiveness of sins. Give your life to the one who can truly save, Jesus Christ, and him alone.

    If you missed last week, we began a four week series called Stories to Tell. For these 4 weeks I’m going to tell you 4 stories of 4 heroes of our faith, which many of you have probably never heard. My hope is that these stories give you new heroes who encourage you in new ways, and that you more

  • Real Peace - A Gift Of Salvation

    Contributed by Ronnie Mutina on Jul 30, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    Our souls are in turmoil because of the absence of real peace, which can be brought to us by the only justice that is real, through faith in Jesus Christ.

    Real Peace – A Gift of Salvation Romans 5:1 – 9 INTRODUCTION A. Paul is basically closing out his bid of showing the people of Rome salvation. B. Salvation is the key to real peace. C. As I watched a movie, “Air Force One,” there was a statement made that stuck with me. Harrison Ford, playing more

  • Jesus And Nicodemus Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Mar 13, 2001
    based on 228 ratings

    We learn that Jesus came to offer answers to our deep and longing questions

    TOWARDS EASTER 2001: JESUS AND NICODEMUS John 3:1-21 INTRODUCTION This morning I want us to meet a man and get to know him a little better than we might have before. His name is Nicodemus. There is a lot we don’t know about this man, but I think we can learn a lot about him and about Jesus from more

  • Into The Hyperlinks With Jesus

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Mar 19, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    God’s desire for us has always been that we respond to his grace with simply trust.

    Title: Into the Hyperlinks with Jesus Text: John 3:14-21 (Numbers 21:4-9 and Psalm 107:1-6) Thesis: God’s desire for us has always been that we respond to his grace in faith. Introduction It is common knowledge that Charles Colson was known as President Richard Nixon’s “hatchet man.” Slate more

  • A Picture Of Jesus

    Contributed by Don Baggett on Jun 26, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible is about Jesus, and there are many pictures of Him, even in the Old Testament where His name is not given. This message shows how Joseph is a picture of Jesus.

    I heard a preacher say that Jesus is on every page of the Bible, even when His name is not called, and if you read a page and don’t find Jesus, you need to read it again, because the Bible is about Jesus. I agree with that. Today, I want you to see some ways that Joseph gives us a picture of more

  • The Shoulders Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 6, 2014

    Exploring Isaiah's statement that "the government will be upon His shoulders." Christ the Lord bears His people on His shoulders.

    “To us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” [1] The story of the entire Bible can be told by focusing on the shoulders of mankind. In more

  • The Touch Of Jesus

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 26, 2021

    Mark is challenging the reader’s mind. Do you need more proof that the "rule of God" has arrived in Jesus? It is the story of Jairus' daughter and a healing. When Jesus returns He will touch us and reunite our body and soul. Philippians 2:30-31

    In Jesus Holy Name June 27, 2021 Text: Mark 5:28, 41 Pentecost V Redeemer “The Touch of Jesus” (read the text) Each Sunday in our journey through the Gospel of Mark, we know that Mark is asking his readers to answer these questions: Who more

  • Jesus Is More Series

    Contributed by Stephen Weatherby on Aug 16, 2021

    Jesus is More

    A few years ago, the Barna group took a survey of a large pool of Christians and discovered that 48% of the people surveyed believe that “if people are generally good, or do enough good things for others, and follow the 10 commandments...they will earn a place in heaven.” The president of the Barna more

  • Jesus Is-

    Contributed by John Oscar on May 8, 2018

    Through examining the latter part of John 5, we see who Jesus says he is.

    Jesus is____ CCCAG May 6th, 2018 That video of the Gospel of John shows us today’s scripture found in Scripture- John 5:17-47 (Title- fill in the blank) It shows us Jesus’ reaction to an accusation thrown at Him by the religious leaders of His day- ? The Accusation- “Who are you to break our more

  • Jesus And Zacchaeus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Feb 6, 2017

    This sermon focuses on the interaction between Jesus, Zacchaeus, the Pharisee's and the community at large. Lost People matter to God. You can overcome a critical spirit and God cares about families.

    We come this morning to one example of what I consider to be the most difficult part of the Bible to understand. So I’m just going to name it for what it is, right up front. This scene of Deborah calling members of the Israelite tribes into battle is just one story among many of the seemingly more

  • Who Is Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Brian Williams on Jul 13, 2023

    When you come to church, who are you looking for? When you open the scriptures, who do you see? When was the last time you personally met with the Jesus of the Bible?

    Last week, we spoke about God’s offer and our response to either walk in darkness or walk in His light. Today in John 1 we see some questions posed to who Jesus is in reality. So who is Jesus? According to the Bible, Jesus is God, the second Person of the Trinity - He always was and is. He never more

  • The Temptation Of Jesus

    Contributed by Brian Harvison on Oct 4, 2023

    Jesus endured the temptations of the devil. We can too, by putting on the armor of God.

    Temptation of Jesus Matthew 4:1-11 • Have you seen the Kid’s Candy Challenge videos? • What happens in the Kid’s Candy Challenge is the parent tells their small child or children that they can have some candy • But they have to wait until mom or dad gets back • The candy is set more

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