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  • Your Body-Investing For The Future Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Feb 10, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    Investing in our body is a sound investment that brings balance to our lives and enhances our Chrisitan service and Spiritual discipleship

    MAKING SOUND INVESTMENTS FOR THE NEW YEAR JANUARY 2, 2005 I Corinthians 6:9-11, 19-20 “Your Body—Investing for the Future” INTRODUCTION It is the beginning of a New Year. We enter this year with hopes that it will be a prosperous year in more ways than merely financial. If 2005 is to be a more

  • And He Is The Head Of The Body, The Church Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 17, 2018

    The New Testament idea of the Church is easily comprehended. It is the whole body of the faithful in Christ Jesus, who are redeemed and regenerated by His grace—the aggregate multitudes of those in heaven and on earth who love, adore, and serve the Son

    5/24/18 Tom Lowe Lesson IIB1: THE HEAD OF THE BODY, THE CHURCH (Colossians 1:18a) • Letters inside brackets [a], correspond to “Special Notes” following each verse. • NIV Bible is used throughout unless noted otherwise. Colossians 1:18a (NIV) (Text) 1:18a "And he is the head of the body, the more

  • The Responsibility Of The Body Toward The Elders Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Feb 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The body is responsible to respect, compensate, protect, rebuke, submit to and pray for the elders.

    This morning we’ll be looking at the third of four messages that deal with the Biblical model for church leadership that we are attempting to implement the very best we know how here at TFC. Since each of these messages builds on the previous ones, let’s take a moment to review what we’ve learned more

  • Your Body: A Living Sacrifice

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Dec 5, 2020

    The Lord requires our total submission to Him, living a life pleasing unto Him at all times

    Your Body: A Living Sacrifice Study Text: Romans 12: 1 - 2 Introduction: - Believers should willingly offer their bodies to God as living sacrifice for His honour, praise and glory, because of His profound mercy to us in Christ. - Our greatest desire should be to live lives of more

  • I Believe... In The Resurrection Of The Body Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Nov 23, 2001
    based on 17 ratings

    Our resurrection

    I believe in… the resurrection of the body WBC 25/11/01 pm I Cor 15:35-57 This is a fascinating part of the creed = not talking about the resurrection of Jesus’ body - we’ve already conveyed belief in that - sure, His resurrection is/was the prototype for ours (so linked in that way) = talking more

  • What It Takes To Be A Champion- The Basic Rules Series

    Contributed by Miguel Monge Jr. on Oct 19, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Life from start to finish is the most important game you will ever play! How do you win? No matter where you are across the board, come and join us as we navigate the ups and downs of the Game of Life!

    key verse: Romans 8:37 For we are more that conquerors through Christ Jesus, who gave his life for us! a) 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (New Living Translation) We use God’s mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil’s strongholds. With these weapons we break down more

  • Why Jesus Lived By The Golden Rule

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 5, 2001
    based on 84 ratings

    Reasons why Jesus preached and lived by the golden rule

    The Power of the Golden Rule (Matt 7:12-16) Illustration:George Muller (1805-1898) built many orphanages at Ashley Down, England. Without a personal salary, he relied only on God to supply the money and food needed to support the hundreds of homeless children he befriended in the name of Christ. A more

  • Playing The World's Games By God's Rules

    Contributed by Beth Garrod-Logsdon on Sep 4, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    In this parable, Jesus is teching those at the banquet how to play "musical chairs" using God’s rules not the rules of the world.

    Playing the World’s Games by God’s Rules 22nd Sunday of Orinary Time, 2007 Children’s Sermon tie-in - Luke 14:11 - Using the game of "Chutes and Ladders" we discussed and how sometimes when you think you are going to lose you land on a ladder space and move forward and sometimes when you think more

  • What God Thinks Of Our Rules Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Mar 12, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    We are freed when God breaks all our rules.

    Scripture Introduction When people picture Jesus, few imagine a man intentionally offending others. Yet that is exactly what he does in John 5. Jewish teachers had strict guidelines for keeping the Sabbath. Jesus knew them and he flaunts his disregard for their rules. It seems so reasonable to us more

  • The Golden Rule Of Parenting Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on May 10, 2008

    The mystery of marriage is a center point of God’s revelation of His desire for relationship with Man. No wonder the family is under such spiritual attack. In the series Family Matters, Pastor Terry will look at the significance of family and marriage f

    The Golden Rule of Parenting Family Matters 2007 Part 5 Text: Proverbs 3:1-6 Can you honestly think of any greater wisdom and hope for a child’s future than these? The instruction of the father is more than just to have a knowledge of God, but to give yourself to knowing Him. Parents, more

  • Three Simple Rules (Part One) Series

    Contributed by Carl Greene on Jul 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the first of a multi- part series based upon the book "Three Simple Rules," "A Wesley Way of Living" by author Rueben P. Job. The rules: 1-Do No Harm. 2-Do Good. 3- Stay In Love With God. Following these rules can transform ourselves, our comm

    Three Simple Rules A Wesleyan Way of Living Based on the book of the same name by Ruben P. Job Rules. The world, our culture, our families… all have rules. Without rules, our world would be in anarchy, chaos. Some rules are called laws. We have civil laws and criminal laws. Break a civil law more

  • #5-Jesus Came To Rule As King Series

    Contributed by Jerry Blaxton on Mar 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Fifth in a series leading up to Easter about why Jesus came.

    Sermon Notes Series: Why Did Jesus Come? Sermon: #5-Jesus Came to Reign Scripture: Luke 19: 28-40 1. In the Triumphal Entry, Jesus Declares H______________ that He Is King, v. 28-31 Jesus has great authority...over every part of who we are. … He reigns over all things. The people expected that more

  • Rules For Holy Living - Part 2

    Contributed by Peter Fisher on Jan 23, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of the words in Colossians - Compassion, Kindness, Meekness, Humility, Patience, Forgiveness, Love

    Rules for Holy living – part 2 Reminders of part 1 Margaret spoke to us last week and covered the first part of Paul's instructions to the Colossians. In case you weren't here or like me your memory isn't that good lets look back and see what Paul was saying. Take a look back at verse 1 more

  • Jesus: Rule-Giver Or Life-Giver?

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jul 15, 2011

    Being a follower of Jesus is not about adhering to a set of rules which makes your life dull, boring, and lifeless.

    Jesus: Rule-giver or Life-giver? July 10, 2011 John 2:1-11 Intro: I sat down this past week with my Bible, and decided to read the Gospel of John – I planned to read the whole thing and see if I noticed any of our popular conceptions about Jesus being dumped on their heads by the actual, more

  • The King Who Rules God's Kingdom Series

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Apr 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God has established Jesus as King over all the earth.

    First Presbyterian Church Wichita Falls, Texas April 27, 2011 THE KING WHO RULES GOD’S KINGDOM Jesus Christ -- The Center of Our Faith: Part 4 Isaac Butterworth Micah 5:1-5 (NIV) 1 Marshal your troops, O city of troops, for a siege is laid against us. They will strike Israel’s ruler more

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