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  • Called To Active Duty

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Dec 21, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    As Christians, we have been called to active duty in the war against evil.

    CALLED TO ACTIVE DUTY Text: Ephesians 6:10 – 18 I. Introduction: • p. 372 – Onward Christian Soldiers • Not sang much any more • Radio preacher “Americans think that God has called them to a playground instead of a battlefield” • We are at war! II. Body: A. Our Strength (v. 10) • It’s not more

  • Cry Out To Jesus

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Dec 21, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Remember to cry out to Jesus any time you need Him.

    CRY OUT TO JESUS Text: Psalm 70 Introduction: • Have you ever been in a situation where you needed help and you needed it right now? • Matthew 14 – Jesus walks across Sea of Galilee in midst of storm • Fear; “It is I; be not afraid” • Peter steps out on water, starts to sink; one of shortest more

  • Encouragement For Those Who Suffer

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Dec 27, 2008

    The apostle Peter gives us encouragement to help us when we suffer.

    ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER Text: 1 Peter 1:13 – 16 Introduction: • 64 AD Rome burns under Nero; Nero blames Christians • Christians around world still suffer • US suffering: verbal, emotional, or physical abuse; inciting to lose temper or to sin; hindering your service for God more

  • Five Facts You Need To Know About The Rapture

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 18 ratings

    The rapture of the church is near, and there are some things we should know about it.

    FIVE FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE RAPTURE Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 5:3 Introduction: • July 4, 1776, United States declares its independence from Great Britain • October 11, 1492, Columbus discovers America • September 11, 2001, terrorists attack the US • August 15, 1945, Japan more

  • Four Mistakes Made By A Rich Man

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is a story about a rich man that made four mistakes and lost the most important possession he could have.

    FOUR MISTAKES MADE BY A RICH MAN Text: Matthew 19:16 – 26 Introduction: • Mistakes – we all make them • Some not as serious as others • Wearing navy blue socks instead of black • Forgetting to write down a $500 withdrawal in check book • Look at four mistakes made by a rich man A. Concerning more

  • God's Measure Of Greatness

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    It’s not about how much you do; it’s about whether or not you faithfully do what He asks.

    GOD’S MEASURE OF GREATNESS Text: Matthew 19:30 – 20:16 Introduction: • Chapter 19, 20 Jesus addresses God’s measure of greatness in His kingdom • 19:3 – 12 (Pharisees; divorce) Greatness not based upon the strictness of our religious beliefs • 19:16 – 26 (Rich young ruler) Greatness not based more

  • A Study In Contrasts And Comparisons Series

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In the stories of Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood, we see several differences and similarities.

    A STUDY IN CONTRASTS AND COMPARISONS Text: Mark 5:21 – 43 Introduction:  This scripture is part of a larger narrative from 4:35 – 5:43 o 4:35 – 41 Jesus displays His power over danger o 5:1 – 20 Jesus displays His power over demons o 5:21 – 34 Jesus displays His power over more

  • An Accountability Partner

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jan 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Having trouble keeping that New Year’s resolution? Get an accountability partner!

    AN ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER Text: Ecclesiastes 4:9 – 12 Introduction: • How many of you have made New Year’s resolutions? o Read Bible, diet, quit smoking, spend more time with family, be a better Christian • How many of you have already broken your New Year’s resolutions? • Hard to commit more

  • There's No Time Like The Present

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jan 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    When offered the free gift of salvation, Felix and his wife Drusilla decided to wait for a "better time."

    THERE’S NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT Text: Acts 24:24, 25 Introduction: o In this short scripture, we have a request, a response, and a result I. The Request (v. 24) • Paul had finished his third missionary journey and was led to Jerusalem by the Holy Spirit • Stays with Philip the more

  • Everyone Loves A Scandal Series

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jan 13, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The people of Nazareth were offended at Christ teaching in their synagogue.

    EVERYONE LOVES A SCANDAL Text: Mark 6:1 – 6a Introduction: • It seems like almost everyone loves a scandal • Read about Lindsay Lohan’s latest trip to rehab in the Enquirer • Find out about the latest feud between Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie in the Star • Time magazine’s top 10 scandals more

  • Sent Forth On A Mission Series

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jan 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus sends His disciples out on their first "mission." His instructions to the twelve give us an indication of what we should do when we are sent to carry out a mission for Jesus as well

    SENT FORTH ON A MISSION Text: Mark 6:7 – 13, 30 Introduction: • 1986 decided to major in secondary education • Transferred to Ohio University • Took courses in curriculum development, educational psychology, media methods, teaching methods, and mathematics • Before I could get my diploma and more

  • The Identifying Mark Of A True Believer

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jan 20, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    We can sometimes be fooled by people who claim to be Christians but really have no relationship with Christ, but Jesus revealed a way that we could identify true believers.

    THE IDENTIFYING MARK OF A TRUE DISCIPLE Text: John 15:1 – 8 Introduction: • When I was a kid I used to watch a game show called “To Tell the Truth” • Three contestants appeared, all claiming to be the same person, and a panel of judges had to guess who was the real person by that more

  • A Goal Worth Of Effort!

    Contributed by Joanna Rose on Jan 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon speaks to a goal worth our time and effort, a goal we see modeled by the appostle Paul himself. That God would have all there is of... (fill in your name).

    Although I don’t always make New Year’s resolutions I do love moments in our lives when pause and evaluate who we are and who we would like to become. It is very easy in the busyness to keep on trekking along without ever stopping to examine where it is that we are headed. There are times when I more

  • The Difference Between Religion And Discipleship

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jun 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon outlines the difference between people who are religious and true disciples of Christ.

    The Difference Between Religion and Discipleship Text: Mark 11:12 – 26 Introduction: Are you a disciple or just a religious person? I. Religious People a. Religious people may look impressive but they produce no fruit (vv. 12 – 14) b. Religious people have different priorities than more

  • A Letter From The Lord

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jun 3, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus sent a letter to the seven churches in Asia...what if He sent a letter to our church?

    A LETTER FROM THE LORD Text: Revelation 3:7, 8 Introduction: • What if Jesus wrote us a letter like He did these seven churches in Asia? • Each letter has a commendation, a complaint, and a blessing or promise I. Commendation a. Fellowship b. Acceptance c. Tolerance d. Not more

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