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Sermons on romans gods:

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  • Romans 1 Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Nov 12, 2012

    Intro to Romans 1

    Romans 1 - Intro - 1/11/09 Turn with me this morning to Romans 1. Romans comes in the NT after the four gospels, M,M,L,J, and after the book of the Acts of the Apostles. So, we have the history of the gospel, the record of how the gospel brought change to the world, and then in Romans, we have more

  • Romans Overview Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 17, 2018

    Message 50 in our exposition of Romans looking back over the book in summary.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Romans in Review” Paul’s letter to the Romans answers some very basic and fundamental spiritual questions. What happened to our relationship with God? What are the consequences? How can it be restored? What difference should this make in how I live my more

  • An Introduction To Romans

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on Aug 22, 2013

    When you open the Bible, do you expect God to speak to you personally? If you truly believe that the Bible is God's word then you should. You see, because God loves His people, He communicates His truth to them.

    Romans An Introduction to Romans Romans 1:7a (Romans 1:7a) It is probably safe to say that there is no consensus in our society concerning God. Ideas concerning God are probably as numerous today as in any time in history. Various theories about God have always been in vogue. There is the more

  • Romans 5

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Sep 2, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We have been made right in God’s sight • Being made right means that at one point all of us were wrong • That we have gone from a place of Disobedience to Acceptance

    Review last week John 3:16 Most Famous,Gospel in Nutshell, Believe or Parish Today we are looking at Romans 5 and Paul is talking about Justification • To be made right with God Read vs 1&2 1. We have been made right in God’s sight • Being made right means that at one point all more

  • Romans Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Nov 7, 2021

    "Because" and "Therefore" as it applies to Righteousness by Faith

    November 06, 2021 Since coming to the priesthood in 1505, Martin Luther had lived in turmoil. Despite his solemn promises and very best efforts, he could not live a pious and sin free life and the thought of divine justice terrified him. After considering the advice of a superior, “Look at more

  • Funeral - Romans 8

    Contributed by Roger Haugen on Mar 28, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

    Evelyn Roske Romans 8:31-39 January 23, 2002 Rev. Roger Haugen Who shall separate us from the love of God? As Christians we declare that there is nothing in all creation which will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Those hopeful words from more

  • Romans, Part 26 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 24, 2011

    The most critical point in Christian growth is understanding that we must have a total love for God, and from that love we would be obedient to do His work in every aspect of our lives.

    Romans, Part 26 Romans 8:28-30 Introduction - Mission of our church: To connect people with Jesus Christ - How? By loving God and especially by loving our neighbor - The most critical point in Christian growth is understanding love for God; first! - If we have no love for Him, then there is more

  • Romans, Part 29 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Paul writes to the Jews in the church in Rome to describe for them the incredible acts God has already performed to bring His creation into a right relationship with Him.

    Romans, Part 29 Romans 9:16-29 Introduction - Concluding chapter 8 what we saw was a rally cry for all believers -- Living for God is a command that we each must follow, totally, and completely - Wednesday night we discussed Paul’s position as a Disciple, but also a Jew - We examined a more

  • Romans, Part 30 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 28, 2011

    Even though Israel disbelieved that Jesus was the Messiah, they are still God's chosen people and we must align with them.

    Romans, Part 30 Romans 9:30-33 Introduction - V18 – “Therefore (because of all of this), God has mercy on whom he wants” - APP: What’s the primary application? God is faithful to His promises!! -- He is not a God who plays let’s make a deal, nor is it a Burger more

  • Romans 8:28 Series

    Contributed by Peter Baumgartle on Dec 8, 2015

    Romans 8:28

    Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Great verse. Greatly abused. People use this verse to suggest that there is a silver lining for them behind every tragedy that occurs. That's not true. more

  • The Romans Road PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 2, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores our sinful nature, God's unconditional love, and the path to salvation through faith, emphasizing God's patience and His timeline.

    Good morning, family. I'm so glad to see each and every one of you here today. You know, there's a quote by Randy Alcorn that has been rattling around in my mind these past few weeks. He said, "Grace never ignores the awful truth of our depravity; in fact it emphasizes it. The worse we realize we more

  • Romans, Part 21 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 9, 2011

    Paul continues to describe the the Gentile that we are in a battle, a battle against sin and a battle to bring as many as we can to Jesus Christ. We must control our minds and become slaves to Christ in everything that we experience in life.

    Romans, Part 21 Romans 7:7-25 Introduction - Romans 7:4 – key point of bearing fruit … - Paul reminds us that we are to die to what used to control us - That is, to put off the things of this world and focus only on Kingdom issues - All that separates us from living a life for God more

  • The Roman Road

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 11, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    God Loves us so very much that He sent Jesus to die for us.

    The Roman Road July 10, 2011 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: God Loves us so very much that He sent Jesus to die for us. Focus Passage: Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, & 10:9-10, 13 Supplemental Passage: It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full more

  • Romans, Part 7 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 24, 2011

    Chapter 3 opens with Paul answering some very important questions that may have been asked by the Jews reading Chapter 2. In these questions, we see our own responsibility to not only be persons who receive the Word, but be willing to share it with other

    Romans, Part 7 Romans 3:1-8 Introduction - Between chapters 1 and 2, there have been some very interesting thoughts posed - Paul talks about the willfully ignorant, the self-righteous, and the super religious - It is in these chapters that he lays the foundation for why we needed a Savior - But more

  • Romans Extended Outline Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 17, 2018

    This is an extended outline of our study in Romans

    ROMANS EXTENDED OUTLINE I. Receive the gift of God’s righteousness (justification) by faith 1-5 A. Everyone desperately needs Christ’s righteousness 1:18-3:20 1. The self-centered hedonist is guilty 1:18-32 a) Man suppresses the truth in unacceptable behavior. b) God more