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  • Head-On Collision Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Oct 26, 2009

    Immediately after Abram gets "back to basics," a controversy develops. Did you know that "blessing" can lead to dissension? Did you know that walking in faith almost inevitably leads to opposition?

    The Head-On Collision Text: Genesis 13:1-18 When a corporation has some bad financial reverses, you are likely to read a press release that says something about getting back to the company’s core business. When a sports team gets outplayed, the coach’s press conference will usually have a statement more

  • Can You Hear Me? Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Aug 1, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We find a fruitful and productive life when we hear God’s Word, believe and understand God’s Word, and do God’s Word.

    Can You Hear Me? (Mark 4:1-20) An elderly man had serious hearing problems for a number of years. His family tried again and again to convince him to get a hearing aid. Finally he relented. He went to the doctor and was fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed him to hear 100 percent. A more

  • A Lesson From Buffalo Bill Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Sep 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    To show the “commonness” of these men & to suggests that we too are therefore candidates for service.

    A LESSON FROM BUFFALO BILL Matthew 10:1-15 Sermon Objective: To show the “commonness” of these men & to suggests that we too are therefore candidates for service. Supporting Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-13; 1 Corinthians 1:26-29; Revelation 1:5-6; 1 Peter 2:9; Isaiah 61:6, Matthew more

  • The Root Of The Problem Series

    Contributed by Mike Gilbert on Aug 2, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Why Jesus spoke in parables, and a look at the Parable of the Sower

    THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM Series: Pursuing Meaning Most of us remember Aesop’s Fables... --The wolf in sheep’s clothing teaches us that appearances can be deceiving. -The town mouse and country mouse teach us that it’s better to eat beans and bacon in safety than cakes and ale in fear. -The goose more

  • Why Is My Life A Parable? Series

    Contributed by Drew Mills on Mar 16, 2007

    to hear with ears that really hear, to prepare our “soil” for the seed of God’s Word

    The Parable of the sower, is a very familiar portion of scripture. It can be very tempting to think to yourself, "I’ve heard this story, hundreds of times before, and there is nothing new here for me." Because we think that we know this story so well, we can close our ears to what the Lord wants to more

  • Do As I Say

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Jun 20, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    The church is to be built on the firm foundation of trusting the word of God.

    June 22, 2008 Morning Worship Text: Luke 6:46-49 Subject: A Solid Foundation Title: Do as I Say Do you believe that God has a plan for your life and that He has always had the same plan? I do! I also believe that even though God’s plan for my life was to be a pastor of a church in Palmyra, MO, more

  • The Person Driven Life

    Contributed by David Hicks on Nov 16, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Much has been said about the Purpose Driven Life, but Hebrews 12 seems to focus on the person driven life, a life that is lived in devotion to Jesus Christ.

    The Person Driven Life Hebrews 12:1-3 When Lloyd Douglas, author of “The Robe”, attended college, he lived in a boardinghouse. A retired, wheelchair-bound music professor resided on the first floor. Each morning Douglas would stick his head in the door of the teacher’s apartment and ask the more

  • Seeds In The Good Soil Series

    Contributed by Eric Lenhart on Aug 13, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    Growing a mature faith in Christ.

    Seeds in the Good Soil (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23) 4th in a Series on: Parable of the Soils Introduction: “Four-year-old Jason was visiting his grandparents. Grandpa was in his study intently reading. Jason walked in carrying a peach, said something Grandpa didn’t catch, and handed more

  • But I Thought They Were Saved!

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 22, 2014

    You can't be a backslider unless you slid forward to begin with!

    This week we take another break from our series in Revelation with a look at the topic of losing one's salvation. Rather than to look at the doctrine of Eternal Security in depth, we will take a short look at it tomorrow then look at some of the reasons that people think that a person can lose more

  • Seeds Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 11, 2014

    Jesus teaches of the ways people receive the truth.

    A pastor once preached on this passage: A mother of 12 came forward, concerned that her life has not produced any eternal fruit. She told the pastor, “I am not sure that with my responsibilities, I have time to do anything of value to God.” The pastor tried to comfort the lady, prayed more

  • Answering The Skeptics Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Mar 5, 2016

    This sermon outlines five ways in which Christians can present the Gospel message to unbelievers in a God-fearing manner.

    ANSWERING THE SKEPTICS So far we have answered some really difficult questions that are often posed by non-believers. First, how can God be just when he allows the innocent to suffer and second, is our faith blind. Today we are going to look at the third difficult question: Question #3: How more

  • A Coat Of Many Colors - #8 Yellow Series

    Contributed by Ronnie Thrower on Oct 9, 2013

    This is study about the different color’s that could have been used in Joseph’s coat. Hopefully through this study, we can get a better understanding of the message Jacob (Israel) was imparting to Joseph.

    This was a series of messages on the coat of many colors – Power point is available through E-Mail Several Illustrations, points, and the main idea for this series of sermons dealing with the coat of many colors was from James May’s sermon, “A Coat Of Many more

  • "Let's Make A Deal" Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Aug 24, 2014

    Life is always tempting us with doors number 1, 2, or 3. It takes wisdom, prayer, planning, preparation, and pusuing godly counsel to make the right choice.

    This morning we are going to play a game that became very popular in the seventies and continues today. It’s called “Let’s Make A Deal.” Do you remember it? People would dress up in the most silliest of costumes in hopes of being selected to play in the game. If you were more

  • Surviving A Blowout

    Contributed by Kelly Benton on Aug 4, 2014
    based on 29 ratings

    To share how to survive a blowout and how it can relate to us spiritually speaking.

    Last week on my way home from Belleville, KS I had a blowout on our Excursion. If you have ever experienced a blowout, you know how scary and dangerous of a thing it is. I truly felt that God wanted me to give this message on surviving a blowout after I read of another blow out that occurred less more

  • A Holey Lifestyle Series

    Contributed by Chris Mccarthy on Jan 4, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This series is a study of the seven deadly sins contrasted with solutions found in the Beatitudes from Matthew 5. This first sermon uses the Parable of the Sower to introduce the series.

    A Holey Lifestyle Seven Sins and Solutions Preached by Chris McCarthy at Northampton Church of Christ ( on 1.2.11 *** Note to Sermon Centrists: I drew a lot of content for this sermon series from “Seven” by Jeff Cook. Read it for good measure. Isaiah 6:1 In the year that more

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