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  • The Anointing Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Feb 21, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Mark contrasts the full commitment of Mary with Judas who moves his commitment to Jesus aside in favor of something else. We all know how that turned out.

    A man was shopping for a valentines day gift for his wife and as he passed the cosmetics counter it occurred to him that perfume would be the perfect gift. So he asked the sales representative to show him some of the most popular brands of perfume. The first bottle she brought out was $150. “That’s more

  • Conflict Of The Mind

    Contributed by Mark Holdcroft on Mar 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Lust and pornography are enemies that want to destroy men and women of God. This sermon aims to give the listener some weapons to use in the battle.

    Conlict of the mind The challenge to keep your mind pure is a battle that many Christian men and women struggle with. This is particularly in the area of lust and pornography. This is an area that has caused many great men and women of God to fall. Only recently, Ted Haggard, the founder and more

  • When The Chips Are Down-Gambling & The Bible

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Feb 17, 2005
    based on 50 ratings

    Biblical principles and scriptures which contradict the concept of gambling. Powerpoint at website.

    When the Chips are Down—Gambling & the Bible Acts 19:21-29; 1 Timothy 6:9-6:18 ; Col. 3:2 Powerpoint and formatted sermon at The Governor’s budget speech this week left some unanswered questions about gambling expansion. Dozens of bills are more

  • Views Of The Cross-Jews Series

    Contributed by Tyler Edwards on Apr 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The cross is a stumbling block to the Jews.

    Crucifixion in the Jewish Mind March 2, 2008 Views of the Cross: Jewish Understanding the Cross is vital to understanding Christ. Understanding Christ is vital to following Him. Following Him is vital to the life of a Christian. Basically if you truly want to be a Christian…you have to more

  • Together We Win! Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Dec 10, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    If we as God’s family will follow Christ together, we can win in the life struggles we face.

    Together We Win! Text: Acts 18:1-11 Intro: Patrick Henry once said, “United we stand, divided we fall.” This slogan proves true in politics, business, and many other areas. Even the animal kingdom understands the strength and safety in staying together. Predators generally go after the stragglers more

  • The Amour Of God

    Contributed by Roger Whipp on Jun 14, 2015

    Introduction to Ephesians and Spiritual Warfare. Wear the armour of God at all times as satan will attack those in ministry and servants of God especially when they are being effective. We are in a spiritual battle.

    EPHESIANS INTO & Ch.6 v10-18 The Amour of God I am thrilled at being the person to start this sermon series of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Why thrilled? Because although written to the Ephesians it has such a relevance to us and our church today. I want you to be encouraged and also to be more

  • A Transformed Name Series

    Contributed by Chris Heimsoth on Aug 1, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    7th Sermon in our Action in Acts series, preached on June 19th, it was leading into the summer were continuity and attendance start to decline. This sermon is focusing on the transformation of Saul, the stretching of Annanias and how God wants to change u

    Action – A transformed name I was watching the news reports of the rioting in Vancouver after game 7 this week and was struck by two things, how dangerous people can be when they start going down that path and the danger that is our reaction to it, thinking that there is no way we would ever more

  • Loving My Enemies

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Feb 20, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    1. Jesus is teaching us to stop the cycle of violence and revenge. 2. Jesus is sayi8ng that we have nothing to fear, and there is therefore no reason to seek revenge. 3. Jesus is telling us to take on the nature of God.

    • In the movie “Fiddler on the Roof”, Tevye and his neighbors have been informed that the Tsar has evicted all Jews from their village and confiscated their land. There is a great upheaval and anger in the community, as you can imagine. If someone told this to you and all the more

  • The People Called Christians Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 3, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    “Christian” is one of the most abused words in our language. It is often used to signify people who are non-Jewish, non-Muslim, or nonheathen. It doesn’t necessarily mean, “Those who profess to believe in Christ.” All you have to do to have this hit ho

    The People Called Christians Acts 11:19-26 Introduction “Christian” is one of the most abused words in our language. It is often used to signify people who are non-Jewish, non-Muslim, or nonheathen. It doesn’t necessarily mean, more

  • Authentic Servants Of God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on May 3, 2023

    Paul took us on a look at the message of the Gospel, its messengers, ministry and our trust in the Master of the work of the Gospel. He helped us understand the endurance we need, the character and nature of the ministry.

    2 Cor 6:3-13 Authentic Servants of God Paul has been writing in answer to his critics and in defence of his ministry. • This was necessary because false teachers had sown discord among them, challenging Paul’s authority, questioning his motive in ministry and casting doubt on his character. • Why more

  • Jehoahaz Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Oct 2, 2022

    Sermon introduces the church to the era covering the last three kings of Judah (minus Zedekiah) and how it closely mirrors American today.

    Three Kings- 1 CCCAG, September 11th, 2001 Scripture: 2 Kings 23:30-35 Today we are going to begin a short series of three messages detailing the lives of the last three kings of Judah that ruled after Josiah died. I say 3 and not 4 because I’m not including Zedekiah as he was not a true king, more

  • Wrestling With God

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Dec 3, 2022


    Genesis 32:24”Then Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak.” INTRO: I was stuck with the above scripture for several hours, I just couldn’t move, during the reading of this portion, I was going through certain deep trials in my own life, after two decades of ministry, more

  • Lessons In Courage Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Thomas Bartlett on Oct 25, 2019

    In Acts 24, he finds himself in a Roman court, defending himself from false charges made by the leaders of what amounted to the Jewish Supreme Court.

    ACTS Lessons in Courage Part 5 Dr. Tom Bartlett October 20, 2019 Acts 24:1-27 (ESV) OUTLINE When you’re misunderstood, lied about, plotted against, and falsely charged • LISTEN IN PEACE WITH PATIENCE And after five days the high priest Ananias came down with some elders and a spokesman, one more

  • Sermon # 7 - Watch And Pray Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jun 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus wanted His disciples to tarry with Him in prayer at a most crucial hour, but they were overcome with sleep. If we can set aside some distractions and discipline ourselves to spend time with God we will experience wonderful transformation in our lives.

    We read in Mark 14:37, He went back and found them asleep. He said to Peter, "Simon, are you sleeping? Couldn't you stay awake for one hour? (GW) As Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, he instructed his disciples to tarry in prayer right where they were, when He went on further more

  • Blessed And Holy Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jul 10, 2024

    Exploring the reward of the tribulation saint and the reward in heaven for the believer

    Blessed and Holy 7 Blessings of Revelation Series CCCAG 7-7-24 Scripture- Rev 20:4-6 Last Sunday Tammie and I took a long drive into the backroads of the county, and we were talking about the riots that happened in Kenosha, and how a lot of the buildings downtown were damaged or burned down. All of more

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