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  • Sinners Welcome

    Contributed by Jonathan Meyer on Sep 22, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Whether we know it or not, we are all lost. Jesus comes seeking us, calling us to repentance, and He welcomes sinners to His feast of victory.

    There’s a story I read about a pastor who was called to see a young man, John, dying of a terrible disease. The young man was once a member of this pastor’s congregation. He had received all of the good Christian education and training, growing up; he was baptized and confirmed—the typical more

  • What To Wear - What To Wear

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Oct 7, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    All are invited to the kingdom of heaven, without exception.

    Matthew 22:1-14 What to Wear – What to Wear This is a very interesting parable. “The kingdom of heaven” is like a certain king who planned a large festive wedding for his son. Invitations were sent out to invite the king’s friends and select subjects. One would think an honor at best just to be more

  • Jeremiah, Jesus And Our Evangelical Call Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 2, 2018

    This Advent, try to spend more time and effort and even money in preparing yourself and helping others to welcome the Lord at Christmas than you spend on presents.

    First Sunday of Advent 2018 Jeremiah has to be one of the saddest prophets of any age of the Hebrew people. His message could be summarized in one word–disaster. It was a disaster for the people who were delivered from Egypt by God through Moses, who were led through the desert, given the land of more

  • What You Were, What You Are Series

    Contributed by Nickolas Kooi on Jun 22, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    It is interesting to see what we once were and to compare it with what we are. Paul does that in Romans 6 as he says we once were slaves to sin, but now are slaves to righteousness.

    Flipping through old photo albums, or even Facebook photos, can be a very interesting thing. It is neat to see what you were compared to what you are now. It can be interesting to see how you used to look and dress compared to how you do currently. Sometimes it can make you say, “What was I more

  • "Crying Uncle"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Oct 20, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    This is a sermon based on a parable about a God Who does not play favorites for a people who do.

    Luke 18:9-14 “Crying Uncle” You gotta love how this parable starts out: “To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable…” Amazing, in many ways, not much has changed. I suppose there have always more

  • Is God A Tiger Parent?

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Sep 26, 2011

    Ideally, when a Christian's profession and practice meet... it's a match.

    Title: Is God a “Tiger” Parent? Text: Matthew 21:23-32 Thesis: Ideally, when a Christian’s profession and practice meet… it’s a match! Introduction The meat of our story today is about a father who had two sons whom he asked to work in his vineyard. Adrian more

  • Fig Leaf Fashions

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Dec 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about the futility of trying to cover our sins by human effort.

    Fig Leaf Fashions Genesis 3:1-21 Scripture Reading (6-7) I. The Cause for the Fig Leaf Fashions v. 1-7a A. The serpent scheming Let's start with some background. Adam and Eve are living in the Garden of Eden, Paradise. In Chapter 2:16,17 God has given them a simple instruction. Whenever I more

  • The Pharisees' Blindness

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 10, 2015

    To show that self-righteousness need to be surrendered to the LORD and with humility and acceptance that one is a sinner, we can accept the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a Pharisee?(self-righteous) Only CHRIST knows my heart, If I were I would not have accepted the LORD. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that self-righteousness need to be surrendered to the LORD and with humility and acceptance that one is a sinner, more

  • Be Humble, Everyone.

    Contributed by Neal Gracey on May 15, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    How do you and I avoid self-exaltation? How does your church avoid it? Beloved, humility is a matter of the heart and a complete understanding of our relationship with the Lord.

    Be Humble, Everyone! This story told by Jesus is a familiar one to many. It’s the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector from Luke 18:9-14. I won’t go into the parable itself; we can do that in class, but this story does remind me of several people I know and you probably know more

  • God Will Protect And Reward

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 6, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    I. EXORDIUM: When you have God, you have everything. Who have God, please raise your hands. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: General believers III. OBJECTIVES: Emphasize importance of God in our lives. IV. TEXT: Genesis 15:1 Some time later, a

    I. EXORDIUM: When you have God, you have everything. Who have God, please raise your hands. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: General believers III. OBJECTIVES: Emphasize importance of God in our lives. IV. TEXT: Genesis 15:1 Some time later, a message came from the LORD to Abram in a vision: "Don't be more

  • Nic At Nite

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Jun 10, 2012

    Sermon on the difference between a do and a done salvation experience.

    “Nic at Nite” John 3:1-11 John 3:1 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: 2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with more

  • Rejoicing In The Holy Spirit--Our Names Are Written In Heaven Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 30, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We should also rejoice, always. How do you do that when things are going wrong? Trust in God and make an act of thanksgiving for how Our Lord will bring good out of evil.

    Tuesday of the 1st Week of Advent 2019 St. Francis Xavier To be poor is to be weak. It has ever been thus in this valley of tears. The Torah, the first five books of the OT, clearly tells judges not to consider the wealth or poverty of the people who apply for justice to their courts. But we know more

  • The Remnant Is Not A Shield

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Apr 19, 2022

    Nations do not get too comfortable thinking God is always on your side including you, America.

    Ezekiel 14:12 The word of the LORD came again to me, saying, 13 Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it: more

  • Josiah Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 22, 2022

    When he became king, Josiah was eight years old, and he reigned for 37 years. Josiah was the last king before the exile. He destroyed all pagan idols and altars and insisted his people worship the one God.

    Josiah When he became king, Josiah was eight years old, and he reigned for 37 years. Josiah was the last king before the exile. He destroyed all pagan idols and altars and insisted his people worship the one God. Josiah was the 16th king of Judah. According to the Hebrew Bible, he instituted major more

  • Do Not Give Place To The Devil Through Anger

    Contributed by Glynda Lomax on Feb 1, 2022

    The wages of sin is always death. Whenever you sin, look at your life and realize that death is coming to something in it. Anger sins often bring death to relationships. They can bring death to trust, to jobs, to friendships, you name it.

    So today I want to talk to you about anger, specifically the kind of anger that causes outbursts, especially if those outbursts are way out of proportion to the situation at hand. The reason we are talking about this NOW is a lot of folks have been struggling with this and I think it could be an more

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