
Summary: Bad Attitudes Self-righteous attitudes that say I am right and others are flat out wrong.

Bad Attitudes

Self-righteous attitudes that say I am right and others are flat out wrong.

Taking credit for every good thing that happens

Prideful thinking

Refusal to forgive others

Indifference to those who have experience adversity, tragedy or loss

Cold, callous, and calculating thinking that looks for a selfish advantage in every situation

Brazen indifference to the hurts of others

Tough and rough



Hard hearted and uncaring

Live and let live attitude that just takes life as it comes

Narrow minded thinking that is content to stay in the arena of what is familiar and comfortable

Fighters who are willing to pick a brawl at anytime about anything with anyone

Nit-pickers who are so eager to point out the exception to every rule

Vengeful who feel that they have to get even with anyone who does them wrong

Those who have a persecution complex

Those who grow bitter and resentful

Those who are loath to thank others for help

Those who are so heavenly minded that they are of little earthly good

Trouble-making attitudes that are eager to get into a fight, a debate or a confrontation in order to prove one's point of view

Christ's Be-Attitudes

A realization that we all have sinned and fallen short of God's standards of holiness

Giving credit to the Lord for power of His grace in working all things together for good

Humble thinking

Forgiving others as we have been forgiven by God

Caring, considerate and compassionate to those who have undergone great sorrow, adversity or loss

A mind given over to looking for how God's will may be accomplished in every situation

Compassionate concern for the hurting and needy

Courageous and caring

Hungering and thirsting for God's righteousness and His purposes to be accomplished

Diligently seeking after God's purposes and results

Merciful, gentle and considerate

An attitude that is governed by the mind, will and emotions of Christ Jesus

Broad mindedness that is willing to learn new things from anyone at anytime in any situation

Gentle people who are able to overlook others faults and recognize that we all have logs in our own eyes

Macroscopic thinkers who are able to balance their thinking with the detailed concerns of others

Forgiving people who recognize that vengeance belongs only to the Lord. He will repay

Those who are happy to identify with Christ's sufferings so that they may know Him better

Those who are able to become better through every trial, tribulation or adversity

Those who are constantly showing their appreciation for others' service and contributions

Those who are setting their minds on things above so that they are able to handle every situation from an eternal perspective

Peace-makers that are willing to meet another at some point of collaboration so that both parties feel that their contribution was important

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