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  • Mensaje A La Iglesia De Efeso #1 Series

    Contributed by David Israel Guajardo Valle on Jul 21, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    El mensaje a la iglesia en Éfeso se encuentra en Apocalipsis 2:1-7. Aquí, Jesús, a través de una revelación dada a Juan, se dirige a la iglesia de Éfeso, la primera de las siete iglesias mencionadas en el Apocalipsis.

    Texto de Apocalipsis 2:1-7 (RVR1960) 1 "Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Éfeso: El que tiene las siete estrellas en su diestra, el que anda en medio de los siete candeleros de oro, dice esto: 2 Yo conozco tus obras, y tu arduo trabajo y paciencia; y que no puedes soportar a los more

  • Engañado Por Un Profeta Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Aug 2, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Los pastores deben preparar a sus congregaciones para poner a prueba mensajes proféticos utilizando principios bíblicos. Esta serie enseña principios para hacerlo. Este mensaje utiliza lecciones de la historia de 1 Reyes 13

    Introducción La semana pasada enseñamos sobre el tema de probar la profecía. ¿Cómo sabemos que un sueño, una visión, una palabra que alguien está compartiendo es verdaderamente del Señor? E incluso si es del Señor, ¿lo estamos interpretando more

  • First Love Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Aug 4, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Starting with the church of Ephesus, this sermon explains the relevance of what was happening in this church and how it matches what we see today.

    Ephesus: Rekindling Your First Love 7 Church’s In Revelation Series CCCAG 8-4-24 -Scripture- Rev 2:1-7 Overview- We just completed a series that discussed the 7 blessings found in the book of Revelation. Now we are going to stay in Revelation for the next several weeks and look at the 7 Churches more

  • A Fresh Encounter With God

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Sep 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    God’s desire is that we experience a fresh encounter with Him. But what does a fresh encounter look like? To answer this question let’s see what a fresh encounter with God looks like through Jesus’s letter to the Ephesian church and in the life of the prophet Isaiah.

    A Fresh Encounter with God Revelation 2:1-7 Watch on YouTube channel: As we begin our series, “Energized to Engage,” which is speaking to our vision on how we can energize our transformation so that we can be those disciples of Jesus, engaging our world more

  • God’s Blessings Can Be Lost

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Sep 12, 2024

    As we go through our Christian, let us guard against our loss of love for Jesus. In our walk we sometimes feel that we got it and there is nothing more to do for the Lord.

    Good morning my fellow believers in Christ Jesus. Today we are going to examine a passage in the book of Revelation that speaks of a church that was admonished by Jesus, letting them know that they have become lazy in their love for the Lord. They have gotten to the point where they feel that they more

  • The Seven Churches Of Revelation - Lesson 3 Series

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Feb 19, 2024

    In this lesson, we look at the Church at Ephesus.

    NOTE: New Light Faith Ministries and Barry Johnson Ministries, founded by Rodney V. Johnson and Barry O. Johnson, respectively, are partnering to offer Bible studies for Christians who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is a Bible study lesson, not a sermon. The Bible more

  • Revelation Lesson #3 Series

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Mar 13, 2024

    We have seen Jesus is in the midst of all congregations of the ‘church’; body of Christ. Each congregation and all members of the body are represented by the seven candles on the candlestick. Now we will see ‘seven churches’

    Welcome to our study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ given unto Apostle John. I am Phillip Smith, your host and fellow servant of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. DISCLAIMER: I am not a university trained Theologian. I do not believe one must have a college degree to understand the prophecy of more

  • Mail Call: Ephesus Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Feb 18, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    A look at the 7 letters to the churches and what that means for us.

    Mail Call: Ephesus Revelation 2:1-7 February 19, 2023 Have you ever had someone looking over your shoulder trying to see what you were reading? Maybe you’re on a crowded plane and the person sitting next to you is as engrossed in your book as you are. Or you’re enjoying a cup of coffee, and more

  • The Historical Fate Of The Seven Churches In The Book Of Revelation

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jan 26, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    There are many good studies and observations about the seven churches from a spiritual perspective that can be applied to churches today. However, this study will not address them, but rather review the actual history of the churches and where they are today (2024).

    In the Book of Revelation, Jesus sent a message to seven churches that were located in the western part of Asia Minor, directly south of the Black Sea. The word "church" is translated from the Greek word "ekklesia" which means the people of God, the whole collective body of more

  • Todays Average Church’s Condittion

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Mar 21, 2022

    If all Churches were in shape to serve this world would be better off.

    TODAYS AVERAGE CHURCH’S CONDITTION Revelation 2:1—7 They are dead,cold formal religious . Most are afraid they will disturb uncaring saints. Distress the sophisticated sinner Diligent in service Ver.1-2 Busy going to meetings Buying and selling materials more

  • Conform To God, Not Society

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Oct 7, 2021

    Do not let society determine how you are to conform to the Bible. God must come before society. Today's society will try to drag you into its evil ways. Rely upon Jesus to help you so that does not happen.

    Conform to God, not society Revelation 2:1-7 Michael H. Koplitz This letter that we find in Revelation chapter two verses one through seven is a letter that was sent to the messenger at the church at Ephesus in Asia Minor. The letter starts with compliments from Jesus about the good works that more

  • The Seven Churches Of Asia Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Aug 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Study #1: This introduction contains and quick overview of The Seven Churches of Asia, showing how they represent periods of time in the church age, culminating with the present day; thus showing that we are nearing the end.

    NOTE: This Bible study on the end times comes from the perspective of a pre-tribulation Rapture. Introduction Throughout history people have found Revelation to be a confusing book, and some have even said that it is completely useless. So, why in the world should we study Revelation? Turn more

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