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  • The Conqueror From Edom

    Contributed by David Leach on Apr 13, 2015

    From the Book “Saved and Kept – Counsels to Young Christians” by F B Meyer

    From the Book “Saved and Kept – Counsels to Young Christians” By: F B Meyer - (the words in italics were added to the original text) Chapter 11 - THE CONQUEROR FROM EDOM ISAIAH 63:1 Who is this who comes from Edom, from the city of Bozrah, with his clothing more

  • Implications From Jesus’ Burial & Resurrection-4(2024)

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Apr 23, 2024

    4 of 4. Luke lays out the historicity of Jesus’ burial & resurrection. Jesus was dead, buried, & resurrected. But What details surround His burial & resurrection? 13 implications from the details surrounding Jesus’ burial & resurrection.

    IMPLICATIONS From JESUS’ BURIAL & RESURRECTION-IV—Luke 24:12(Luke 23:50--24:12) Attention: Police Harassment(Implicate/Implications): The Campbell River, British Columbia, Royal Canadian Mounted Police station received this question from a resident through the feedback section of the more

  • Resurrection Power!

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on Sep 19, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    Sermon on resurrection power

    RESURRECTION POWER! PHILIPPIANS 3:10-11 05/31/95 Go over to light switch. Here is a source of power. When I turn on this switch power in the form of electricity flows through the switch and into the lightbulb, thus giving us light. Now in the case of this power there are four things which I more

  • Resurrection Hope

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Apr 26, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    What day describes your life? Are you living in a perpetual “Thursday” struggling to make it while your world seems to be falling apart? Is your life another “Friday” watching your hopes and dreams slowly die? Have you awakened again to a cold dark lif

    RESURRECTION HOPE The Power to Live Again Philippians 3:10-11 Their world was beginning to fall apart. Their leader spoke of betrayal and death. They hoped this was just another of the teacher’s stories He would so often use to teach them important lessons about the Kingdom of God; surely He more

  • The Radical Resurrection

    Contributed by Michael Vosbrink on Apr 16, 2007

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ radically affects the world

    Statistically, 3 out of 4 adults in the US believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, according to a study conducted by the Center for Missional Research, NAMB. The issue, then, is not the fact of proving to you that Jesus died and rose from the dead; rather, what difference does that more

  • Jesus:dead Or Alive? Why Does It Matter? Series

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Apr 5, 2007
    based on 35 ratings

    Why Christ’s followers are so pumped up about the resurrection of Jesus.

    We’re going to continue our Easter worship celebration by answering a very important question: “Why should it matter to me whether or not Christ is dead or alive?” Christ’s followers make a big deal that on the first Easter Jesus was alive even though three days earlier He had suffered and more

  • 5 Blessings Of The Resurrection

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Apr 7, 2007
    based on 25 ratings

    The one who had opened blind eyes, made the lame to walk again, and the deaf to hear. The one who could raise the dead-was dead Himself! They placed Him in a tomb, sealed the door, and placed guards at the door. At that moment the devil rejoiced; he thoug

    5 Blessings of the Resurrection Text: Matthew 28:1-8 Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. 2 And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and more

  • What Does A Dead Church Look Like?

    Contributed by John Nadasi on May 1, 2003
    based on 160 ratings

    What does the death of a church look like? What does it take for new life to take place?

    Luke 24: 36-48 Paonia United Methodist Church May 4, 2003 A young, ambitious pastor was called to serve in a certain church. He was warned by his predecessor that this congregation was "dead".. It was not even worth trying to save it. But this pastor accepted the call because he believed with more

  • The Power Of The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 5, 2021

    The good news of Easter is that the power to conquer death is already available to those who will humble themselves to receive it as a gift.

    For the man who has everything there is now a solar-powered headstone. John Dilks, a computer engineer for Western Electric designed this headstone with a recording device and a video display screen, which will display a biographical account and a computerized photograph. Dilks Creative Tombstone more

  • Faith Is Dead Series

    Contributed by Tyler Edwards on May 12, 2010

    Something is missing from the church today, and people are starting to notice. Too often the church fails to offer what it advertises: life.

    1. Something is happening (Preview to a Vision week 1) January 10, 2010 A Faith without Works is Dead About 40 years ago there was a famous tightrope walker named George Blondin. As a publicity stunt he decided to walk across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. On the appointed day they stretched a more

  • What If There Was No Resurrection?

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Apr 3, 2018

    This message was preached on Resurrection Day at our Sunrise Service where we also observed the Lord's Supper.

    What is so important about today? What is the significance of this morning? According to the Freedom from Religion Website: Many bible scholars and ministers--including one third of the clergy in the Church of England--reject the idea that Jesus bodily came back to life. So do 30% of so-called more

  • Why Do You Seek The Living Among The Dead?

    Contributed by James Snyder on Apr 1, 2013

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the defining factor of the Christian life bringing us into full harmony with God.

    For the Christian, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important thing to celebrate. Christianity is the only “religion” that suffers abuse because of its holidays. Imagine if we would start making fun of the pagan holidays? Or what about other religion's holidays? What about more

  • The God Of The Living Not The Dead

    Contributed by William Baeta on Nov 7, 2001
    based on 59 ratings

    “Even Moses showed that the dead rise, for he calls the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive.”

    Theme: The God of the living not the dead Text: Dan. 12:2-4; 2 Thess. 2:16-3:5; Lk. 20:27-38 One of the great themes of biblical revelation is that of the resurrection and in the words of Paul God “according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the more

  • The Joy Of Easter

    Contributed by Geoffrey Foot on Apr 24, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Easter is the most fantastic time of the year, a time to be positive and time of joy. Christ is risen from the dead, death has lost its sting.

    The Joy of Easter Easter is a celebration of Christ’s victory over death and our hope for eternal life - surely if ever there was anything this gives us hope it is this - the Resurrection. Easter day for me is the most positive day in the year, a day of Joy and Sunshine, a day of happiness and more

  • Why The Resurrection Is So Important Series

    Contributed by Brett Crosson on Jun 17, 2019

    Christ rose from the dead. This reality impacted Christ’s Lordship, the devil’s defeat, and our salvation. It also releases power into our lives for effective living.

    1 Cor 15 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. more

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