Sermon Series
  • 1. Then Came The Morning

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    God has always been a morning person, and it fits all we know of God that he would raise his Son up from the grave on a Sunday Morning.

    Louis Evans told of the soldier who was wounded on the battlefield at night. He could not move or speak, but he could see the lanterns of the medics as they made their way from body to body. Finally a lantern was shining down on him, and after they examined his wounds one of them said, "I more

  • 2. A Risen Redeemer

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    We want to consider the great story of the resurrection from the point of view of the women who came to the tomb with no hope of a resurrected Jesus.

    Back in 1851 two missionaries, one English and the other American, were walking past the temple of Siva in Tanjore, India. They noticed the people carrying out one of the brass idols. It was a hot sunny day and the idol had become heated. One of the worshipers happened to touch it, and feeling more

  • 3. The Reality Of The Resurrection

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    The very group of men Jesus hand picked to be the foundation on which He would build His church were the first body of skeptics in the Christian church.

    Ministers frequently call at a home when the man alone is there, and he will respond in some such manner as this: "I'm sorry my wife isn't home. She takes care of the religious matters in our home." I have not just read about this, but have experienced it, and have wondered how more

  • 4. Road To Emmaus

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We want to follow two of these discouraged disciples and look at the three stages they passed though in coming to experience the joy and victory of Easter.

    During the early part of the World War II, the crew of a vessel in the Caribbean Sea had an experience that illustrates the theme we want to consider on this Easter morning. As reported by Walter Maier, this vessel was carrying a cargo of oil, and was suddenly attacked by an enemy submarine. It more

  • 5. The Easter Potential

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    Easter is the day God made it clear to man that faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to find the fountain of life. He, and He alone, has the power to make life immortal.

    One of the reasons that Ferdinand and Isabella supported Columbus in his scheme to find a new world was their hope that he would also find the fountain of life. When Columbus landed he searched for it, and he questioned the Indians about the legendary fountain that would make old men young again. more

  • 6. Believe It Or Not

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    Believe it or not, there was not a single Christian who even showed a sign of belief in the resurrection of Christ until they were compelled to believe by His very appearance.

    An Irishman on holiday in New York went into a drug store and asked for a small tube of toothpaste. When the clerk handed him a tube he noticed it was marked large. "I'd rather have a small one," he said. "Listen bud," the clerk replied. "In this country more

  • 7. The Easter Garden

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    God started human history in a garden, and Jesus began a new history of salvation in the Easter garden which gave to man new life, new joy, and new hope.

    A son kept asking his father questions until he was bugged. He decided and try to quench the lad's curiosity with the old cliche, "Remember, curiosity killed the cat." The son replied, "What was the cat curious about dad?" The plan backfired, for the boy was even more

  • 8. Tears At The Tomb

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    John makes Mary the first to see the risen Christ, and the first to have her tears of grief wiped away by the reality of the resurrection.

    It I had a dollar for every tear shed by men and women if the Bible, I would be a wealthy man, for the Bible is a book soaked with the tears of the saints. The weeping of the wicked and the sobs of sinners added to the tears of the saints makes a salty sea of liquid. Not only was Jesus a man of more

  • 9. The Radical Resurrection

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    Jesus was the most radical personality whoever walked this planet, and He made the most radical claims, and did the most radical things, and at the center of it all is the radical resurrection.

    What is the most radical thing that could happen to you after you die? Death is not the last chapter in the biography of anyone. Things have a way of happening even after you are dead. Pastor Leland Botjen of Spokane, Washington almost left the ministry after his first funeral. The family of the more

  • 10. The Last Breakfast

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The Lord's supper was prepared by others, but the Lord's breakfast is really just that, it is the Lord's breakfast that He prepared Himself. This is the only men's breakfast we read about in the Bible, and the Lord of the universe is both the host and the cook.

    The Bible says God's mercies are new every morning, and the result is that many of His blessings have come to His people at breakfast. Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China Inland Mission, tells of this event in his life as he prepared to go to China. When he got to China he knew he would more

  • 11. The Power Of The Resurrection

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    The good news of Easter is that the power to conquer death is already available to those who will humble themselves to receive it as a gift.

    For the man who has everything there is now a solar-powered headstone. John Dilks, a computer engineer for Western Electric designed this headstone with a recording device and a video display screen, which will display a biographical account and a computerized photograph. Dilks Creative Tombstone more

  • 12. The Power Of The Resurrection

    Contributed on Mar 5, 2021

    The power of the resurrection took histories saddest event-the crucifixion, and changed it into the center of our Christian focus of joy. The cross is now history's greatest symbol of love, forgiveness, and hope.

    John Scott Harrison was the only man in the history of our nation who was the son of one president and the father of another. A man of such distinction you would think would be treated with great respect in his death, but the fact was, nobody was safe in 1878 when he died. Body snatching was at a more