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  • Looking For The Savior To Appear

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Dec 5, 2013
    based on 10 ratings

    Simeon lived his life looking for the appearing of the Savior... Are you doing the same?

    LOOKING FOR THE SAVIOR TO APPEAR Luke 2:22-36 When Jesus was born many people claimed to be expecting His arrival. But when surveying the scriptures it becomes clear that many people missed Him. While it is certain that many did see Him, many more rejected Him. The Apostle John said - "He more

  • Keeping Up Appearances Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Mar 9, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Do we equate the things we love about our Churches with the authority of Scripture? You bet we do.

    What is the most authoritative part of the Bible? Is the New Testament the most authoritative part of the Bible? The New Testament is the New Covenant that Jesus Christ gave to us, that sure is a powerful thing. Could the Gospels be the most authoritative part of the Bible, because they are about more

  • "For Grace Appeared"

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Apr 1, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The Redeeming, Reforming, Rewarding work of Grace

    “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who more

  • Appearances Can Be Deceiving

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Apr 14, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    tonight, in our passage of Scripture, the writer of Hebrews is going to tell us that in our Christian life things are not always the way they appear on the surface- that appearances can be deceiving.

    Appearances Can Be Deceiving Wed. Night March 18th 2009 Hebrews 2:8-18 Introduction Things are not always what they seem to be. You watch the previews on your TV set of a new movie showing at the theatre and you think to yourself that’s got to be one that you have to go see. You go see it and it more

  • Two Kinds Of Appearances

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Dec 27, 2021

    For many today, life is all about appearances. We live in an age where people want to APPEAR one way but the reality is the opposite of their appearance.

    Illus: During the Oscars in Hollywood in 2004, the actors and actresses tried to give the impression that they cared about poverty. Listen, if they really cared about the poor as they pretend to care, instead of buying those dresses that some of the actresses paid hundreds of thousands of dollars more

  • In Spite Of Appearances - Trust Series

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Oct 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    In spite of appearances, God is in control. Keep your trust in God.

    Title: In spite of appearances—trust. Text: Daniel 6:1-27 Truth: In spite of appearances, God is in control. Keep your trust in God. Aim: I want the church to remain faithful when it is difficult. INTRODUCTION If you had to summarize your life in six words, what would they be? John more

  • Jerusalem- Judging By Appearances Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 28, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 24th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".

    Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#24] JERUSALEM- JUDGING BY APPEARANCES Matthew 23:37 Introduction: We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem. Matthew 23:37 Last week, we studied Jesus healing a man who could not walk. He healed him on a more

  • Two Kinds Of Appearances

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 25, 2022

    For many today, life is all about appearances. We live in an age where people want to APPEAR one way but the reality is the opposite of their appearance.

    Illus: During the Oscars in Hollywood in 2004, the actors and actresses tried to give the impression that they cared about poverty. Listen, if they really cared about the poor as they pretend to care, instead of buying those dresses that some of the actresses paid hundreds of thousands of dollars more

  • Glory Of The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Glory of the Resurrection (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1-19. Quote: Andrew Murray: “Jesus Christ was born twice. The birth at Bethlehem was a birth into a life of weakness. The second time he was born from the grave – “the first born from the dead” – into the glory of heaven and more

  • What Would You Do? Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Kruschel on Jun 4, 2019

    What would you do if Jesus suddenly appeared standing there in the flesh in front of you? What did Jesus' disciples do? What did they think Jesus might do? Jesus appears to bring peace like only he can.

    If Jesus were to suddenly, without warning, appear in church this morning, what would you do? What would you say? We would probably begin with a bit of skepticism. “Is this really Jesus, THE Jesus that we’ve heard so much about?” You might wonder if your eyes were deceiving you, if this was more

  • The Burning Heart Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 2, 2016

    The story of Jesus' encounter with two followers the first Easter on a road; the excitement they received from his teaching of the Word and the message they shared with the Apostles.

    BIBLE MESSAGES ON EASTER Bob Marcaurelle Yahoo to bob marcaurelle Message 8 Annual Sermons: Vol. 12 Sermon 4 Bob Marcaurelle: Easter more

  • The Resurrection Of Jesus

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Oct 31, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    This is an inductive study of the resurrection narrative as recorded in the gospel of Luke. It examines the major themes and structure of the narrative.

    Luke Resurrection Narrative I. Divide and Title A. Segmental Divisions 24.1-35 The resurrection and Jesus’ first appearance 24.36-53 Jesus with the disciples B. Paragraph Divisions 24:1-12 The Resurrection 24:13-35 The Emmaus road 24:36-49 Jesus appears to Disciples twice 24:50-53 The more

  • A Touch From The Risen Lord

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Mar 30, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Only four post Ressurection appearances of Jesus to disciples are recorded in John’s Gospel - and each makes a significant contribution to imparting faith

    Ashby Folville 30-03-08 Story Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. John Watson went on a camping trip. They set up their tent and fell asleep. Some hours later, Holmes woke his faithful friend. "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see." Watson replied, "I see millions of more

  • They Preached The Resurrection

    Contributed by Daniel J. Little on Apr 10, 2012

    The first disciples preached the resurrection of Jesus and Mark 16:20 says Jesus worked with them confirming their message with signs. What would happen if we testified to the resurrection with expectancy, giving Jesus opportunity to work with us?

    THEY PREACHED THE RESURRECTION Pastor Dan Little - The Landmark Church Binghamton, NY 13901 04-08-12 Easter SCRIPTURE READING.... Mark 16:1-15, 19-20 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and more

  • Resurrection Power

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Jan 13, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    The Resurrection of Jesus Christ - He became the "sacriface" for our sins.

    Resurrection Power 1 Corinthians 15:3-23 I. Introduction INTRO.- ILL.- In 1173 the Italian architect Bonnano Pisano began work on what would become his most famous project: A separately standing eight-story bell tower for the Cathedral of the city more

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