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  • Called Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Tommy Jackson on Aug 26, 2014

    As a Christian, You are Called, but Called to do WHAT?

    OPEN: Good morning! I’m glad you’re here. New series: Called JOKE: We talked about “Called ”. The first week we talked about “  ” THIS WEEK: I want to challenge all Christians that we are “Called to Make more

  • How Deep Is My Well

    Contributed by William Ellis on Sep 29, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Living water comes from a place deeper than… any drill can excavate, any talent can imitate, any devil can duplicate, any emotions can replicate, any mind can fabricate

    Intro: Many of us as Christians find ourselves in an emotional vacuum • We look for God to move the same way He has moved for us in the past… • If he used a sling and a stone to defeat the enemy then we need to send our boys in Iraq a sling shot and tell them to lay down those pesky guns! • If the more

  • In Search Of A Man Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jul 22, 2015
    based on 34 ratings

    To establish that God is always searching for men through us to be saved and accomplish his divine will, this lesson presents a clear example of the New Testament's "pattern of conversion," replicated throughout the Book of Acts.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. God Sought for a Man - Found Philip 2. Philip Sought for a Man - Found the Eunuch 3. Eunuch Sought for a Man - Found Jesus Introductory Remarks. 1. In our scripture lesson, a call went out. The angel of the Lord directed Philip: "To go south into the desert." He more

  • Yearning To Breathe Free

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 14, 2003
    based on 4 ratings

    We yearn to be free. In Christ we can be transformed from a slave mentality, we can become agents of liberation, and we can come forth from self-imposed bondages. For Transfiguration Sunday and for Black History Month; uses poems (not replicated here)

    The plan of God is that all should be free. All free. Free from the things that keep us from what God intends us to be. Free from oppression, free from hostility. Most of all, free from sin and death. That is the ultimate plan of God. We who have yearned to breathe free have not been more

  • How To Become A Contagious Christian

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 1, 2017

    Jesus touched a leper but He didn't get leprosy, rather the leper got Jesus. Why? Because Jesus was contagious with a strain from Heaven, which, when caught, replicates Jesus in the lives of those who catch it! We need to pass it on!

    HOW TO BECOME A CONTAGIOUS CHRISTIAN Mk. 1:40-42 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. When you’re a boy, dirt is a good thing. I heard about a “preacher’s kid” who was told by his mother that he should wash his hands because there were germs living in all the dirt he’d been playing in. 2. He looked up at more

  • Hpffj: Helping People Follow Jesus Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jan 6, 2020

    As we dig into this idea of discipleship, I would like to bring up four attitudes about discipleship that are important that we find in the Scriptures. We are going to look at one passage from each of the Gospels.

    HPFFJ: HELPING PEOPLE FOLLOW JESUS Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 8:34, Luke 6:40, John 8:31 #HPFFJ THREAD: The purpose of Cincinnati Christian Church is to “Help People Find and Follow Jesus.” For two weeks we are taking a look at the mission of Cincinnati Christian Church. Last week we talked about more

  • Rise Up, Lord.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 31, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    "God in His holy habitation" (PSALM 68:5).

    RISE UP, LORD. Psalm 68:1-6. PSALM 68:1. Whenever the ark of the LORD set forward, perhaps even as the priests lifted the ark onto their shoulders, Moses would say ‘Rise up, LORD, and let them that hate thee flee before thee’ (cf. Numbers 10:35). Before we proceed with any project, we should more

  • The Parable Of The Sower Series

    Contributed by James Snyder on May 20, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    If I am really to know myself, I need to have a kingdom view of myself. That is, how God.

    Everybody, including me, thinks they know exactly who they are. People believe they have themselves all figured out. But, every once in a while, something happens revealing a side of yourself that you did not know existed before. This helps keep psychologists in business. The other side is, we more

  • Epifania

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 13, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    UNA ESTRELLA LOS GUIO — ¿Quién me ha ayudado a mí para llegar a Cristo? ¿En qué forma puedo yo guiar a otros hacia El?

    La Epifanía del Señor tuvo lugar cuando Cristo se manifestó a los Magos, quienes eran y son representantes de todas las naciones. En la actualidad, cuando decimos que alguien ha tenido una epifanía queremos indicar que esa persona ha experimentado un momento en el que more

  • Let God Arise.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 20, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The King ascends His throne.

    LET GOD ARISE. Psalm 68:1-10, Psalm 68:32-35 #. Psalm 68:1-3 could well serve as a prayer for revival, or even a prayer for the Second Advent of Jesus. PSALM 68:1. Whenever the ark of the LORD set forward, perhaps even as the priests lifted the ark onto their shoulders, Moses would say ‘Rise more

  • Transformation-Revelation-Transformation Series

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Mar 22, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Matthew 17:1-13 This was the only time the glory of Jesus was veiled in human flesh and was allowed to shine forth.

    Transformation-Revelation-Transformation Matt 17:1-5 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, 2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his more

  • Travesty To Majesty Part Five - Nine To Noon: Nailed To A Tree, Tested, Taunted Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Aug 21, 2019

    And so it happens . . . Jesus, staying the course to the finish, endures the ugliness and cruelty of crucifixion for the momentary glee of jealous fiends but for the eternal joy of beloved friends.


  • Roi

    Contributed by Brian Tome on May 2, 2013

    How we think and act with money is a direct reflection of how we think about and act with Jesus.

    Today I'm not telling you to give. The number one conversation that is happening right now in our city and country has to do with money. We wouldn't be helpful to you if we weren't talking about money because all of us are having a money conversation all day long and that conversation is often ill more

  • Can Science Create Life? Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 12, 2016

    modern science is creating new organs and manipulating DNA. Can Science Create Life?

    Almost exactly two centuries ago, 18-year-old Mary Shelley wrote a story about a German scientist named Victor Frankenstein creating life. In the story, Frankenstein assembled body parts from cadavers—it being considered too difficult to reconstruct them from scratch—which he then more

  • Cha[pter 7: Then God Restd That Day Series

    Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on Oct 26, 2007

    A christian view of Evolution

    Chapter 7: God rested that day. The immensely precisely arranged endeavor was at last was complete. This was the seventh millennium day as the slowly revolving blue biosphere orbited around the brightly shining sun star. Each individual species was deliberately designed to be able to pass more