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  • A Religious Cleansing Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Mar 6, 2018

    A Religious Cleansing Series: Conversations with Jesus Brad Bailey - February 25, 2018

    A Religious Cleansing Series: Conversations with Jesus Brad Bailey - February 25, 2018 Intro How many like to be confronted? …like it when someone confronts you about something they see in your life? (No hands) How many believe that such confrontation can be healthy and even loving? (Most hands more

  • Religious Authority

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Aug 24, 2022

    Jesus demonstrated that the religious authorities did not have the authority to create laws for the people which violated God's Torah.

    Religious Authority John 5:1-18 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz John 5:1 After these things there was aa feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. John 5:2 Now there is in Jerusalem by athe sheep gate a pool, which is called bin 1Hebrew 2Bethesda, having five porticoes. 3 In these lay a more

  • Are You Religious? Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jan 9, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Typically, a person's idea of being religious is just going through rituals and practices associated with the faith. In James 1:26-27 God defined what it means to be religious. So regardless of what we think it means we need to learn what God said it is.

    ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? (part one) James 1:26-27 INTRODUCTION: When people would ask me if I was religious I would say, no, because to me, being religious kind of had a negative connotation. Because typically, a person's idea of religious is going through rituals and practices associated with the more

  • Speaking Truth And Confronting Sinners In Christian Life Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Mar 6, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    As believers, we are not immune to the temptations and desires of the flesh.

    As believers, we are not immune to the temptations and desires of the flesh. However, those who are born of God and controlled by the Holy Spirit are empowered to overcome sinful desires and live a godly lifestyle. To rebuke those who sin, one should ideally be holy and have a strong moral more

  • How Not To Be A Religious Leader

    Contributed by William Mouser on Nov 28, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    In training his disciples to be leaders, Jesus pointed to the religious leaders of his day as examples to avoid.

    Psalm 43, Micah 3:5-12, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13,17-20, Matthew 23:1-12 How Not to be a Religious Leader There’s an old story about three boys who are bragging about rich their dads are. The first boy said, "My dad is so rich. He writes a few paragraphs on a piece of paper. Calls it a poem. And he more

  • God Calls Us All To Vocation.

    Contributed by Matthew Oliver on Jan 19, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Through Isaiah’s call to Israel to become the light of the world, and John’s recognition of the Christ, we see a model of vocational call that we can follow. God calls us all to different vocations, but one we are all called to is to pray.

    2nd Sunday after Epiphany God Calls us All to Vocation. Preached at Saint John the Evangelist, Cold Lake, Morning Prayer 20 January 2002 Isaiah 49:1-7, Psalm 40:1-12, 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, John 1:29-42 Collect: Almighty God, your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ is the light of the world. May more

  • The Elephant In The Room: Corporate-Vocational Election Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 6, 2012
    based on 10 ratings

    Election is one of the thorniest, controversial issues among biblical Christians. The 2 main views are Calvinism and Arminianism. But are these the only alternatives? This sermon examines the Corporate-Vocational View of Election.

    The Elephant in the Room: Corporate-Vocational Election Sermon 4 in series: Ephesians - Live Like You Really Are Chuck Sligh February 5, 2012 TEXT: Ephesians 1:4-5 – “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in more

  • Sunday Of The Thirteenth Week In Ordinary Time, Year A; 13th Sunday, Cycle A-- Whoever Loves Father Or Mother More Than Me Is Not Worthy Of Me

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on May 8, 2020

    The lady answered, “Tell Jesus not to kiss me — to stop kissing me.”

    There are athletic passages both in Greek philosophy and in the Bible that say suffering can be useful like an athlete in training, because it can aid in the growth of virtue. A meme: They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. At this point, my dear, I should be able to bench-press a more

  • Answering Religious Pluralism

    Contributed by Dr. Kenneth Rhodes, Jr on Sep 29, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    Defending the Christian faith against religious pluralism and tolerance.

    1. Answering Religious Pluralism Also called tolerance. 2. Defining Pluralism · “Traditional tolerance (Social Pluralism) is now referred to as negative tolerance. This is defined as ‘respecting others beliefs and practices without sharing them,’ or ‘to bear or put up with something not more

  • Building On A Religious Heritage Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Jan 4, 2001
    based on 79 ratings

    Having a religious heritage can either help us or hinder us in cultivating an authentic relationship with God.

    I grew up with no religious heritage at all. As a lot of you know, my childhood was thoroughly secularized. Although I was baptized as a baby, for the most part I lived in an entirely different universe than religion. My mom and adoptive dad believed that religion had a negative effect in people’s more

  • Religious Or Christ-Like?

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 64 ratings

    Thesis: There is a big difference between being "religious" and following Jesus Christ.

    Thesis: There is a big difference between being "religious" and following Jesus Christ. Intro.: 1. When you hear someone use the word "religion" or hear someone refer to another person as "religious" what do you think of? a. Illust. Do you think of "Church Lady" on Saturday Night Live who goes more

  • The Ungratefulness Of Religious People

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Nov 28, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    In this text, Jesus reveals how prevelant ungratefulness is among religious people.

    Introduction: Today many people will be celebrating what is called; "Thanksgiving Day." Parade goers will fill the streets. People will fill their yards with lavish eating and drinking. The smell of barbecue sauce will permeates the air. It is a tragedy that this day like most others have more

  • The Religious Sinner, Nicodemus Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 100 ratings

    Picture # 3 in the series: The 14 Candid Snapshots of the Maturing Christian as found in the Gospel of John. Nicodemus, a picture of the religious sinner who sits in the pew week after week but is not saved. John 3:16, preached to a religious sinner.

    Picture # 3: The Religious Sinner, Nicodemus John 3:1-21 The Surgeon General teaches us that the key to good health and physical fitness is plenty of exercise, a balanced nutritional diet, and the proper amount of rest. The Surgeon General doesn’t mention that we have a body and a soul. It’s more

  • The Religious But Hard-Hearted Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 2, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    If God does not soften ones heart, one may dabble with religion, but one will never find a saving relationship with the true God.

    The Religious But Hard-Hearted (Exodus 8:20-9:12) 1. What if God was politically correct? Imagine this: Moses was sitting in the Egyptian ghetto. Things were terrible. Pharaoh wouldn’t even speak to him. The rest of the Israelites were mad at him and making the overseers even more irritable than more

  • Righting The Religious Rut Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Oct 8, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    4th in 5 part series on overcoming the obstacles and difficulties of life using five different Psalms. We used a "journey" or "road" metaphor in terms of the bumps of success, fear, guilt, the religious rut and grief, etc.

    RIGHTING THE RELIGIOUS RUT Navigating the Bumps of Life - Week 5 PSALM 63:1-8 INTRODUCTION: (Faith Story - Beth Rampleberg) Thank-you Beth. Did you catch the words and phrases in Beth’s faith story? “Obligation,” “knowledge in my head but not my heart,” “something was missing,” “emptiness,” more

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