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  • Life In Christ Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Jul 5, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    A relationship with Jesus is to be honoured by all. No one should enter it lightly or selfishly, but responsibly and joyfully, with mutual respect and the promise to be faithful.

    By Rev Heather Cetrangolo We are now half way though our teaching series on Paul’s letter to the Colossians. This is exciting because we’re about to get into the very heart of what it’s all about – but first, let’s recap on how far we’ve come … 1.1-14 more

  • Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on May 20, 2018

    Explanation of Jesus saying He is the bread of life

    Bread Of Life CCCAG May 20th, 2018 Scripture- John 6:25-70 I’m grateful someone made a movie about John’s Gospel, because it helps bring to life a lot of the harder teachings in this part of the bible. This morning we are going to tackle a lengthy and very complex section of John’s Gospel. A few more

  • Words Of Life Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 9, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Are you looking for life in all the wrong places? Everybody is living for something or somebody. Paul said, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” As we get closer to death in this human flesh it seems we tend to talk about death in terms of loss

    INTRODUCTION Over the past five weeks, we’ve been visiting the cross to listen again to the Final Words from the Cross. Today we’re going to consider words that continue to shake our world: The first words from the tomb. These words were spoken by angels to the women who had arrived at more

  • Not The Typical Life

    Contributed by Robert Warren on Apr 19, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    This message points out that because He is risen our Christian life should be anything but typical, given the God, Savior, Spirit and beliefs that we hold in light of the Resurrection.

    “He is Risen!” Mark 16:1-8 Robert Warren April 20th, 2003 Read Mark 16:1-8 I. Being a Christian can be pretty typical. A. If you are a regular church-goer, most Sundays are pretty typical. 1. You get up on Sunday, get dressed in some nice clothes. 2. You head down to your favorite house of more

  • Get A Life

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Mar 24, 2023

    The life we get from Jesus, a gift from God through the Holy Spirit, requires cleansing and renewal daily, not just at the beginning.

    This familiar chapter from John’s Gospel is the lectionary text for today, the 2nd Sunday in Lent. It’s a good text, a familiar text, so familiar that when I first wrote it I expected it to be relatively smooth sailing. But it wasn’t. It was a difficult sermon for me to write, partly because it’s more

  • Get A Life Series

    Contributed by Brad Dyrness on May 3, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    People know about God, listen to people talk about God, and even claim to be Christian. Yet many still feel far from God. A relationship with God is like drinking coffee. How do we move from doing to being?

    Get a Life 4/21/02 AM By Brad Dyrness You know you have had too much coffee when … 1. You answer the door before people knock. 2. You speed walk in your sleep. 3. You grind your coffee beans in your mouth. 4. You have to watch videos in fast-forward. 5. You go to the AA Meetings just to get more

  • Full Life Vs. Empty Life Series

    Contributed by Jeff Kautz on Jan 5, 2019

    Looking at a full Life vs. an empty one

    Full Life vs. Empty Life--1 1-3.docx Ecclesiastes 1:1-3 In this book, the Preacher (Solomon), the wisest, richest most influential king in Israel’s history. He looks at life “under the sun” from the human perspective and declares it all to be empty. Power, popularity, prestige, pleasure more

  • Life In The Son Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 4, 2013

    In verses 17–24 Jesus makes five unmistakable claims to full equality with the Father: He is equal with the Father 1) in His person (John 5:17–18), 2) in His works (John 5:19–20), 3) in His sovereign power (John 5:21), 4) in His judgment (John 5:22), and

    In a decision being mostly met with a shrug, the Canadian Museum of Civilization is putting the “Christ” back in history. The museum, like many institutions that study history, some time ago dropped BC (for “before Christ”) and AD (for “anno Domini,” the Latin more

  • Signs Of Life

    Contributed by Bradley White-Findeisen on Mar 1, 2011

    What are the signs of a person who is "born again"?

    Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, who, according to the Gospel of John, showed favour to Jesus. He appears three times in the plot: the first is when he visits Jesus one night to listen to his teachings (John 3:1-21); the second is when he states the law concerning the arrest more

  • The Examined Life

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Aug 7, 2008

    We need to examine our lives to see how they match up to God’s expectations of us.

    I assume you’ve all heard of Socrates, the great Greek philosopher. He was sentenced to death in 399BC because he dared to criticise the immorality of Greek Society. His only defence at his trial was that he was doing Athens a great service by questioning the way they thought. When his friends more

  • The Righteous Life Series

    Contributed by John Harvey on Feb 23, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The Righteous Life God desires for us requires applying His Word into our lives.

    James: Religion That Works “The Righteous Life” February 26, 2006 Introduction: We have been looking at the writing of James, the brother of Jesus. He wrote to Jewish believers who had been scattered from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria because of the persecution against Christians. James has more

  • "Real Life” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Sep 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In Luke 18:9-14, Jesus describes two very different men, who took two very different approaches to connecting with God, which resulted in two very different outcomes.

    Today we begin a new series on rejecting religion for something real. The “something real” is the way of Christ (Christianity), which is not a religion, but a relationship with the living God. Too many non-believers wrongly think of Christianity as “just another religion,” and, sadly, many of more

  • A Life Of Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Brian Williams on Oct 21, 2024

    The healing of these lepers would be a testimony to the priests that no one is untouchable to Jesus, no one is beyond salvation.

    Luke 17:11-19 11 On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance 13 and lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” 14 When he saw them he said to them, “Go and show more

  • Blueprint For Life Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Apr 10, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We can build a life that can withstand storms by building upon: 1) A Wise Foundation (Matthew 7:24) which is also 2) A Withstanding Foundation (Matthew 7:25) instead of just a 3) A Wishful Foundation (Matthew 7:26-27).

    Matthew 7:24-27. 24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone more

  • Life Interrupted

    Contributed by Tim Shepard on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    This sermon is a lesson about the importance of life’s interruptions.

    It happened only a few weeks ago. After my normal shift on the graveyard I had gone home to rest. Some time in the middle of my sleep Storm came and woke me up. In her hand she held the phone. “It’s the police,” is all she said. A thousand questions went through my mind. “Did I do more

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