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  • What Do We Do With The Weeds?"

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Nov 21, 2000
    based on 94 ratings

    When the end comes, it will become clear who those people are whose faith is truly in Jesus, and it will become clear who those are who have been just playing a religious game.

    When I was a kid, weeding the garden was one of my least favorite activities. It was often hot out there and my back would hurt from bending over. Worst of all, I thought it was monotonous work, so often I did not pay real close attention to what I was doing. And, sure enough, I would sometimes more

  • Why Shepherds?

    Contributed by Richard Goble on Nov 16, 2007
    based on 101 ratings

    The birth of Jesus Christ was not revealed to kings or rulers. It was not revealed to the religious elite. When God came to earth, He let the world know by announcing the birth of His Son to lowly shepherds.

    Why Shepherds? Luke 2:8-20 Introduction The birth of Jesus Christ was not revealed to kings or rulers. It was not revealed to the religious elite. When God came to earth, He let the world know by announcing the birth of His Son to lowly shepherds. Why? Perhaps He wanted the poor and outcast of more

  • The Power Of Love

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Apr 23, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    There is only one power at work in the last week of Jesus’ life - not Pilate’s, not the religious leaders’ - but the power of His love for the world. This power kept Him silent and drove Him to the cross.

    John 15:9-13 9 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. more

  • Focus Your Faith

    Contributed by Richard Burkey on May 26, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    This encounter between Jesus and a leading Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus deals with focus questions. Who is Jesus? What is His purpose? What exactly does Jesus come to do?

    Focus Your Faith John 3:1-17 (New International Version) 1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could more

  • Coming Like A Child

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Oct 21, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Christ clearly teaches that it is not religious observance or our goodness that saves. Christ teaches that it simply takes child-like faith. But what does it mean to come to God in child-like faith?

    Disclaimer: Concepts and source material for this sermon has been gleaned from many different sources. I have attempted to acknowledgethese sources whenever possible. COMING LIKE A CHILD LUKE 18:15-17 INTRODUCTION: Sandwiched between the accounts of a Pharisee who believed that he would go to more

  • Preach The Word Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Feb 27, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    To qualify as worship, our corporate religious activities must include sound preaching. To fail to include this vital aspect of worship is to condemn our congregations to an insipid presence in the midst of a hostile world.

    “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will more

  • Handle With Care!

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Sep 27, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus’ parable of the vineyard was a stern warning to the Jewish religious leaders of His day. It is also a warning we should heed lest our seat in His kingdom be given to someone else.

    -Has it ever happened to you? -Have you ever “lost” something that “belonged” to you? -I don’t mean “lost” and “belonged” in the same way you are thinking -I really mean, has somebody ever given something that you thought should be yours to somebody else instead -How did that feel? Probably about more

  • A Parable Of Two Sons

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Oct 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In this parable Jesus is comparing the younger son to the tax collectors and sinners who came to Jesus. The elder son represented the Pharisees and religious rulers who continually found fault with the teachings of Jesus.

    A Parable of Two Sons Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 “Tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach. This made the Pharisaical teachers of religious law complain that Jesus was associating with such despicable people – even eating with them.” Luke 15:1-2 The Pharisees and more

  • "All Hail The King!"

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The Triumphal Entry ushered in Jesus' final week before his crucifixion. He was gathering a greater following and the religious leaders didn't like that. Jesus was being hailed as king.

    “ALL HAIL THE KING!” John 12:12-19 1) All hail the King! (Vs. 12-13). “The great crowd”. It was near the Passover and the week long Feast of Unleavened Bread celebration, where the population in Jerusalem rose from about 50,000 to over two million. Even though there was a more

  • Short, Sweet And Ignorant

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Aug 19, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    There is common phrase that is often heard from people who have attended weddings, baby dedications and other religious ceremonies, "That was short and sweet, just like I like it."

    Short, Sweet and Ignorant The Consequences of Not Wanting To Hear From God The Bible says, "Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil." (Ecclesiastes 5:1) There is more

  • Don't Deny Gravity - It Hurts! Series

    Contributed by Tim May on Apr 26, 2015

    Peter and John looked the religious leaders in the eyes, which truth would actually be heard? Peter and John were determined to make sure it would be their truth that would stand the test of time.

    INTRODUCTION: We had been out in the field for about a week moving from one position to another. This time we had stopped for a short rest. It was late in the morning, probably around 2am so I was standing around with several Marines when one of them asked, “Hey Chaps do you believe in more

  • Prayer Meeting In The Jerusalem Church

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Nov 30, 2014

    The prayer the Jerusalem Christians prayed when Peter and John were released from the inquisition of the Jerusalem religious leaders teaches some important truths about prayer, which is the subject of this sermon.

    Prayer Meeting in the Jerusalem Church Chuck Sligh November 30, 2014 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation of this sermon is available upon request by emailing me at TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to Acts 4 (TO BE READ LATER) INTRODUCTION The first church in Jerusalem more

  • The Parable Of The Pharisee And The Publican Series

    Contributed by Ricardo Rodriguez on Nov 1, 2012

    There is a necessary appropriate attitude in prayer so that it can be answered by God. The Pharisee belonged to a Jewish religious sect that believed that salvation came by obeying the letter of the law and precepts that they and their ancestors had esta

    Ice Breaker: Can you describe the characteristics of a humble person? Scripture: Lucas 18:9-14. INTRODUCTION: There is a necessary appropriate attitude in prayer so that it can be answered by God. The Pharisee belonged to a Jewish religious sect that believed that salvation came by obeying more

  • The Global Heart Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Sep 14, 2018

    Do we really understand that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a GLOBAL GOSPEL, that Jesus died for the WHOLE WORLD, that the Bible is not a Middle Eastern religious book but it is God’s Word to the WHOLE WORLD?

    Luke 2:49 INTRODUCTION: • The Global Heart of Jesus • Where does America stand in relation to the rest of the world? • Global Population as of September 2018 is 7.6 Billion • America 325.7 Million as of the 2017 census (4.6% of the worlds population) • Global Economy - Overall, the Global more

  • The Danger Of High Places Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 1, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Haughtiness is a deceptive sin. It's the type of sin that often traps religious people. Do you know how to recognize this sin in your life... and how to protect yourself against it?

    POEM: A lion met a tiger as they drew beside a pool. Said the tiger, "Tell me why you're roaring like a fool" "That's not foolish," said the lion with a twinkle in his eyes. "They call me king of all the beasts because I advertise." A rabbit heard the talking and ran home like a more

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