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  • Redemption Continues Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Aug 3, 2012

    Reconciliation and Redemption are key subjects for these verses...

    TEACHING BRIEF Date Written: July 23, 2012 Date Taught: July 25, 2012 Church: OPBC (Wed Night) FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Title: A Study in the Book of Ruth Text: Ruth 2:4-13 NLT (read ALL passage here) Introduction: Last week we saw how redemption was happening for Naomi and Ruth & how this more

  • Redemption Carries On Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Aug 5, 2012

    Naomi and Ruth are astounded at the mercy and deliverance of God! At a low point in her life Naomi sees God's hand beginning to deliver her!

    TEACHING BRIEF Date Written: July 24, 2012 Date Taught: August 1, 2012 Church: OPBC (Wed Night) FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Title: A Study in the Book of Ruth Text: Ruth 2:14-23 NLT (read ALL passage here) Introduction: So far in our study we have learned about God’s redemption & last week more

  • The Romance Of Redemption

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 3, 2015


    Ruth 1:1-7 THE ROMANCE OF REDEMPTION Ch 1: Weeping, Ch 2: Working, Ruth gleaning in the harvest field Ch 3: Waiting, 3:18 Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: Ch 4 Wedding. So we go from Ch 1 Sorrow to Ch 2 Service, to Ch 3 Submission to Ch 4, Satisfaction. more

  • Revealing Redemption Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Dec 7, 2015

    Bethlehem becomes the hometown of Ruth. Because of her faith and character, God brings her into the nation of Israel. She will become the ancestor to David and Jesus. Things of God are revealed in and to Ruth as she experiences redemption by His hand.

    1. A Ph.D. candidate at the University of Southern California, was eager for the title of "doctor" - until one newly degreed professor shared his story. He said: A friend had called his home and asked, "Is the doctor in?" The Professor's 10 year old son replied, "Yes, but he's not the kind that can more

  • The Redemption Of Ruth

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Mar 22, 2017

    The story of Ruth is a story of Redemption.

    Text: Ruth chapter 3 Title: The Redemption of Ruth Introduction The story of Ruth is a story about redemption. The story begins in chapter one with a great tragedy and will end in chapter 4 with a great triumph. It begins with a Crisis and ends with a Celebration! Today we are in Ruth chapter 3 more

  • The Romance Of Redemption Series

    Contributed by Joseph Mcgaha on Feb 10, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition of Ruth 1:1

    A Sad Saga Unfolds – Ruth 1:1 1. Dark Days are Described. - in the days when the judges ruled – Judges 17:6 2. A Depression is Declared. - there was a famine in the land. – Amos 8:11-12 3. A Dreadful Decision. - a certain man of Beth-lehem-judah went to sojourn in the more

  • Redemption In Ruth

    Contributed by Jacob Brimm on Aug 22, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Sometimes God is working when we cannot see. Ruth is the best example of this. This is best done in 3 separate sermons and not attempted to be done in one setting. I will provide a break down into a 3 sermon series soon.

    Have you every felt alone? Felt like no one cares? Felt like there was just no hope? Maybe things are going so bad that it feels like even God doesn’t care. You’ve prayed and prayed and even cried out “GOD PLEASE HELP ME??? ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!?!?!?” I have been more

  • Ruth's Redemption

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Sep 6, 2013

    The story of Ruth is a story of redemption, inclusion, and faith taken from the whole book of Ruth in the Bible

    Ruth’s Redemption Text: Book of Ruth CHCC: March 3, 2013 INTRODUCTION: Fifty days after Passover, the Jews celebrate a festival called Shavuot … it is also called Pentecost. (This year it will be celebrated May 15-16.) It was on Pentecost that the Church was born … Peter more

  • Redemptive Blessings Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Feb 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Paul describes the importance of the Grace of God, the Blood of Jesus Christ and the Forgiveness of Sins. The power of the Blood of Jesus is incomparable and unique in nature to wash away our sins. Draw near to God for your salvation.

    The blessings of the Redemption- Eph.1:7 Introduction: Blessings are seen and measured with house, ornament, dress, vehicles, and positions. That is known as riches, honours, beauty and pleasures. The source of blessing is God the Father (Eph.1:3). The obedience to the Word of God leads to High more

  • Redemption Rejected Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Apr 3, 2018

    This message was preached on Palm Sunday. Many people will shout "Hosanna" on one day and the next will cry out "Crucify Him." The reason why many stop following Jesus often not a matter of disbelief but outright rejection.

    Today is Palm Sunday, so called because when Jesus had His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the people were exuberant and waved palm branches and placed them in the road where the Jesus, riding a donkey, walked into Jerusalem. It is interesting to note that palm branches, in that day was more

  • A Story Of Redemption Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jun 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The Story chapter 9 is not only about Ruth and Naomi - it's a picture of redemption.

    A Story Of Redemption (The Faith Of A Foreign Woman) The Story – Chapter nine OKAY… SO MGCC – are you ready to dig into some God-breathed, living and active, sharper than a double edged sword words from the Creator of The Universe. Awesome! Me too… TODAY – we continue in our journey through more

  • Imagine Redemption

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jul 22, 2018

    Note: This sermon is inspired and provided by "City On A Hill" which owns the rights to the movie, "I Can Only Imagine". Much of the sermon structure is theirs, and it's been edited toward my personal preaching style as well as the personal illustration

    IMAGINE REDEMPTION MATTHEW 5:2-12 (Third and Final “Imagine” series) At the beginning of this series, we talked about how Jesus rooted his identity in being a loved son of God. Because Jesus lived out of the identity God gave him, he was propelled into the purpose God had for him. All of us, at more

  • The Hope Of Redemption

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 19, 2018

    The Hope of our souls arrived for us all in the person of Jesus Christ, God’s own Son. God did in fact answer Isaiah’s plea to "pull the Heavens apart and come down to us;" for the Heaven’s themselves were rendered to make possible the birth of Christ.

    The Hope of Redemption Isaiah 64:1-9 Today we celebrate the Hope that Jesus fulfilled when He was born to be our Redeemer. Redeemed has taken on a whole new meaning in our day and age of Pawn Shops and Discount stores. If you happen to be a civil servant, teacher or a business owner you might more

  • The Road To Redemption

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Oct 24, 2017

    a short sermon delivered at a secular event that lays out the plan of salvation from the book of Romans

    The Road to Redemption In the 2002 Tom Hanks movie Road to Perdition We see Hanks character Gangster Mike Sullivan Travels a road that leads to destruction His life choices and decisions have determined the path of his life And in the end After many trials He loses everything including more

  • The Gift Of Redemption Series

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Oct 24, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The second in a series on the Epistle to the Ephesians, this message introduces the book of Ephesians in general and looks at the gift of redemption through the suffering and death of Jesus

    Tom carried his new toy boat to the edge of the river. He carefully placed it in the water and slowly let out the string. He was amazed how smoothly the boat sailed! Tom sat in the warm sunshine, admiring the little boat that he had built. Suddenly a strong current caught the boat. Tom tried to more

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