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  • What Kind Of Example Are You?

    Contributed by Ellis Wedel on Jan 4, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Expository sermon challenging the congregation to live what they believe.

    This morning we continue from where we left off in the book of Romans, which is chapter 2 and verse 17. So far we have heard the apostle Paul laying out the principles by which God is going to judge the world, and how because of this, the Gentiles stood condemned. Paul now moves to the second part more

  • What Will You Do With Jesus

    Contributed by Clint Shrum on Jan 9, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    The biggest decision a person will ever make in their life is whether or not they will accept Jesus as their Saviour

    WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH JESUS Mark 15:8-13 Intro: In this chapter we find Jesus has been delivered to Pilate. It is the Feast of the Passover and the custom of the Jews was to release a prisoner of whomsoever they desired. Here Pilate is faced with a decision they will change the course of all more

  • What Have You Learned?

    Contributed by Angela Smith on Aug 23, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    A Youth Sunday sermon that reaches out to both the young & the young at heart.

    “What have you learned?” As we walk through life it is important that we know & understand that this, this space in time we call life: is actually a place to glean wisdom & understanding. It is a place where experience is an awesome teacher. Parents & adults, we are required to teach our more

  • "What Do You Seek?"

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Sep 22, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus asks a very pertinent question of us all. He already knows the answer, so what does that tell us about His motive in asking?

    Also John 18:4, 20:15 “And Jesus turned and saw them following, and said to them, “What do you seek?” They said to Him, “Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where are You staying?” 1:38 I have wished, in the past that some evangelistic Christian would sit down and have a long talk with Paul more

  • What Do You Think

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Sep 22, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    A sermon for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost A sermon about repentance

    20th Sunday after Pentecost Proper 21 Lectionary 26 Matthew 21:23-32 What do you think? 23* ¶ And when he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came up to him as he was teaching, and said, "By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this more

  • What Do You Think?

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Sep 26, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    A sermon for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost, proper 21, series A. The Parable of the Two Sons

    20the Sunday after Pentecost [Pr. 21] September 28, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, You sent your Son, Jesus the Christ, into our world to reveal your will for our lives and to redeem more

  • What Do You See

    Contributed by Charles Riner on Jul 2, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Christians must learn to view situations from God’s perspective instead of their own.

    Have you ever been intrigued by optical illusions. Basically, they’re pictures that deceive our minds. We see one thing, but our brains tell us we’re seeing something different. Take a look at this picture. Some of you may have run across this in a book or in school. How many of you saw an more

  • What Do You Want?

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Jul 5, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus Asks the question - what do you want od at least two groups. The thing is that the answers can be obvious so why does He ask?

    What do you want? Mark 10:35-52 A lot of you have been attending the “Terrific Tuesday” services and I wonder if you are feeling anything? I wonder if any of you are feeling any renewal of your vival. That is the intent of holding a series of special services. To receive a stirring of your more

  • What Will You Do With Christ?

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A message on the need of salvation.

    WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH CHRIST? MATTHEW 27:22 INTRO: This is the most important question that any man can consider. If we do the right thing with Jesus, we get everything that is worth having for time and for eternity. If we do the wrong thing with Jesus, more

  • What Will You Do With Jesus?

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What will you do with Jesus? This is a question you may have never consciously asked yourself. But it is a question you are answering every day in the way you think and live.

    What Will You Do with Jesus? Matthew 12:9-15 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - May 25, 2008 *What will you do with Jesus? This is a question you may have never consciously asked yourself. But it is a question you are answering every day in the way you think and live. What will you more

  • What Bread Are You Seeking Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jul 28, 2008
    based on 137 ratings

    People often want Jesus to meet their percieved needs. Jesus often graciously does. Yet He calls us to see our real need that He came to satisfy.

    JOHN 6:25-40 WHAT BREAD ARE YOU SEEKING The Capernaum discourse (6:22–59) is an open & candid discussion by Jesus concerning His identity & mission. In our text we find the crowd questioning Jesus as to how He is going to prove Himself to them yet again after more

  • What Will You Sacrifice For The Cause?

    Contributed by Michael Wiley on Nov 12, 2008

    Across the world, many Christians sacrifice, money, stature, safety, and even their lives for the call of Christ.Here in America, we are unlikely to experience the type and scope of persecution our friends endure. We will not be called upon to give such a

    What Will You Sacrifice for the Cause? Michael Wiley November 9, 2008 Matthew 16:24-25 Romans 12:1 Introduction: Begin with the video clip from Ajai Lall – approx 5.5 minutes We were blessed last week by a message from Ajai Lall, Lead Evangelist of Central India Mission. His message and the more

  • What Are You Waiting For? Series

    Contributed by Vera Hughes on Feb 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    To instruct and encourage and help to understand patience and how it affects your stewardship.

    PATIENCE Objective: To instruct and encourage and help to understand patience and how it affects your stewardship. Introduction: Questions that will guide our understanding process: 1. Do you understand what patience is? 2. Do you want to know the key to having patience? 3. Do you know the more

  • You Are What He Ate Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 3, 2008
    based on 28 ratings

    Adam’s sin had a terrible effect on mankind. Romans even says that his sin made us sinners. What does that mean?

    OPEN: In the 14th century, in the land we now call Belgium, there was a duke by the name of Raynald III.. Raynald was grossly overweight and was commonly called by his Latin nickname, Crassus, which means "Fat." Now, it seems that Raynald had a violent quarrel with his younger brother Edward more

  • What Would You Do?

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 18, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Discussing the crowd that came out to greet Jesus as He entered Jerusalem.

    What would you do? Luke 19:37-41 Note: In conjunction with John 12:12-17 Introduction Today, we celebrate one of the most pivotal events in the city of Jerusalem. Today is Palm Sunday and is remembered as the day when Jesus made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem – only later this week be more

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