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  • Wisdom

    Contributed by Chris Beam on Apr 26, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    It’s not an accident that this book has been classified as "Wisdom Literature." In my opinion, it’s probably the most philosophical books of the entire Bible. But, it also contains more than just philosophical debate. It contains some very practical and down-to-earth wisdom.

    Series: Vanity Topic: Wisdom Text: Ecclesiastes 7:15-29 Last week, I began my sermon talking about wisdom. This week I want to expand on that thought as we come to the seventh chapter of Ecclesiastes. It’s not an accident that this book has been classified as "Wisdom Literature." In my more

  • Get Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Nov 16, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    from a series on the life of Solomon. A book sermon, from the Proverbs, about the importance of wisdom in life.

    Proverbs Intro: (used a powerpoint of these choices. Best to put them all up before asking people to choose one) OK. Time for an audience participation quiz this morning. Each question is a multiple choice. Let’s say, if you had to pick one of these 4 answers, which one would it be? more

  • A Real Wise Guy

    Contributed by John Beehler on Mar 21, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    Do we have knowledge? or wisdom?

    A Real Wise Guy 1. James starts with ? Look around. Who is wise & understanding? In this section, James tells us what wisdom is & how it may be attained. 2. Wisdom is not a hidden character trait. If foolish man keeps quiet some will judge him wise, but wise man can’t. He is responsible for the more

  • To Gain Real Wealth

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 23, 2011

    I. EXORDIUM: Wealthy people are unapproachable, have problems in traveling alone. Conversations: Guy: I would like to invite you to our church to come. Rich Guy: Sorry I can't travel alone. Does you church entertain poor people? If so, I don't want to

    I. EXORDIUM: Wealthy people are unapproachable, have problems in traveling alone. Conversations: Guy: I would like to invite you to our church to come. Rich Guy: Sorry I can't travel alone. Does you church entertain poor people? If so, I don't want to come. Guy: I would like to invite you to come more

  • Godly Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Feb 19, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    From the series Faith that works. Godly wisdom can only come from God, and substituting earthly wisdom only creates a life of chaos.

    Godly Wisdom James chapter 3:13-18 Introduction James 3:13-18 As we continue to look at practical teachings of James, we see today James is talking about wisdom. That there is two kinds of wisdom. There is wisdom that comes from heaven and there more

  • Wisdom's Shouts Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 9, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    Here true wisdom is the revealing of the mind of God. Wisdom is shouting out to humanity and humanity seems to pay her no mind. But the real question is are you hearing and responding to wisdom's call?

    PROVERBS 1:20-23 WISDOM'S SHOUTS Wisdom is depicted as a beautiful and noble queen standing in the crowded plaza of humanity. There she lifts up her lovely and authoritative voice to those passing by. The personification here of wisdom was meant to give some kind of tangibleness to what more

  • Passing On Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Charles Whitmire on Sep 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This message talks about how we should be passing on wisdom, and how easy that really is to accomplish!

    I am a fan of the long pass. Who of us isn’t really, right? Most of us as kids grow up wanting to be quarterbacks. We day dream of catching or throwing that game winning Hail Mary pass. Throwing and catching is a lot of fun to watch too... This morning, I want to talk about what you pass on from more

  • The Wisdom Of A Widow

    Contributed by Paul Tuck on Jan 12, 2002
    based on 61 ratings

    What would you do if God asked you to give the very last of your possessions to a complete stranger? This episode in the life of Elijah, shows us what real faith is all about.

    THE WISDOM OF A WIDOW I Kings 17:8-16 The sun beats down unmercifully upon the tiny town of Zarephath, a remote village well to the north of the land of Palestine. It is there that a fraw widow woman searches for sticks. Why is she searching for sticks? She is searching for sticks because more

  • Is There Wisdom In Wisdom? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 29, 2015
    based on 14 ratings

    God was pleased to give Solomon His wisdom and Solomon often spoke of the importance of seeking that wisdom. So, why was Solomon telling us here in Ecclesiastes that wisdom is empty and disappointing?

    TITLE: Is There Wisdom In Wisdom? TEXT: Ecclesiastes 1:12-18/2:12-16 The average public library has between 10,000 to 15,000 books on its shelves. ( During the War of 1812 (between England and America), the British invaded Washington D.C. and burnt much of it more

  • Wise Guys Finish First

    Contributed by David Henderson on Sep 6, 2013

    In this message I will define the difference between real and false wisdom. There is definitely a shortage of wisdom in our world right now.

    "Real Wisdom VS False Wisdom¡¨ James 4:13-18 If you had the chance to ask for whatever you wanted, what would it be? The OT gives us the story of a man named Solomon. We find the record that Solomon showed his love for God by walking according to God¡¦s law. God rewarded him by coming to him in more

  • When Things Get Real Series

    Contributed by Caleb Anderson on Nov 10, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others

    “When the calling is clear, walk away from the castle” When reality sets in: Leaving security for possibility <<refer to surveys—read them all—great ideas… some of you are waiting on us… but we’re waiting on you>> Stories: - Leaving comfortable gig to more

  • Wisdoms Work: Maturity Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 22, 2012

    Paul gives a roadmap to maturity. God's desire and goal that is revealed throughout the New Testament is maturity. Maturity is likeness to Jesus Christ. We as the church need to ask is wisdom working are we becoming more like Jesus.

    Intro: What signs are the Corinthians showing? Division, arrogance, an extreme focus on what they can do? They are immature believers. Paul desires that they will grow and mature. God also wants us to grow and mature and the way that happens is God’s wisdom and the working of His Holy more

  • Real Or Not Real?

    Contributed by C Vincent on Jul 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    How to know what is truth and error, real or not real based on Simon the sourcerer.

    Real or Not Real? 12.07.09 JCC am (From the game show, deal or no deal?) What is truth and what is error? You will have a son and you will name him Jesus. There is a tall man who will enter your life You will win a fortune within the next year You will cast out demons in my name It’s not more

  • The Right Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Peter Toy on Mar 26, 2013

    What is true wisdom and which wisdom will we choose?

    Which path will you choose? The passage this morning talks about wisdom. When the Bible speaks about wisdom, it’s talking about much more than just head knowledge, memorizing a set of facts. When the Bible speaks about wisdom it is describing a way of living that brings success, peace and more

  • How Wise Are You? Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Aug 29, 2005
    based on 77 ratings

    Seventh in a series on the book of James. Deals with the nature of true wisdom.

    A STUDY OF THE BOOK OF JAMES Sermon # 7 “HOW WISE ARE YOU?” James 3:13-18 We have at our disposal today more knowledge than at any time in history. More information has been produced in the last thirty years than in the previous more