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  • Let's Talk About #1 - The Media Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Oct 19, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    This week we’re starting a series called, “Let’s Talk About! We’re going to consider different hot-topic issues that you face in your life, from sex and dating to life, the universe, and everything!

    LET’S TALK ABOUT #1: THE MEDIA LET’S TALK ABOUT! This week we’re starting a series called, “Let’s Talk About!” We’re going to consider different hot-topic questions and issues that you face in your life, including everything from sex and dating to life, the universe, and everything! KEY more

  • Let's Talk About #2 - Authority! Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Oct 19, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    We are living in a rebellious generation that has no respect for authority... No one will rule over me! I have my rights! I make my own decisions. No one likes to be under the authority of someone else.

    LET’S TALK ABOUT #2: AUTHORITY LET’S TALK ABOUT! Last week we started a series called, “Let’s Talk About!” We’re going to consider different hot-topic questions and issues that you face in your life, including everything from sex and dating to life, the universe, and everything! KEY TEXT: more

  • Beginnings - Pt. 2 - God Talk Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Jan 12, 2011

    Each year people make resolutions and talk about turning over a new leaf. It is a great time to focus on Beginnings!

    Beginnings Part 2 - GodTalk I. Introduction We have begun a brand new year. It is the time we naturally consider new things. So, I challenged you last week that it is at the beginning that we should consider the beginning. I took you to Genesis 1:1 and said that we must reorder our lives so that more

  • When Our Lives Do The Talking Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Jan 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    verse by verse through Acts

    [2] Where are the genuine people today? Where are they? It doesn’t seem like anyone tells the truth any more. And you know what, it doesn’t even seem like people are expected to be truthful any more. Lying is commonplace, accepted and even expected from time to time. Do we have any more

  • "I Wasn't Talking To You"

    Contributed by Bill Burress on Jan 31, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A message dealing with the gift of tongues. Do some have truly it today?

    “I Wasn’t Talking To You” Joke: A sales manager overheard one of his salesman stating to a customer that they haven’t had any in a while and it didn’t look like they were more

  • The Coach’s Pep Talk Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 11, 2013

    A study of the Gospel of Matthew 10:5-16

    Matthew 10:5-16 The Coach’s Pep Talk “5 These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. 6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 And as you go, preach, saying, more

  • Joy - Sermon Outline For Teen Talk Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Aug 14, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    A short outline for a talk on the topic of Joy for a teenage service

    Can anyone tell me what joy is? In life we have good days and bad days. We can have happy days and sad days. Joy is very different from happiness. As Christians the Holy Spirit works inside us and He can fill us with joy. Even if we feel sad, we can choose to have joy and praise God, saying more

  • What You Talking About Willis

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Jan 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    In the narrative between Eve and the serpent, we see the importance of God's word.

    What you talking about Willis Genesis 2:16&17, 3:1-7 Intro: Back in the 80’s, there was a television show called Different Strokes. The star of the show was a child named Gary Coleman. In this show, two black children were adopted by a rich white man because their mother who was his maid more

  • God Invites Us To Talk To Him Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jun 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon will look at some basic guidelines to prayer and a model of prayer called ACTS. It will then conclude with mountain moving prayer.

    God Invites us to Talk to Him Matthew 6:9-14, Philippians 4:6-7 Online Sermon: Part one of this series focused on the fact that God does not change and still performs miracles for His children who pray in accordance with His will and have more

  • Listen More Than You Talk Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 31, 2010

    We cannot leave unbelievers in ignorance, but in sharing the Gospel it is more important to hear what they need than to prescribe a treatment for a disease they don't even know they have.

    Monday of 18th Week in Course August 2, 2010 You Will Be My Witnesses Jesus’s reluctance at the wedding feast of Cana, a reluctance summarized in His words to Mary, “woman, what is this to me and to thee, my hour has not yet come,” came from a deep understanding of human nature. more

  • How To Talk So That People Will Listen

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Apr 2, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    Have you ever spoken to someone and had the feeling in your heart that they weren’t really listening to you? This is a complaint that we often hear even from husbands and wives who married for love, but over the years have grown apart. What I’m saying i

    Mayor Gerardo Balmori The Salvation Army Introduction: Have you ever spoken to someone and had the feeling in your heart that they weren’t really listening to you? This is a complaint that we often hear even from husbands and wives who married for love, but over the years have grown apart. What more

  • 01 Stepping Out In Walking The Talk Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jan 10, 2012

    Chapter Ideas 1:2-4 -1. HOW DO YOU COPE? 2:8 - 2. HOW DO YOU SEE? 3:2 - 3 HOW DO YOU REACT? 4:1-3, 11-12 - 4. HOW DO YOU RESTORE? 5:7,11,16 5. HOW DO YOU WORSHIP?

    Book of James What do people like when they go to the movies Action/Adventure - 9 out the top 10 moves of all time are Action/Adventure - We desire a life of adventure moving us along on it’s cutting edge Bible Prominent Theme – Action/Adventure with God Way to God and the Walk with more

  • God Talks, Listens, And Gives Solutions

    Contributed by Matthew Davaughn Cox on Apr 9, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    God wants to be ivovled in your life

    God wants to talk to us and tell us things. God wants to talk to us everyday. God wants us to talk to him and tell him what’s going on with us. God wants us to listen to him when he tells us what to do. God will get onto us when we don’t listen to us. God will punish us when we do not more

  • Deliverance From Way And Talk Of Evil

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 20, 2015

    To show that the LORD Himself, personally delivers us from evil men's way and evil men's talk.

    I. EXORDIUM: What company do you keep? Good company. Company of believers. 1 Corinthians 15:33 1 Corinthians 15:33 (Amplified Bible) Do not be so deceived and misled! Evil companionships (communion, associations) corrupt and deprave good manners and morals and character. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: more

  • Which Book Talks About Jesus?

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Oct 21, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    This message covers every book of the bible, and shows how each one of them reference Jesus Christ. The title is a question. The answer would be .... "all of them."

    We are American Christians who believe in the Holy Bible, and as such, we recognize that the one thing that runs all the way through our Bible, like a ribbon tying it all together, is Jesus Christ. And "Christ" is not His last name: It is His title. And if we knew everything that title meant, more

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