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  • The Three Cs In Marrage,part One Series

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Dec 13, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    Part one of three part series in the relationship of man and wife. Dealing with the way to have a succesful marrage according to scripture.1st, Committment in Marrage.

    The Three Cs of Marrage The three Cs that aid in a sucessful Marrage. Ephesians 5:20-33 more

  • Wedding 2 Series

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Oct 20, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    Three habits for a heathly marriage

    Wedding sermon - Clive and Eva 1 Corinthians 13:4-4 3 Habits of an Effective marriage!! Story: The bride was very nervous. It was right before the wedding and she wasn’t sure she could even walk down aisle. So her father gave her some words of wisdom. He said to her. “There’s only three more

  • The Commitment Factor

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Oct 27, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Commitment is the key to a successful marriage. First, commitment to Christ, which leads to commitment to one’s spouse.

    The Commitment Factor—Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts It’s been said, “A successful marriage is one in which you fall in love many times…and always with the same person.” (Mignon McLaughlin) However, marriage in America is in trouble--the divorce rate more

  • Mutual Submission Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Nov 4, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    The obligations that Paul says that the husband and wife owe to each other.

    Focusing on the Family Series Sermon # 2 “Mutual Submission” Ephesians 5: 21-33 As Paul wrote these words family life in the Roman Empire was in a shambles, divorce and adultery were running rampant and marriage was in more

  • The Family's Bermuda Triangle

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Oct 19, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    Domestic Violence is the Family’s Bermuda Triangle.

    One of the things about the planet earth is that she contains many interesting and mysterious places. One such place is the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Atlantic Ocean that is bordered by the island of Bermuda on the north, the island of Puerto Rico on the south, and more

  • Three Things Every Wife Wants To Hear Her Husband Say

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 6, 2001
    based on 38 ratings

    This is a lesson tell husbands how to say what needs to be said.

    Three Things Every Wife Wants Her Husband To Say November 4, 2001 FBC, Chester, Illinois Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: 1. Pam and I went to a rummage sale and happened upon dry cleaning box. A Inside was a beautiful wedding dress. a On the box, in a woman’s more

  • 4 Play: Four Key Plays To A Winning Marriage Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 6, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    This is the outline I adapted from Jack Allen’s book of the same title and used at a marriage retreat.

    Session One: Introduction & First Down Introduction: Some marriages start out with a big play. A. What are "Big Plays?" a. $40,000 wedding, new homes, new cars, birth a kid, vacations, graduations, financial success. b. Although they have a big play....many of those marriages will fail. (Big more

  • Listening Guide To 4 Play: Four Key Plays To A Winning Marriage Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 6, 2001
    based on 16 ratings

    This is the listening guide for the 4 play material, adapted from Jack Allen’s work.

    Session One First Down: Focus on the Goal A. It’s hard to keep focused in a marriage. a A successful football team will line up for first down with one clear goal: To execute the play as a single unit. Not flawlessly, just successfully. b Matthew 19:5-6 "[5] and said, `For this reason a man more

  • Three Things Every Husband Wants His Wife To Say

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 11, 2001
    based on 61 ratings

    This messasge tackles submission, sex, and forgiveness.

    Three Things Every Husband Wants His Wife To Say November 10, 2001 First Baptist Church, Chester, Illinois Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: 1. Last week we looked at 3 things every wife wants to hear her husband say. A. Some women called me this week and offered a few more more

  • God's Plan For The Wife

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on May 3, 2002
    based on 134 ratings

    The plans of God for the home are glorious!

    OPEN YOUR BIBLES TO GENESIS 3 & EPHESIANS 5:22 1. It’s easy to become confused & mixed-up in this society of ours. a. So many opinions of what is right & wrong. b. What is moral & immoral - correct & incorrect. c. What is the role of the wife? The role of the husband? d. What’s the proper more

  • God's Plan For The Husband

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on May 6, 2002
    based on 141 ratings

    God has a wonderful plan for the husband in the home.

    1. Things change over the years don’t they? · If we’re not carefully investing in our marriage, our homes that were once filled with burning love & passion become cold & crusty houses. A husband’s reactions to his wife’s colds during seven years of marriage: First year: "Sugar dumpling; I’m more

  • Once Upon A Time

    Contributed by Michael Treston on May 8, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    sermon for a wedding

    Once upon a time A fair maiden set of on a long journey down the coast of the south island in search of a brighter future. She met many people upon her journey, and had many adventures Meanwhile in the olden town of Christ church a young nobleman was tending to his MR2 it was a trusty steed but more

  • God's Plan For Intimacy

    Contributed by Jerry Fenter on May 23, 2002
    based on 187 ratings

    The need for intimacy is fulfilled in marriage, family, and the church.

    God’s Plan For Intimacy Genesis 2:18-25 A small child came home from Sunday School and told his mother: "The teacher told us how God made the first man and the first woman. He made man first, but the man was very lonely with no one to talk to, so God put the man to sleep, and while he was asleep, more

  • Love Does Not Demand Its Own Way

    Contributed by William Baeta on Nov 6, 2002
    based on 21 ratings

    “Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way” 1 Cor. 13:4-5.

    Theme: Love does not demand its own way Text: 1 Cor. 13:4-7 True love does not demand its own way. This love does not seek to gain but to give. It is a love that is concerned about meeting the need of the other person. This love is only possible when God is in control of your lives. It is this more

  • Young And Restless Or Home Alone

    Contributed by Dr. Randy Croft on Nov 15, 2002
    based on 79 ratings

    Overcoming misconceptions about Single Adults

    Young and Restless or Home Alone? by Randy Croft What is the fastest growing minority segment of the American population? (Minority not meaning quality, but percentage of population). Not Hispanics, not African-Americans, not Asians, nor Europeans. It’s Singles. *Almost 40% of American more

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