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  • Christmas Series Christmas Party: The Protestors Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Dec 11, 2019

    In the midst of the birth of Jesus, not everyone was happy. Not everyone marveled at what they heard. Not everyone judged the Son of God being born as a baby as a good, holy, and righteous event.

    CHRISTMAS SERIES CHRISTMAS PARTY: THE PROTESTORS MATTHEW 2:1-23, #ChristmasParty CHRISTMAS SERIES 12/1 Christmas Party: The Angels 12/8 Christmas Party: The Shepherds 12/15 Christmas Party: The Protesters (Herod) 12/22 Christmas Party: The Birthday Boy INTRODUCTION… Not Everyone Likes more

  • The What God Hates

    Contributed by Kelly Durant on Feb 25, 2017

    People are confused by protestors and riots and they are hating those who they claim hate, but is this in alignment with God's word? God does hate, and abomination punishments bear witness to this. We first must hate ourselves as Jesus commanded.

    Hate What God Hates Kelly Durant 2-29-17 Psalm 34:21 Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity. 2. In Catholic South America when you go out talking about the gospel more

  • Are We The 95%

    Contributed by Thomas Baird on Oct 11, 2012
    based on 44 ratings

    Comparing the "Occupy Movement 99%" to the Church in America today... the 95%... and how so much of the Church today is like the occupy protestors

    Are We the 95% 10/4/2012 Take your Bibles if you would and turn to James chapter 1… starting in verse 19… I actually did not plan it this way… but we are going to begin this message basically… where we ended the message 2 weeks ago… James 1:19–27 (NIV84) 19 more

  • Occupy Jesus Series

    Contributed by Joe Adaline on Nov 13, 2011

    The occupy Wall Street movement has missed the mark. It is faceless and pointless. People need Jesus as the center of life, a more abundant life.

    In recent days, I have watched protesters, anarchists and the homeless camp in our nation’s parks and sit outside businesses and city halls with signs of protest. What is their point, what are they doing? Let’s look at a typical day in the life of a protestor. 10AM get up, 11 AM smoke, 12 noon, more

  • The Christian War Perspective

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    The sermon examines the Peace the Prince brings in light of the War with Iraq.

    Is the Prince of Peace against war? Jesus said, according to John 14:27, “ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” What does this word peace mean? Does it mean what the war protestors say, more

  • What Is God's View Of War

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Apr 2, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    As Christians we need to know what God says about war. Didn’t Christ come preaching peace? If so how can war be compatible with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ? Isn’t war a contradiction to the teachings of God’s Word?

    "But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the more

  • It's Time To Get Serious About Mercy

    Contributed by Theresa Ratliff on Mar 26, 2013

    We are poor witnesses when we fail to model God's love, mercy, and grace.

    In the book of John, Jesus often uses words and phrases that have more than one meaning to make a point. For example, when he discusses being “born again” with Nicodemus, he uses a word which means both “again” and “from above”. In today’s scripture lesson, more

  • 4th Of July: Declaration Of Dependence

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jul 5, 2016
    based on 9 ratings

    What we often forget is that in declaring their independence from England, our Founding Fathers made an equally bold Declaration of Dependence upon Almighty God.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK TEXT: Proverbs 14:34; Deuteronomy 8:6-14 ILL. Tomorrow the United States will be celebrating a crucial moment in the history of our nation - the signing of the Declaration of Independence. And as we look more

  • The Mob

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Apr 13, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    A Lenten Devotional that considers the "crowd", or "the mob" that demanded the life of Jesus.

    When the Ministerial Alliance was picking Lenten topics, one of the ones that was mentioned was "The Mob". And I have always loved "gangster stories" - You know Al Capone; Lucky Luciano; Bonnie & Clyde; Baby Face Nelson; The God Father. I am still amazed at what it reads on Bonnie Parker’s more

  • An Amazing Confession Of Faith

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Aug 17, 2010

    This is a very controversial passage, and is the basis for a debate that has raged between Catholics and Protestants for many years. Let's see what Jesus was talking about when He referred to the person and the event as "the rock."

    Passage: Matthew 16:13-21 Intro: We are looking at a passage today that has sparked huge controversy among believers. 1. and in fact, it is the interpretation of this passage that essentially separates Catholics from Protestants. 2. (by the way, protestant means “for the more

  • Sexual Purity In An X-Rated Culture Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    What the Bible says about sexual immorality and the definition of marriage.

    INTRODUCTION We live in interesting times. Last fall, on November 6, 2012, voters in Washington State approved two controversial issues, same-sex marriage and personal marijuana use. It’s interesting that the Bible says in Leviticus 20:13, “If a man lies with a man; they shall be more

  • Magnetic Faith Series

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Nov 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Isaac reveals the ways of winsomeness.

    Last Sunday the congregation of Mount Hope Church in Lansing, Michigan received several unwelcome protesters into their 11:30 AM service. On cue members of a gay rights activists group called Back Bash began disrupting the service. They were attempting to protest the passing of California’s gay more

  • The Reckoning Of God

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Nov 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God's Word is absolute. The Word of God is final. And His Word is binding, and it is truth! There is a reckoning at hand. It's the reckoning of God. And it is a reckoning of the sinful ways of this world and how we have literally pushed God out of our lives and our countries.

    God's Word is absolute. The Word of God is final. And His Word is binding, and it is truth! Malachi 3:6 says, "For I am the Lord, I change not;" Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever." John 14:9, "...he that hath seen me hath more

  • The Crowd Behavior”

    Contributed by Dusan Tillinger on Mar 30, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    It is a blessing and very important for our faith to consider what kind of crowd we have merged into, what we hold in our hands, and what we are shouting.

    John 12:12-13, “The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” In my sermon today I want to focus on and examine the crowds that were present during Holy more

  • The Benefits Of Imprisonment Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Oct 9, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    When our base drives are confined by the shackles of God’s love, they are morphed into rockets of exploration. I believe Paul and Timothy invite us to join them in prison and slavery, and, thereby, to become agents of unimaginable liberation.

    Three stories Boethius had the misfortune of being a well known and well liked Roman Senator, philosopher and teacher at the time a Ostrogothic king came to power in Italy. Boethius was imprisoned probably because of his immense influence on the thinking of the general population. While there, he more

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