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  • Freedom's Maturity Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 17, 2016

    You are adult sons of God, so don’t behave like children; behave like the adult sons you are.

    Marian Obeda, from London, Ontario, talks about a time when her husband, a pastor, was asked to officiate at a lot of weddings over a short few months. During that time, they were also preparing for their son's birthday party, so Marian asked her son who he wanted to invite. He responded with a more

  • Disciple: Worship Series

    Contributed by Travis Jarrett on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This is the fourth message in the series "Disciple." This message looks at worship in the life of the disciple.

    “Disciple: Following the Path of Jesus” Part 4 – Worship NewSong Church – 09/23/07 To watch/listen to this message online go to or contact Video: Sportscasters – The Big Sunday [full clip] The Big Sunday While that video definitely is intended to be a humorous more

  • The Strange Plan For Reaching Others Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on May 21, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the first message in a series entitled Reimagining Evangelism. This message looks at how the often asks for us to do things that do not make any sense.

    All of us would probably agree that some of God’s instructions just don’t make any sense. One of the most overwhelming and difficult tasks is that of reaching the world around us with the message of Jesus Christ. In fact with every passing day the task seems to be getting more and more more

  • If Only... Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Mar 29, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    As we stand like Martha in the road, struggling with the messes, pain, grief, and thoughts of "if only..." Christ meets us, he weeps with us, and he shows us a new way of life and hope.

    A few years ago when I was living in Washington, DC, and working part-time at a church in Alexandria, Virginia, I did a ride-along with an Alexandria police officer on an early morning shift one Saturday. Most of the morning was uneventful. We drove through the parking lots at the cheap hotels more

  • The Real Deal Series

    Contributed by Scott Jewell on Oct 19, 2016

    People are tired of finding phony. How can we make sure they find the Real Deal?

    We have been looking at the beginnings of the church. You may recall that in Acts 1 Jesus declared they would be His witnesses, “first in Jerusalem and Judea, then in Samaria and the ends of the world.” However, up until today’s passage, the church has remained in Jerusalem. It more

  • The Failure Of A Faulty Focus

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Nov 2, 2002
    based on 71 ratings

    Sexuality, Materialism, and Approval of man are all areas of a faulty focus.

    The Failure of a Faulty Focus A woman bought a parrot to keep her company but returned it the next day. "This bird doesn’t talk," she told the owner. "Does he have a mirror in his cage?" he asked. "Parrots love mirrors. They see their reflection and start a conversation." The woman bought a mirror more

  • Lesson 3: What We Believe About God

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 3, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    Series: Foundational Doctrines of the Faith

    A. THE NATURE OF GOD – TOWARD A DEFINITON OF GOD. 1. God is Spirit (John 4:24). a. The word "spirit" means incorporeal being. b. Spirit means life. 2. God is person. a. Self-awareness (Ex. 3:14). b. Self-determination (Job 23:13). c. Intelligence (Gen. 18:19). d. Emotion (Ex. 3:7-8). e. more

  • Miracles Happen Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Et Tapper on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    How to believe and pray for miracles in our lives.

    MIRACLES HAPPEN PT2 INTRODUCTION: MATT 17:14-20 God has a way for getting your need met, your problem solved. That way is rooted in your faith’s becoming a SEED When you plant a seed, God changes the nature of that seed so that it becomes a plant, and the power of life surges in that tender more

  • Unceasing Prayer Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 9, 2018

    How do we pray "unceasingly"? It seems like an insurmountable task, yet it is a command of God that can be fulfilled.

    1. We have been working to make our congregation a “house of prayer for the nations” as Jesus mentions in Mark 11.17, quoting Isaiah 56.7 • Prayer Pagers • Prayer Warriors • Prayer Room • Shepherd’s Prayer • More to come – Prayer Conference?? 2. We Know: a. Prayer is important to God’s People – more

  • The Study Of The Creed Of The Church Series

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Jul 21, 2015

    The Study Of The Creed Of The Church

    The Study Of The Creed Of The Church John 14:6 (KJV) 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. The word "creed" comes from a Latin word, "Credi." It means, "a belief, authoritative formula of religious belief; any formula or more

  • Ominous Journey Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 27, 2020

    Determining, doing, and accepting the uncertainties of our ability to determine God’s will is not as clear or objective as mathematics, but is part of our journey as believers.

    Ominous Journey (Acts 21:1-16) Main Idea: Determining, doing, and accepting the uncertainties of our ability to determine God’s will is not as clear or objective as mathematics, but is part of our journey as believers. I. Strange. Were the Prophets Were Trying to DIVERT Paul from God’s Will? more

  • Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time, Cycle B; 4th Sunday, Year B.-- Deliverance Ministry

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jan 29, 2021

    It’s powered by the love flowing from Christ’s wounded side on the Cross; it’s the Power-source of deliverance and healing ministry.

    “He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” Jesus spoke in the imperative when he said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” 1.Authority is internal—in the Greek it means "out of (one's) essence"—essential. Like Jesus, whatever we do should be a demonstration, not of external more

  • Jesus And The Law.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 2, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

    JESUS AND THE LAW. Matthew 5:17-26. MATTHEW 5:17. Jesus’ statement is emphatic: - “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” The righteousness of God is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the end of the law, the one to whom the law more

  • Keep Your Hand On Me! Series

    Contributed by Bob Aubuchon on Feb 23, 2001
    based on 259 ratings

    We cannot manage the bigness of life without God’s hand upon us.

    1 Chronicles 4:10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested. If you are a parent you probably more

  • "What It Means To Forgive Others" Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Nov 16, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    What does it mean to really forgive?

    The meaning of the word "forgiveness" is: to dismiss, to release, to leave or abandon. We hear of a judge that has "dismissed" the charges against a defendant. What that means is that person has been forgiven of any wrong doing. We hear of a person that is released from an obligation, such as a more

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