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  • Strength To Stand-3 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jun 13, 2017

    3 of 11. Paul closes his direction to the Ephesian church by encouraging them to find their strength in the Lord. But where or how can God's people find the strength to stand victorious? God’s people acquire strength to stand victorious thru a distinct...

    STRENGTH To STAND-III—Ephesians 6:10-20 Attention: Bigger Than Ever! There were two old mountaineers were living in the backwoods of the Ozarks: Rufus & Clarence. They lived on opposite sides of the river & they hated each other. Every morning, just after sunup, Rufus & Clarence would more

  • Hossana In The Highest

    Contributed by Riaan De Villiers on Oct 25, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The day Jesus arrived in the ancient city of Jerusalem, there’ was singing, shouting, dancing, even laying down branches and garments in the street in front of the donkey Jesus rode on. Of special interest is this foreign word, "Hosanna." What does the w

    Hosanna in the highest Matthew 21:9 The day Jesus arrived in the ancient city of Jerusalem, there’ was singing, shouting, dancing, even laying down branches and garments in the street in front of the donkey Jesus rode on. Of special interest is this foreign word, "Hosanna." What does the word more

  • Faith When The Answer Is No Part 2

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Aug 20, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    When God says no.

    Faith When the Answer Is No Part 2 Introduction Last week I started this message about what happens to your faith when you do not get something that you ask God for, something you really wanted, yet did not receive. I shared with you my experience when I was seeking a different job within my more

  • For Such A Time As This

    Contributed by Eric Anthony on Jul 21, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    In the midst of troublesome times, God has a way that can not be mistaken, God has given us a way out of Satan's 'No Way.'

    “FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS” SCRIPTURE: ESTHER 4:13-17 I. INTRODUTION A. ESTHER 4:13-17 When we review the book of Esther, we see that Ahasuerus was the king of Persia. God’s people, Israel, wee in the provinces of Persia. Its here that the king had the leaders of 127 more

  • Presenting: The Lord's House

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Mar 9, 2007
    based on 29 ratings

    This sermon focuses the congregation on continued growth and health in the church ... and the absolute need to be in unity and not be divisive.

    Audio at: What do you want this church to look like to outsiders? What do you want it to accomplish? As Christians, we should want this church to look inviting to outsiders; a place that is warm and friendly, not a place that is distant and cold. As far as more

  • A Prophetic Body Builder Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 6, 2015
    based on 16 ratings

    Some scholars call the gifts in Rom 12 "motivational" gifts. What do they mean by that and how does that help us understand the value and purpose of the gift of prophecy?

    Have you ever heard of a TV personality from years ago named Merv Griffin? Back in his heyday Mr. Griffin hosted a TV talk show called "The Merv Griffin Show" where he would have guests who would sit down with him and talk about their lives and the passions in their lives. One of those guests more

  • Unworthy Servants Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on May 30, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    The parable of a dutiful servant in Luke 17:7-10 teaches us about the ideal attitude that a disciple should have in serving God.

    Scripture Does God owe you anything? If you believe that God owes you anything, you may be unhappy when God fails to deliver. And even if God gives you what you want, you may still find something about which to complain. You may be like the mother whose son was blown away by a tornado. The more

  • Avoiding Spiritual Freefall

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Sep 28, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Avoiding Pitfalls in Spiritual Life

    Intro: there is a commercial on television that is pretty good, it is the N.F.L. draft and the number one pick is called, he stands, smiles for the cameras, dose a Heisman trophy pose, then proceeds to fall down a flight of stairs. Falling is sometimes a funny thing: Chevy Chase made people laugh more

  • God's Warrior

    Contributed by Mark Elkins on May 28, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    Remembering in and of itself brings a dilemma. I can remember the things I need to forget, and I forget the things that I should remember. Anyone else have that problem? Can I get a witness? So tell your neighbor, “You need to remember the right thing

    Memorial Day is a day of remembering. We should remember those who have gone to be with the Lord. Tell your neighbor, “You need to remember!” Remembering in and of itself brings a dilemma. I can remember the things I need to forget, and I forget the things that I should remember. Anyone else more

  • When There's Nothing Left

    Contributed by Lynn Loe on Sep 12, 2001
    based on 18 ratings

    What do we do when there seems to be no alternative to the dire circumstances we find ourselves in.

    When There’s Nothing Left 2 Cor 12:7-10 7 And because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me— to keep me from exalting myself! 8 Concerning this I entreated the more

  • America In Crisis

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Oct 10, 2001
    based on 117 ratings

    The crisis of America is a spiritual tragedy.

    II Timothy 3:1-4 AMERICA IN CRISIS VBC September 23, 01 There is much talk about the recent acts of terriosm in America. We might call the last several days of our nation- America in crisis. Paul warns us that the last days were going to be perilous. The word perilous means dangerous, hard to more

  • John - Full Of Christmas Cheer

    Contributed by Joseph Neil Adams on Jan 3, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    An advent message thinking about what John the baptist has to do with this season.

    Luke 1:3-18 The season of Christmas is upon us, but I wonder at what point did this realisation hit you? When you saw the decorations going up in shopping centres - something which always seems to happen way too early (i.e. October)? When you received your first card? In the Church Advent more

  • Am I A Whitewashed Christian?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 14, 2022

    A Christian is one who follows Christ and has taken on the instructions, directions, guidance, and characteristics that Christ gave to us. Secondly, what is whitewashed? It is the concealment or covering of flaws, failures, blemishes, or unpleasant facts.

    This is the story of two men who prayed. Undoubtedly many have read or at least heard of this story. So why did I title this sermon "Am I a Whitewashed Christian? Well first, let me ask this, what is a Christian? A Christian is one who follows Christ and has taken on the instructions, more

  • When To Break The Law

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 9, 2006
    based on 77 ratings

    As we think about the law of God let’s consider two thoughts: 1- There is SOMETHING greater than the law. 2- There is SOMEONE greater than the law.

    INTRO.- ILL.- A policeman pulled over a car, walked up to the driver’s window, and asked the man if he knew why he was pulled over. "No," the man replied. "You failed to stop at the stop sign," the cop explained. "But I did slow down!" the guy argued. The cop shook his head. "You are required more

  • Healthy Independence-8

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 13, 2020

    8 of ? The prophet Jeremiah contrasted two major aspects of Independence—Independence from God versus independence from the world. Dependence upon YHWH brings independence from worldly influence. How can I be independent of worldly influence? A Healthy Independence Engages...

    HEALTHY INDEPENDENCE-VIII—Jeremiah 17:10(:1-14) Attention: Graduation Speech Notes: When a young man was graduating from high school, he had to give a speech. He began by reading from his prepared text. “I want to talk about my mother & the wonderful influence she has had on my life,” he more

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