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  • Living A Christian Life

    Contributed by Mark Engler on Sep 28, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    Living a Christian life is a wonderful thing. It doesn’t stop at baptism. That is only the beginning. We can’t turn away from God after baptism or act as if you have it all taken care of now, there are things we need to do. We have been enlisted into

    Theme: Christian Living Text: Col. 3:1-4 Prop: Every Christian needs to maintain Christian living daily. Trans: How do we go about daily Christian living? Intro: Last week and only one other time since I have been here have I preached on the subject of baptism. And the reason I preached on more

  • Finding Meaning In Life

    Contributed by Howard Parnell on Oct 3, 2002
    based on 291 ratings

    Many are desperately searching for true meaning in this life. The answer is found in this passage of Scripture.

    FINDING THE MEANING IN LIFE TEXT: ECCLESIASTES. 1:1,2 INTRO: One of the funniest catchphrases of recent years is from an old Wendy’s commercial. An elderly woman and her friends open their hamburger buns and found them virtually bare. The perceptive old lady, who was able to see beyond the more

  • My "Other" Life

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on Oct 16, 2002
    based on 166 ratings

    Our culture of blame influences how we look at others, but the Lord says examine your own heart first.

    My “Other” Life TCF Sermon February 7, 1999 A lawyer in San Diego filed a lawsuit against the city because, during a rock concert at a city facility, he was "forced" (that’s the word the news item used) to use the women’s restroom. GET THIS: he also sued the company that SOLD HIM THE BEER! more

  • Weathering Life's Storms

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Oct 25, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Storms Happen - Deal with it.

    26, May 2002 Dakota Community Church Weathering Life’s Storms Introduction: Matthew 7:24-27 24"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat more

  • A Contrast In Eternal Life

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Oct 30, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    It amazes me that few subjects interest men more and receives more questions than that of the after life. Most folks have at one time or another have pondered the age old question as in Job 14:14; “If a man dies, shall he live again.”

    “A Contrast In Eternal Life” Date: October 27, 2002 A.M Service “Great Day Allendale” Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Luke 16:19-31 Introduction It amazes me that few subjects interest men more and receives more questions than that of the after life. Most folks have at one time or another more

  • Experiencing The Resurrected Life Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Apr 12, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central message of Christianity. Because Jesus rose from the dead, we too can experience resurrection power in our lives today.

    EXPERIENCING THE RESURRECTED LIFE HOW IMPORTANT IS THE RESURRECTION? “But tell me this – since we preach that Christ rose from the dead, why are some of you saying there will be no resurrection of the dead? For if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised more

  • New Life Individually Series

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Apr 16, 2012

    God recreated us in Christ for good works. We are individually new creations.

    “New Life Individually,” Ephesians 2:1-10 Outline I. Introduction II. Transition a. CIT: God recreated us in Christ for good works. b. CIS: We are individually new creations. III. Exposition a. The Chaos. (v.1-3) i. Humanity lost in its inheritance from Adam. ii. Humans individually more

  • New Life Corporately Series

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Apr 16, 2012

    The Church is one in Christ.

    “New Life Corporately,” Ephesians 2:11-22 Outline I. Introduction II. Transition a. CIT / CIS: The Church is one in Christ. III. Exposition a. (v.11-13) No racial boundaries in the Body of Christ. i. No longer Jew or Gentile. ii. Racial reconciliation then and now. 1. Biblical more

  • Planning Your Life

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Apr 23, 2012

    A sermon on the importance of prioritizing your life the way that God commands.

    .Text: 1 Cor 16:5-12, Title: Planning Your Life, Date/Place: NRBC, 4.22.12, AM Opening illustration: Time management principles Background to passage: Paul is tying up loose ends as many of us would do in extended communication. Most of these things include travel plans and so forth. But more

  • Satan's Will For Your Life Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Apr 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Satan is the ultimate eavesdropper and a constant gate crasher. As far as he is concerned we are like E.F. Hutten when we pray. Whenever and wherever we invite God to come we can be sure that Satan will also show up.

    From a “Pastor’s Weekly Briefing” provided by Focus on the Family - “A large share of people who attend Protestant or Catholic churches have adopted beliefs that conflict with the teachings of the Bible and their church, according to Barna Research Group 35% believe that more

  • A Life In One Direction Series

    Contributed by Tim Diack on Apr 30, 2012

    Marriage is a gift from God and He has given us three steps towards building our lives together. Last week we began to look at the first two steps - leaving and cleaving - in this message we consider the third step - weaving our lives together in a patte

    A Life In One Direction - Genesis 2:24 - April 29, 2012 Series: After The Honeymoon - #3 This morning we are continuing our series on marriage, entitled, “After the Honeymoon.” You’ll remember that last week we began to look at Genesis 2:24 where we read these words: more

  • Life After Graduation Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on May 7, 2012
    based on 219 ratings

    Let me share some goals for life after graduation. 1- Seek the Lord 2- Continue your education 3- Concentrate on people 4- Go to work

    INTRO.- ILL.- Physics Teacher: "Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell on his head and he discovered gravity. Isn’t that wonderful?" Student: "Yes sir, if he had been sitting in class looking at books like us, he wouldn’t have discovered anything." Do we really learn anything more

  • The Lord Is Our Life

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on May 9, 2012

    I. EXORDIUM: How often do we make choices? How does it feel to love someone? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers with or without a ministry III. OBJECTIVES: To encourage them to make the LORD, their life. IV. TEXT: Deuteronomy 30:20 You

    I. EXORDIUM: How often do we make choices? How does it feel to love someone? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers with or without a ministry III. OBJECTIVES: To encourage them to make the LORD, their life. IV. TEXT: Deuteronomy 30:20 You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying more

  • After This, Life

    Contributed by William Wyne on May 15, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Life does not cease at the period of pain, failure, and tragedy.

    If there was any biblical character in scripture that had every reason and rationale to just resign from life and live forever in total resentment for the rest of their days, it was Job. Job’s saga and story is definitely an unfolding drama of unbelievable trouble and tragedy. It’s more

  • The Life That Pleases God Series

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on May 16, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Our goal in life should be to please God. This is a sermon on how we can do that.

    Text: 2 Corinthians 5:9-21 Title: The Life that pleases God Introduction 1.Jesus’ prayer for all believers - UNITY (John 17:23) “That they may be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” Examples…one God, One Gospel, One more

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