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  • Palm Sunday Without The Palms Series

    Contributed by Roberta Karchner on Apr 4, 2020

    Devotional Worship Service for Palm Sunday during Pandemic - The stones cry out

    Palm Sunday, March 30, 2020 Prayers for the world: Beloved Jesus, in this time of crisis, our churches sit empty. Not because we do not love you, but because you told us to love one another, and this is the best way we can do it. As the crowds gathered to celebrate your entry into Jerusalem, this more

  • Living With(Out) Regret Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 24, 2022
    based on 4 ratings

    We all have regrets, things we've done or have had done to us in the past. Paul describes two ways of dealing with these regrets- worldly and godly. Consider these thoughts from our Family Minister Scott Jewell on living without regret.

    Our current series is called “What Keeps You Up At Night?” We’ve explored anger/bitterness, concern for family, and today I want to talk about regret. It’s the idea of dealing with our mistakes/sins, whether real or perceived from our past. Personally, the concept takes me back to my more

  • The Man Without A Wedding Garment

    Contributed by John Gaston on Mar 13, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Imagine missing Heaven because you wore the wrong clothes! Sounds absurd. But something as simple as that will damn millions, because they want to wear their own righteousness rather than that which Jesus provided. Get the festal robe today!

    THE MAN WITHOUT A WEDDING GARMENT Mt. 22:1-14 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: CRAZY THINGS CAN HAPPEN AT A WEDDING 1. “How did the wedding go?” asked the pastor’s wife. “Fine, dear, until I asked the bride whether she would ‘Love, honor, and OBEY her husband.’” “She looked at me and said, ‘Do you think I’m more

  • The Man Without...a Past?

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Mar 25, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    A man without a Past...that's an impossibility! IS IT? Why is it impossible? Do you believe, "Nothing is impossible with God!" If your answer is yes, then a man without a possible! Hmmm? That's what i say...Hmmm?

    The man without a past... Does anyone remember the episode of The Andy Griffith show, when a complete stranger came to town? And even though he was a complete stranger, he seem to know everyone's names and everything about everyone. And the fact that he knew everything about everyone, seemed very more

  • "A Hero Without A Cape”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 13, 2023

    A Father's Day Sermon. I begin with the legacy of Dale Earnhardt's death and legacy. God our Father also has a legacy, it is Jesus. Several "themes" and "quotes" regarding a "father's" role.

    In Jesus Holy Name June 18,2023 Text: Ephesians 6:4; 2 Corinthians 6:18 (The Message) Father’s Day “A Hero Without a Cape” It was on a Sunday, the 18th of February of 2001, that a car on the last lap of the Daytona 500 was hit from behind and was sent careening into the wall at 180 more

  • Power Without God Is Useless

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on May 3, 2020

    This topic is derived from a lesson learnt in the Barak & Deborah story shown in Judges 4:1-end.

    Text: John 15:5 " “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” Characters in the story: • God • Israelites (God’s Children) • Jabin (Canaanite King) • Sisera (Canaanite Chief Army Officer) • Barak (Israelite more

  • Faith Without Works Is Dead Series

    Contributed by Antonio Manaytay on Jul 22, 2024

    This sermon explores a crucial aspect of our Christian walk, the relationship between faith and works. The main text comes from James 2:14-26, where the apostle James makes a compelling argument that faith without works is dead.

    Good morning, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we are going to explore a crucial aspect of our Christian walk, the relationship between faith and works. Our main text comes from James 2:14-26, where the apostle James makes a compelling argument that faith without works is dead. This more

  • Living Without Self Confidence

    Contributed by Walter Troup on Apr 6, 2019

    Self-confidence is a good thing, but what balance should we have in our abilities and the things God has called us to do. This is a closer look at the lives of two heroes of the faith.

    Living Without Self Confidence. Having self-confidence is a good thing. No one likes to be around someone who is not confident. In fact, people will say you must believe in yourself, if you don’t you will never achieve anything. But I believe that there is a fine line between having more

  • "A Love Without Limits”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on May 8, 2024

    Mother's Day. Giving thanks for mother's who imitated God's love. Story from Max Lucado "Love Bold" 1995 compares the question. Mother's why do you love your child? Why does God love us His children? His love is limitless.

    In Jesus Holy Name May 12, 2024 Text: Psalm 127:3;128:6 John 15:12-13 Mother’s Day “A Love Without Limits” We are all aware that Mother’s Day is a National holiday. A day we dare not overlook. Happy Mother’s Day! On this mother’s day, as a community of believers we rejoice in more

  • Go! And Love Without Limits Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 10, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Love is the defining characteristic of a follower of Christ. But what does biblical love truly look like? How do we love in a way that reflects Christ’s love?

    Go! And Love Without Limits Introduction: Love is the defining characteristic of a follower of Christ. Jesus said in John 13:35 (NLT), “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” But what does biblical love truly look like? How do we love in a way that reflects more

  • Imagine A World Without Christmas SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    What if there were no Christmas?

    Today, let's consider the significance of Christmas and what life would be like without it. Imagine a world where Christmas did not exist. No family gatherings, no holiday traditions, no Christmas gifts, carols, decorations, or trees. The absence of Christmas would mean no cherished memories and no more

  • Check Yourself Out!

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Sep 21, 2016

    The life of a person from unsaved to entirely sanctified can be one of "stages". The disciple of Christ may not go through all of the stages but the hope of this message is that we will be able to evaluate where we stand with the Lord and then move on.

    (This sermon is a mixture of segments with a reinforcing song mixed in with each part.) John 10:7-10 (Please find this passage in your Bible and follow along) The Plight of the Lost … - The Bible teaches that apart from Salvation through Jesus all are lost - There is one called the devil. more

  • Paul’s Mars Hill Sermon Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Feb 23, 2022

    What's going on here? Paul preaches a message without using Scripture? He quotes from an inscription on a pagan shrine? No follow up for the new believers in Athens? We better take a closer look at Paul's Mars Hill sermon.

    The context of Paul’s Mars Hill Sermon When we look at Paul’s Mars Hill sermon given in Athens in Acts 17, he is well into his second missionary journey. His plans were changed early in the journey when the Holy Spirit kept him from preaching the word in Asia and then he received his Macedonian more

  • Lesson 17: Expound A Chapter Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Mar 23, 2018

    Expound a Bible Chapter

    Lesson Goal In this lesson I want to encourage the exposition of a whole chapter or a similar larger passage of Scripture. Lesson Intro Sometimes stepping back and getting a broader view of things, provides perspective and insight that getting lost in details does not. Lesson Plan In this more

  • No Rich People In Heaven Series

    Contributed by David Smith on Oct 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    "Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom

    In any journey, such as a trek through the bush, there are exciting parts, such as when we start out (perhaps) and when we near your destination, there are relatively boring parts, and there are patches that are just hard work. In our journey through the Gospel of Mark we seem to have reached an more

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