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  • Prayer & Salvation Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Jun 9, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    #6 in the series "Patterns for Prayer." Examines the role of prayer in salvation, on the part of both the seeker and the evangelist.

    The Times-Reporter of New Philadelphia, Ohio, reported in September, 1985 a celebration of a New Orleans municipal pool. The party around the pool was held to celebrate the first summer in memory without a drowning at the New Orleans city pool. In honor of the occasion, 200 people gathered, more

  • Prayer & Power Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Jun 9, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    #7 in the series "Patterns for Prayer." Looks at the role of Prayer on the day of Pentecost.

    There’s a city that’s been in the news a lot lately that most of us had never heard of. The city is Yongbyon. The reason that Yongbyon is newsworthy is that it is the site of North Korea’s nuclear reactor. The reclusive communist state said recently it needed to restart the frozen program to more

  • Prayer For Others Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Jun 15, 2003
    based on 71 ratings

    8th in the series "Patterns for Prayer." Looks at the Church’s payers for Peter in prison as a pattern of intercessory prayer.

    Introduction: "Somebody’s Praying Me Through--with military testimonies" (Available at At it’s best prayer is not simply a list of things I want from God but also a time of intercession for others. Intercession is when we pray for more

  • The Prayer Challenge Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Jun 27, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    A challenge to 30 days of prayer based upon the Prayer of Jabez.

    Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, "Because I bore him in pain." And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from more

  • Prayer & Parting Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Jul 6, 2003
    based on 48 ratings

    Final in the series "Patterns for Prayer." Looks at Pauls farewell with the Ephesian elders as a pattern for praying together as we say goodbye.

    Prayer & Parting Text: Acts 20: 22-38 Introduction This sermon was scheduled before I knew with certainty when or even if I would be leaving Heidelberg. So perhaps it is providential that here just about exactly one month before my departure as we conclude this series of sermons on prayer that we more

  • The Habit Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Kent Lenard on Dec 28, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    This sermon discusses the need for Prayer and the mthods to revitalize our prayer life.

    THE HABIT OF PRAYER Rom 12:12, Mat 6:5, 6, 7-8, Mat 6:9, Psa 100:4, Mat 6:10, 11, Phi 4:19, Rom 8:32, Jam 4:2 Phil 4:6, Mat 6:12-13, Psa 139:23-24, Pro 28:13, Mat 5:23-24, Jam 1:9, 1 Tim 2:1, Mat 6:14, 1 John 4:4, November 18, 2003 I. (Rom 12:12 NIV) Be joyful in hope, patient in more

  • Warfare Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jan 16, 2004
    based on 48 ratings

    Prayer is the greatest weapon we have in the spiritual battles we fight

    THE WARFARE OF PRAYER Ephesians 6:10-12, 18 In a small Kentucky town there were 2 churches and 1 whiskey distillery which was owned by the town atheist. Church members complained that the distillery gave the community a bad image so they unsuccessfully tried to shut it down. One Saturday night more

  • A Morning Prayer Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Feb 6, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    This is the 5th study in the study "The Hebrew Hymnal".

    Series: The Hebrew Hymnal (Psalms) [#5] HYMN #5: A MORNING PRAYER Psalm 5 Each one of us has had restless nights due to the stress and worry of the upcoming day. As studied in Psalm 3, David had been running from Absalom and there at Manaheim his men were sent out to stop the Israelite more

  • By Products Of Prayer

    Contributed by Ivan Casteel on Feb 27, 2004
    based on 10 ratings

    To help see what prayer does for the believer.

    DATE THE BY-PRODUCTS OF PRAYER James 4:2-3. Jas 4:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. (KJV) INTRDUCTION: There more

  • Intercessory Prayer

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on May 14, 2004
    based on 49 ratings

    What is intercessory prayer all about?

    Intercessory Prayer Story: I have been asked to speak on Intercessory Prayer today. If you ever have a preacher that you don’t particularly like – just ask him to come to a Family Service and talk about intercessory prayer. Story: A friend of mine, Alun Morris once told a story of a very more

  • Prayer And The Will Of God Series

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Jun 9, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Praying the Lord’s Prayer confronts the intersection of our praying and the Lord’s will.

    Prayer and the Will of God Matthew 6:10; Romans 12:1-2; 1 John 5:14-15 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO The second petition of the Lord’s Prayer (Thy Kingdom, Thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven) solves three big problems that many of us face more

  • Prayer & Fasting

    Contributed by Randy Rice on Jun 23, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Spiritual Disciplines that Touch God and Transform Man

    The Power of Fasting & Prayer “Spiritual Disciplines that Touch God and Transform Man” Matt. 9:14-17 Prayer-Subject-Intro: *Fasting: abstaining from food for spiritual purposes *Fasting and Prayer do not help us gain God’s acceptance or love *Fasting and Prayer helps us turn our focus from more

  • The Prayer Of The Righteous Series

    Contributed by Jehu Hernandez on Jun 30, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    Not all prayer is effective, but the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.

    The Bible teaches that not all praying is effective. • Those who pray while they cherish sin in their hearts will find that God doesn’t listen to that prayer. (Psalm 66:18) • Those who pray to be seen by men will not receive the reward of answered prayer because their reward is to be seen by more

  • Private Prayer Series

    Contributed by Jehu Hernandez on Jun 30, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Not all prayer is effective, but private prayer is rewarded.

    SELECT A PLACE FOR PRIVATE PRAYER. Everyone needs a place to be alone with God. As long as we don’t have a place, we won’t be able to maintain private prayer. Jesus gave us the example of private prayer. Where ever he was, he always found a place to be alone with God. (Matthew 12:23; Mark more

  • Custom Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Mar 31, 2003
    based on 4 ratings

    Before Easter is a good time to re-evaluate your prayer life. Do you practice the custom of prayer? It is the key to your spiritual growth.

    Custom of Prayer Please read along with me the beginning of Daniel 6- especially v. 10, where we learn about Daniel’s custom of praying. Read on for a few verses to see the trouble that praying got Daniel into. Daniel had a custom of praying. He was known for praying and people even knew something more

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