Terry Hensley
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
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Something To Be Excited About!
Contributed on Jul 15, 2017
In the Father's House, there is Love, Peace, and Joy. He is always wanting you to come. He is always listening for your prayers, and He is always ready to show you how much He loves you.
SOMETHING TO BE EXCITED ABOUT! Psalms 122:1 God woke you up this morning, clothed you in your right mind. He put food on your table, clothes on your back, shoes on your feet, and a roof over your head. You have Something To Be Excited About! Psalms 122:1 "I was glad when they said unto ...read more
The 3 B's Of Commitment
Contributed on Aug 15, 2003
Thanks to Pastors Bo Dunford, Fred Elliott, for their outlines. God moved me with nuggets from your outlines. The need for Commitment in this hour. Ps.37:1-5, Pr.3:5-6,16:3, Rom.12:1-2,I Pet.4:19
WHAT ARE YOU COMMITTED TO? Ps 37: 5, Pr. 3:5-6, 16: 3, Rom.12: 1-2, I Pet. 4:19. There are close to 100 million Church members in America and yet, why are we not making more of a moral and spiritual impact? Why is it, that on Sunday morning, hundreds of churches have empty pews? Why are so ...read more
A Spiritual (Let Us) Sandwich.
Contributed on Feb 6, 2002
Lettuce doesn’t stick to the ribs as well as steak and gravy, but every Christian needs a spiritual "Let Us" sandwich.
A Spiritual “Let Us” Sandwich Hebrews 10:19-25. Are we hungry this morning? Matt. 5:6, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” I would like to give you this morning a Spiritual “Let Us” sandwich. I know that a lettuce sandwich doesn’t ...read more
Paul's 3 Calls To The Church.
Contributed on Jan 31, 2002
God has certain things for us to be doing, and He has given instructions for us to be able to be the kind of Christian He wants us to be. If we will hear what saith the Lord. God didn’t say that the road would be easy, but that we would make it through Hi
Paul’s 3 Calls to the Church Romans 12: 1-2. Every individual has been called by God to live a life that brings Honor and Glory to him. You do not have to understand what God wants to do with your life. If you will Surrender to his call, he will reveal it in ...read more
3 Ingredients For A Successful Church.
Contributed on Jan 31, 2002
I’m not no cook, but I know that for a cook to be able to make a meal that’s just out of this world; the cook must use the right ingredients. The same emphasis is necessary for the success of a Christian in his efforts to win the lost, in this world of wi
3 Ingredients For A Successful Church Text: Acts 17: 1-9 A. What we need in the church is some more trouble-markers! Trouble-makers? Yes, Trouble-makers! That’s what the enemies of the church called the Christians at Thessalonica. They said they were the ones, “who have caused ...read more