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  • Eat, Drink And Be Merry, For Tomorrow I Will Be Humiliated Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jun 3, 2015

    A study of the book of Ester chapter 1 verses 3 through 22

    Ester 1: 3 – 22 Eat, Drink And Be Merry, For Tomorrow I Will Be Humiliated 1 Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus (this was the Ahasuerus who reigned over one hundred and twenty-seven provinces, from India to Ethiopia), 2 in those days when King Ahasuerus sat on the throne of his more

  • Preparations For Messiah Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Aug 1, 2022

    Exposition of Zechariah 9:1-8 examines campaign of Alexander the Great predicted by the prophet. Through two supernatural dreams, God turned potential disaster to favor for His people.

    Intro We have completed the first half of Zechariah. Our text today opens the second half. Chapters 1-8 constitute the first half, and chapters 9-14 the second. The style, structure, and tone of the two halves are very different. We have been impressed with the specific dates and context given in more

  • Break It Down

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on May 7, 2018

    A study in the book of Leviticus 19: 1 – 37

    Leviticus 19: 1 – 37 Break it down 19 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy. 3 ‘Every one of you shall revere his mother and his father, and keep My Sabbaths: I am the more

  • Fly High - Acts Part 6 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 11, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    The Lord used an ordinary man Philip who was filled with the Holy Spirit to do extraordinary things for the Kingdom of God. He influenced important people for the Kingdom of God because of his devotion to the Lord and to ministry.

    “Fly High” – Acts part 6 Video Illustration: For the 4th of July – also a soldiers story about the power of the Gospel in a Battle zone. Pray for our Country and for the soldiers oversees. Thesis: The Lord used an ordinary man Philip who was filled with the Holy Spirit to do extraordinary more

  • The New Heaven & The New Earth Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jan 26, 2014

    1) The Appearance (Rev. 21:1), 2) The Capital (Rev. 21:2), 3) The Supreme Reality (Rev.21:3), 4) The Changes (Rev. 21:4-6a), 5) The Residents (Rev. 21:6b–7), and 6) The Outcasts from the New Heaven and the New Earth. (Rev.21:8)

    On Monday evening at the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, Stephen Harper promised Israelis that “through fire and water, Canada will stand with you.” The prime minister explained that his unprecedented and unmatched support for Israel is not about political calculation, but rather a more

  • For Your Eyes Only

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Apr 25, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A study in the book of Esther 1: 1 – 22

    Esther 1: 1 – 22 For your eyes only 1 Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus (this was the Ahasuerus who reigned over one hundred and twenty-seven provinces, from India to Ethiopia), 2 in those days when King Ahasuerus sat on the throne of his kingdom, which was in Shushan the citadel, 3 more

  • Renewing Your Passion Series

    Contributed by Ray Pritchard on Sep 5, 2003
    based on 146 ratings

    You cannot keep yourself safe. Your only hope is to entrust all that you are and have to Jesus.

    Renewing Your Passion II Timothy 1 Today we are beginning a summer series from the little book of II Timothy. People sometimes wonder how pastors choose what to preach on. In this case, I feel like I didn’t choose II Timothy; II Timothy chose me. Last fall as we were finishing up our trip on the more

  • A New Beginning-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    1 of 2. Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus yielded the essentials of being born again. What is essential to a new beginning? 6 concessions essential to a new beginning are...

    A NEW BEGINNING-I—John 3:1-21 Attention: New Years Day is about the beginning of something new. It is a harbinger of a time filled with potential... Of possibly doing things differently & better—particularly if last year was a difficult one. It is also the start of an extension of last year’s joys more

  • Un-Holy Relationships

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Oct 31, 2019

    A study in the book of Hosea 2: 1 – 23

    Hosea 2: 1 – 23 Un-holy relationships 1 Say to your brethren, ‘My people,’ and to your sisters, ‘Mercy is shown.’ 2 “Bring charges against your mother, bring charges; For she is not My wife, nor am I her Husband! Let her put away her harlotries from her sight, and her adulteries from between her more

  • A No Win Situation

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 24, 2018

    A study in the book of 2 Samuel 2: 1 – 32

    2 Samuel 2: 1 – 32 A no win situation 2 It happened after this that David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I go up to any of the cities of Judah?” And the LORD said to him, “Go up.” David said, “Where shall I go up?” And He said, “To Hebron.” 2 So David went up there, and his two wives also, more

  • Ruisseaux Coulant Du Liban (Cantiques Des Cantiques 4:15).

    Contributed by James Dina on May 22, 2021

    Nous sommes un "Ruisseaux coulant du Liban", qui se jette dans de nombreuses chutes d'eau et s'élance en avant avec la force irrésistible de Dieu, balayant tout, jusqu'à ce que nous trouvions le repos parfait.

    Ruisseaux coulant du Liban (Cantiques des Cantiques 4:15). "Une fontaine de jardins, un puits d'eaux vives, et des Ruisseaux coulant du Liban" (Cantiques des Cantiques 4:15). L'ancien Liban biblique était l'un des endroits les plus doux de tout le pays de Canaan more

  • Breakthrough In The Mind Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jun 12, 2020

    We are in a war and for the most part that war is within – in our minds – it’s also in our thoughts and what we set our minds on becomes our reality – our minds dictate how we respond to life, situations and people.

    Sermon 2: Breakthrough in the mind! Thesis: We are in a war and for the most part that war is within – in our minds – it’s also in our thoughts and what we set our minds on becomes our reality – our minds dictate how we respond to life, situations and people. We need to have a renewed mind to win more

  • Practising Serving Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 25, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The model that is frequently brought into the church is provided by this world. That model drives the disciple to step on others in order to advance himself. The model Jesus provides, though often neglected, is quite different; it teaches us to serve.

    “A dispute also arose among them, as to which of them was to be regarded as the greatest. And he said to them, ‘The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those in authority over them are called benefactors. But not so with you. Rather, let the greatest among you become as the more

  • Heaven Opens, Hell Opens - Sermon On Mark 1:10-13 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Apr 15, 2023

    The coronation: Jesus is anointed Messiah in fulfillment of messianic prophecy when the Spirit comes into him, and the Father calls him his beloved Son. The tearing of heaven means Isa.62:1 is happening – God is coming down to save his people.

    For audio and video of this message go to Mark 1:9 At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10 As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit more

  • Throw Down In The Synagogue - Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Jun 3, 2023

    To be qualified to be Messiah, Jesus must have the power to overpower the forces of evil.

    Mark 1:21 They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. 22 The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. 23 Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an more

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