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  • A Change Agent For Christ / Catalyst

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Aug 9, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    When Jesus said Ye are the salt of the earth He was making a proclamation and expectation. He is expecting for us to start something, to ignite a fire in people, to be the catalyst transforming the stinking mess of the world to burn for reconciliation with God.

    A Change Agent for Christ By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING:- Earlier this week I posted on my FB page I GOT A TESTIMONY and I told how God orchestrated an encounter this week with 2 young men as I came out of Dollartree, one of whom was a Muslim. The encounter ended up with prayer and more

  • The 165-Degree Life Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Nov 12, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    King David leans into thankfulness by offering intentional sacrifices, praising God through song, and reorienting his heart about God’s sovereignty while praying for God’s favor. We absolutely can do the same!

    LAYERS OF THANKSGIVING 2024: THE 165-DEGREE LIFE 1 CHRONICLES 16:1-36 #layersofthanksgiving INTRODUCTION… How Pop-Up Turkey Timers Work [adapted] This morning we are going to talk turkey. Millions of people throughout the United States sit down to a big more

  • How To Evangelize And Enjoy Yourself John 2:1-11

    Contributed by Nigel Heath on Sep 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Sharing the Good News about Jesus could never be easier and more enjoyable for anyone. Why did no-one see this before. A sermon based on Rick Richardson’s ideas described in his book Reimagining Evangelism.

    21.9.08 HOW TO EVANGELIZE AND ENJOY YOURSELF John 2:1-11 INTRO Girl down drain recued. Remarkable story: The father of a little girl sucked 150ft (46m) along an underground drain has told how she had stopped breathing when he pulled her from the River Wear. Leona Baxter, three, was playing in a more

  • Harmony Series

    Contributed by Tim Zukas on Apr 25, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Building God’s Church through Harmony(Bob Russell - When God Build’s a Church)

    Jim and John were both elders at Prince of Peace Christian Church, but they never got along. In fact, whenever an issue came up where Jim voted “Yes”, you could be sure that “John” would vote “No.” As was bound to happen, Jim passed away. There he was at the Pearly Gates and St. Peter was there more

  • A Heart Condition -Gossip'er Or Encourager

    Contributed by Carl Greene on Oct 16, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    We can use our tongues to do evil, discourage, discredit or we can use our tongues to do good, encourage, uplift, love!

    A Heart Condition Gossiper or Encourager? Do you remember an Olympic skier by the name of Picabo Street. Picabo [pronounced “peek-a-boo”] She is, or was the well-known Olympic gold medalist in the Super G a few years ago. But, she is more than a famous skier. more

  • One Needful Thing

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Jul 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    With so many pressing things distracting us, Jesus calls us to focus on what is truly important, being truly present with him.

    July 21, 2019 Lk. 10:38-42 Rev. Mary Erickson One Needful Thing Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. There is a joy surrounding hospitality. It’s delightful to be the one who welcomes. And it’s warmly gracious to be the one who is more

  • Joyful, Prayerful, Thankful Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 22, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    God has specific plans for your life, but our priority is following His broader will which reflects His desire for every believer. Paul informs us that is is God’s will that we practice three habits; when we do, they have positive consequences on our

    Joyful, Prayerful, Thankful (I Thessalonians 5:16-18) 1. A young fellow by the name of Sammy liked to hang out at Mom and Pop’s Grocery Store. Pop didn’t know what Sammy’s problem was, but the other boys would tease him all the?time, calling him Slow Sammy, and punching him on the shoulder as they more

  • Sacrificial Giving

    Contributed by Greg Yort on Apr 23, 2018

    When we give, not just out of our wealth, but as a sacrifice it counts as a credit with God, a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God, that opens up God’s riches to meet our needs.

    Textual Idea Paul praised the Philippians for their sacrificial giving, not as something that he needed, but as a credit to their account with God, a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God, that opened up the heavens to meet their needs. Sermon Idea When we give, not just out more

  • Watchman, What Is Left Of The Night?

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Dec 10, 2019

    Isaiah warns Dumah of the pending judgment. He speaks in a mysterious oracle. What does it mean as we wait for Jesus to come?

    12.11.19 Isaiah 21:11-12 11 An oracle concerning Dumah: Someone calls to me from Seir, “Watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?” 12 The watchman replies, “Morning is coming, but also the night. more

  • Motivational Speakers Or Ministers

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Apr 11, 2022

    We are not called to entertain and right exposition of the Word may cause some pain.

    1 Peter 4:11  If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.  When I am in the Pulpit, I am more

  • Catching Foxes Series

    Contributed by David Mcbeath on Mar 9, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We must commit to removing any obstacle, obstruction, annoyance or pest that would ruin the relationship we have with our mate/date by hearing the alarms in our relationships and being students of each other in order to remove each other’s foxes and insec

    PRAYER INTRODUCTION Let me start my message this morning with a little confession. I have a habit, an addiction that really drives my wife Paula crazy. I pop my knuckles. I try hard not to do it around her. ‘Cause I love her and I don’t want to annoy her, but sometimes I just can’t help more

  • Humility Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus showed humility by coming from heaven to earth and washing His disciples' feet. When we choose humility, we reflect Christ to the world around us.

    Imagine this: You're walking down the hall at school and you see a group of kids struggling to carry a huge box. The teacher is just standing there, watching. Then, out of nowhere, the principal comes over, rolls up his sleeves, and helps the kids lift the box. That's pretty cool, right? That's more

  • Baptism: A Better Bequest Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on May 1, 2016

    Through baptism we receive the fortune of forgiveness that Jesus left us. We also receive the Holy Spirit so that we are empowered to live a new life.

    Pop star Prince has died at age 57. It’s now been reported that Prince had no last will and testament. He was apparently paranoid of signing any kind of legal document lest he somehow be swindled out of his fortune. Of course now everyone is wondering who will get his millions. His six more

  • 01 Life Encounter: It's Victory. Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Feb 17, 2008

    1. It’s a Battle for the Mind 2. We Only Lose When We Choose to Lose 3. Change Our Thinking

    Dr. Donald Gray Barnhouse (1895-1960) Presbyterian Minister Radio Preacher, Editor of Eternity magazine Author – He lived with his family in France during his student days. On their dinner table sat a little promise book that held about 200 promises from the bible which was read each day at meal more

  • Freedom's Influence Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 27, 2016

    If you want to influence others to follow Jesus, commune with Him and let Him change you from the inside out.

    Once upon a time, a man walked into a little mom-and-pop grocery store and asked, “Do you sell salt?” “Ha!” said Pop the proprietor. “Do we sell salt! Just look!” And Pop showed the customer one entire wall of shelves stocked with nothing but salt – Morton more

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