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Sermons on pierced my hands and my feet:

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  • From Desolation To Praise.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 27, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    They pierced my hands and feet.

    FROM DESOLATION TO PRAISE. Psalm 22:1-31. (I). Jesus Upon the Cross. Psalm 22:1-21. The details of the sufferings in Psalm 22:1-21 match more exactly the anguish of Jesus upon the Cross than anything that we can find in any of the written records of David’s life - and because of this the more

  • Pierce My Ear

    Contributed by Phil Morgan on Nov 19, 2001
    based on 156 ratings

    God is looking for a people who serve Him freely; who worship Him voluntarily; who love Him as a reflex of the heart. NOT because they cannot choose anything else, but because they decide FOR Him. No other voice can truly tell how great and worthy God is

    “Pierce My Ear” On the last two Sunday mornings I’ve been talking to you about our freedom in Christ. This week, on our television screens, most of us would have witnessed a striking picture of what freedom looks like. I’m talking about the liberation of Kabul in Afghanistan. For the past five more

  • Beautiful Feet

    Contributed by David Whitten on Nov 29, 2001
    based on 110 ratings

    I can think of several words to describe these things on the ends of my legs. The words ugly, hairy, smelly and hideous are a few that I would choose. The bible describes feet and you’d be surprised at the verbiage used. Both Isaiah 52:7 and Romans 10:15

    "Beautiful Feet" Romans 10:14-15 DSW@cacc9-28-97 Beautiful Feet Webster’s Definition: foot n. pl. feet . 1. The lower extremity of the leg that is in direct contact with the ground in standing or walking. I can think of several words to describe these things on the ends of my legs. The words more

  • The Disciple Peter - Lord, Not My Feet, But My Feet Will Follow - Part 2 Of 4 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 14, 2022

    What did the washing of the feet imply and why did Peter object? His desire was to be fully given to his Lord. Jesus promised a threefold denial that must have rocked Peter.

    THE DISCIPLE PETER - LORD, NOT MY FEET, BUT MY FEET WILL FOLLOW - PART 2 OF 4 SERIES - THE CHARACTERS IN JOHN’S GOSPEL We are doing a 4 part series on the Apostle Peter and today come to the second Part. This wonderful, devoted man has so much to teach us. John 13 v 5 Then He poured water more

  • Also My Hands And My Head

    Contributed by Olusegun Ayobami Sanni on Jan 31, 2018

    This was one of the crucial times in the life of Jesus, it was when He was preparing for his own death after the Passover

    Introduction: This was one of the crucial times in the life of Jesus, it was when He was preparing for his own death after the Passover but it is a pity that the disciples that were with him are not seeing the same vision with him, Jesus was seeing the greatest task ahead of Him, accomplishment of more

  • Wash My Feet, Wash My Heart

    Contributed by Ovidiu Radulescu on Oct 16, 2008
    based on 79 ratings

    Jesus understood full well that in a few short hours all those 24 feet that were so wonderfully cleansed would soon desert Him and run for their life and flee from His presence... And He knows it. They don’t know it. Only the feet of John would stay put.

    Disaster struck me one day when I was a boy. I don’t know where in the world my little sister came back to the house real dirty and smelly. Some type of dark sticky slimy stinky substance was all over her and she was crying up loud. She had tried to get rid of it by using her dirty hand and as you more

  • What Beautiful Feet You Have!

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Apr 12, 2005
    based on 38 ratings

    This sermon discusses the difference between what God thinks about evangelism and what modern day Christians think about it.

    Do you remember the excitement you felt when it was time for you to get your driver’s license? You could barely wait to get behind the wheel and take off, right? But, before you could do that, there was something you needed to do. Do you remember what that was? You had to learn to more

  • Behold My Hands

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Mar 3, 2001
    based on 281 ratings

    The scars tell a story.

    What is the only man made thing in heaven? I believe it is the scars on the body of Jesus. What do those scars teach us? When one goes on vacation, they so often bring back a souvenir. When Jesus visited earth as the God-man, he brought back a souvenir, but it was not something cheap and more

  • My Hand Holder

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Feb 1, 2001
    based on 96 ratings

    What Jesus is to me!

    MY HAND HOLDER I. Rest in the grip (23) This hand comforts and calms, provides and protects, and steadies and sustains. This hand has never lost a single soul (John 10:28,29) II. Rely on the guide (24a) Proverbs 3:5,6. The end of our wisdom is the beginning of our being wise. more

  • The Seed In My Hand PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 31, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages us to find hope, satisfaction, and rewards in God's promises, emphasizing the spiritual benefits of living in righteousness and faith.

    Good morning, dear family of God. We gather here today, not as strangers, but as brothers and sisters in Christ. We are here, not by chance, but by divine appointment. Our Scripture today comes from the book of Zechariah, chapter 8, verse 12. It says, "For the seed shall be prosperous, the vine more

  • Hands And Feet

    Contributed by Andrew Gamblin on Feb 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon teaches students that as Christians, they have a ministry.

    Matthew 28:19-20 Christ calls everyone to ministry. If you are a believer in Christ, then you have a calling on your life for ministry. Not necessarily to be a pastor but to play an active role in the ministry of the church. Each person’s calling may be different but there are some things more

  • A Lamp Unto My Feet Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Mar 19, 2024

    a lamp unto my feet

    Psalm 119:105 - 112 ? Nun - Fish 1. Our Walk It's Grace - 105 Thy word It's Guidance - is a lamp unto my feet, It Is A Lamp That Keeps Us From - Stalling, Stumbling and From Straying It's Glory - and a light - Ex. 34:29 And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with more

  • Washing The Feet Of My Family Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 20, 2015

    We will be discussing 4 things that contrast to illustrate how to wash the feet of our family

    Introduction: A woman is depressed so she went to her doctor. After examining her and talking with her the doctor said that she did not need medication to deal with her depression. What she needed to do is loving acts of service for someone for the next 14 days. The woman began making excuses more

  • Feet Of Jesus

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Aug 30, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Seeking the feet of Jesus on the farm during prayer so that I might one day hear Him say “Well done good and faithful servant”. Instead He spoke to my heart, that if I wanted to be a “good and faithful servant”, one thing I would have to do all the days o

    Feet of Jesus. Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. . Luke 24:40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet. . There is a place we can come to and not be more

  • Body Piercing Saved My Life - What To Do With Piercings And Tattoos

    Contributed by Gregg Barbour on Feb 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Learn what the Bible has to say about piercings and tattoos in this stimulating sermon on a hot topic.

    When I was in High School, I went to this winter retreat in Gatlinburg, TN called Winter Xtreme. There were tons of teenagers there, and this was about the time that wearing a Christian T-Shirt made you a “Cool Christian.” I remember seeing a shirt with a saying that I’ll more