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  • The Two Sides Of The Cross

    Contributed by John Ruland on Dec 15, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    There are two sides of the Cross are you on one of them?

    The two sides There are always two side of everything including both sides of the cross that Jesus died on. Jesus was on one side of the cross and we are on the other side with him when he died. Jesus died for our sin right from the beginning. The sin that Adam and Eve committed in the garden was more

  • Nuestra Cruz Nos Da Poder

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jun 28, 2017

    Tomar la cruz es un acto intencional

    3A Existe una historia titulada "El Collar", acerca de una señora que sueña con ser dama de la alta sociedad francesa; ella quiere vivir en una casa con toda clase de lujos, pero su realidad es otra muy diferente, ella vive en un pueblo pequeño. Esta senora pidió prestado a una rica amiga suya, more

  • Cost Of Discipleship Series

    Contributed by James Webster on Mar 14, 2015

    Salvation is free but true Discipleship will cost us everything.

    THE BOOK OF MARK SERIES MARK 8:34-38 “Cost of Discipleship” OPENING STATEMENTS It appears that the Lord really wants to say something to us about the subject of discipleship. • In January, I was introduced to Hal Perkins Book, “Discipled by Jesus”, in which I am more

  • Picking Up Your Christ Series

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Feb 4, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon deals with 3 things we must do to be a disciple according to Jesus's invitation to come follow Him.

    Picking Up Your Cross Glenville 2/3/2013 Esther 4:1-16 Mark 8:34-38 We are in week 5 of our Insanity For Christ series. We have looked at Who Is God--Why Jesus, Who Am I-- Why Am I Here, What’s The Cost, Fanatic or Fair Weather Fan and today we look at Picking Up Your more

  • Pick Up Your Cross And Follow Me Series

    Contributed by Simon Rundell on Jan 19, 2001
    based on 157 ratings

    Examines the call to vocation of everyone, whether to the priesthood to be a Christian in Society. Written for a young audience in a very open style.

    How Does the Gospel Affect Our Lives? Given at the Chichester Diocese Youth Summer Camp, August 2000. Texts: Romans 12: 1-13; Luke 9:23-28 Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all, `If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me’. Well, more

  • Imprinted (Fifth Sunday After The Epiphany February 5 2023)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Feb 4, 2023

    Paul’s purpose was not to make an impression by his human ability and attainment but to let the Holy Spirit make an impression on them through his preaching.

    IMPRINTED Text: 1 Corinthians 2:1 – 11 1 Corinthians 2:1-11  When I came to you, brothers and sisters, I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom.  (2)  For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. more

  • Picking Your Priorities

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Mar 10, 2024

    Making choices that will put you and your family in the center of God''s will.

    Picking Your Priorities Matthew 6:1-34 6 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. 2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the more

  • The Cross

    Contributed by David Butcher on Oct 21, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    The importance of the cross in the life of the believer TODAY. Especially in the light of opposition in the UK to this Christian symbol

    Galatians 6:11-18 NLT 11 Notice what large letters I use as I write these closing words in my own handwriting. 12 Those who are trying to force you to be circumcised are doing it for just one reason. They don’t want to be persecuted for teaching that the cross of Christ alone can save. 13 And even more

  • How To Pick Your Battles

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 86 ratings

    There are many battles not worth fighting. Here we can learn when we need to engage in the good fight of faith.

    How To Pick Your Battles (I Sam. 17:1-15) Illustration: Paul wrote, "Fight the good fight of faith." People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes. Abigail Van Buren. Stan Mikita, a professional hockey star, used to get into a lot of fights during games. He stopped when his more

  • How To Pick Your Friends Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Feb 17, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Inside the courtyard of the Temple/Tabernacle there were three layers/levels. Outer court, inner court, Holy of Holies. Our friends can also be put into three main categories.

    Friendly Fire Sermon Series (Inspired by Perry Stone’s book, “Judas Goat”) “How to Pick Your Friends” 2 of 3 1/19/2014 Chester’s FBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson Introduction: A Inside the courtyard of the Temple/Tabernacle there were three more

  • Pick Up Your Mat

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Mar 12, 2013

    “anyone who has faith in me will do what I am doing, he will do even greater things cause I will go to the Father.

    “Pick up your mat” Allan H. Kircher Sermon for Love House Ministries 2nd chapter of Mark, verses 1-12. • The house was filled • It was filled/anticipation of hearing/good news/gospel. • Almost 2000 years ago Jesus filled the house • A house in Capernaum. more

  • Pick Up Your Shovel PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 29, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Highlight the importance of obedience and faith in God, emphasizing that His blessings often come in unexpected ways and His plans are infinitely greater than ours.

    Good morning, family. I'm so glad you're here with us today as we dive into God's word together. Today, we’re going to explore a fascinating passage from 2 Kings, which is a perfect reminder that God's blessings often come in unexpected ways, and just how crucial obedience and faith are in our walk more

  • Pick-Pocketed By The Past Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on May 22, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    Reclaim who God created you to be by not allowing your past too much influence in your life.

    Over the past three weeks we’ve been investigating the culprits of spiritual I.D. theft. We’ve looked at how to avoid being, Robbed by Relationships, Mugged by the Mirror, and Stolen by Success. This morning we’re going to complete our series by considering the role of our past… and how to avoid more

  • The Mathematics Of The Cross

    Contributed by Robert Laymance on Jun 18, 2001
    based on 105 ratings

    Analogy of the Basic math symbols and their relationship in and to Salvation.

    Let’s begin with the ( - ) subtract symbol. 1. I’ve been Subtracted from Hell!!! a. went from a sinner to a saint b. went from rags to riches ( Heirs ) c. went from old path to the new path d. went from wrath to peace e. went from a pit to a Palace ( mansion ) 2. I’ve been Added to more

  • Your Cross

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Dec 7, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    What Our cross really is

    Mini-Sermon-Moses, shepherd’s rod. This rod was not only for his protection; it was part of his life. In the culture of the Middle East in those days, a person was identified with his rod, another name for staff. For those familiar with the story of Judah and Tamar, this was the reason why more