
Summary: Analogy of the Basic math symbols and their relationship in and to Salvation.

Let’s begin with the ( - ) subtract symbol.

1. I’ve been Subtracted from Hell!!!

a. went from a sinner to a saint

b. went from rags to riches ( Heirs )

c. went from old path to the new path

d. went from wrath to peace

e. went from a pit to a Palace ( mansion )

2. I’ve been Added to Heaven!!! ( + )..

a.went from death to Life

b. went from Earth to Eternity in Heaven

c. went from stranger to a Citizen of That Land

d. went from separation to accepted in the beloved

e. went from no Hope to the Blessed Hope

3. I’ve been Divided from the World!!! ( ~ )

a. went from conformed to transformed

b. went from no walk to His walk

c. went from my will to His will

d. went from popular to peculiar

e. went from no family to God’s family

4. I’ve been Multiplied with Blessings!!! ( x )

a. an inheritance

b. an intercessor

c. an inner-presence ( Holy Spirit )

d. a Helper and Comforter

e. a Savior and sacrifice

5. I’ve been given an Equal Chance!!! ( = )

a. whosoever shall call

b. whosoever shall come

c. wheresoever I’m at

d. whensoever I’m needed

e. whatsoever He pleases

Yes, I’ve been Subtracted from Hell, been Added to Heaven, Divided from the World, Multiplied my Blessings, and been offered or given an Equal Chance.

SEE: 1-Peter 1:2, Rom. 12:1-4, Rom. 8:, Rom. 5:, 2-Peter 1.

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