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  • It Aint Over Until God Says It's Over

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Apr 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    You might think it's over, but it is not over until God says it's over.

    1 It’s Aint Over Until God’s Over 1/15/2012 Sports Illustrated did an article on the 10 greatest comebacks of all time. 10 Elvis Presley, 1968 Following years of making schlocky movies, the King wows fans and critics with an electrifying live 1968 TV special, Elvis on NBC 9 Ludwig more

  • Why Shepherds

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Dec 14, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    Why did God choose shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus

    WHY SHEPHERDS Luke 2:8-20 Intro. Outside St. Mary's Hospital in the slightly shabby London section of Paddington, the crowd was growing by the minute—more than 300 reporters, TV technicians and curious onlookers milled anxiously behind a double row of police barricades and dozens of more

  • Understanding Peace Beyond Understanding Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Sep 29, 2013

    Peace is something we all desire but sometimes have difficulty finding. This sermon unwraps the gift of peace that Jesus left with us so that we can apply this peace to our lives.

    As most of you have seen I was featured in the Lincoln Times this week. My picture was on the front page carrying two bags of apples. Debbie and I attended the Apple Festival in Lincolnton on Saturday. The news photographer snapped a picture of me with my two 10 lb. bags of apples and asked for more

  • The Church Series

    Contributed by Timothy Gardner on Nov 27, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    The word "Church" is so often used out of context. This sermon series helps the church (the people) identify how God defines church buy using seven different analogies found in the Bible. This is the introduction sermon to the series. There are eight serm

    The Church (Sermon 1) Sermon Series by Timothy Gardner Church Analogies (Overview) I found this poem found hanging on a wall in St. Louis at a local Salvation Army church. It was knitted together and it hung in the sanctuary. I wrote it down because i found it interesting to share with others. more

  • God's Unspeakable Gift

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Dec 17, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    God's unspeakable gift is the greatest gift that will ever be given. It encompasses the entire work of redemption. It is the greatest Christmas gift.

    God’s Unspeakable Gift II Corinthians 9:15 It’s Christmas: that the time of year when we hustle about looking for the perfect Christmas gift for those we love. But let me ask you, "Have you ever received an indescribable gift?" The world lavishes the market place with some of the most unbelievable more

  • "Thinking The Things Of God” Holy Communion Come As You Are Series

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Nov 7, 2018

    This is part of the series through Martin Luther's Small Catechism. Lutheran view of Holy Communion explained

    In Jesus Holy Name October 28, 2018 Series: Luther’s Small Catechism Redeemer Text Matthew 26:26b-28 “Thinking the Things of God” Holy Communion: Come as you Are On this Sunday of the Reformation we have come to our final topic in our series of more

  • Nigeria Outreach Account

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 2, 2018

    God opened the door for Angela and I to go to Benin City, Nigeria from July 16-24, 2018. During that time, I preached in 5 services, including a youth service and a service dedicated to area ministers.

    NIGERIA OUTREACH ACCOUNT INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR B. GENESIS OF THIS STORY 1. God opened the door for Angela and I to go to Benin City, Nigeria from July 16-24, 2018. During that time, I preached in 5 services, including a youth service and a service dedicated to area ministers. 2. We also went more

  • Regaining Your Cutting Edge

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 14, 2017

    A prophet lost his axhead/ cutting edge and needed to recover it. It was the key to his growth. Problem was, it was borrowed: he was trying to overcome his hindrances to growth by a borrowed anointing! A special stick altered its properties. Find out why.

    REGAINING YOUR CUTTING EDGE 2 Kgs. 6:1-7 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A police officer saw a man dressed as a cowboy in the street, complete with huge stetson hat, spurs, and six shooters. "Excuse me, sir," said the police officer, "who are you?" "My name's Tex, officer," said the cowboy. 2. more

  • A Hopeful Determination Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Dec 24, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Hope expresses itself through obedient determination.

    A HOPEFUL DETERMINATION SERMON #4 OF THE ADVENT SERIES “HOPE IS ON THE WAY” MATTHEW 1:18-25 Big idea: Hope expresses itself through obedient determination. 18 This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came more

  • Life Is God's Choice

    Contributed by Gary Holt on Jan 18, 2020

    I used this sermon for the Sanctity of Human life Sunday. I wanted to be clear, loving and to challenge the Church to serve Jesus.

    “Life is God’s choice” Jeremiah 1:4-5 This is a Delicate topic: - My intention is to be both truthful and loving - But also I don’t plan to tip toe around the subject. - I hope you will pray for me during this message People ought to know: ? Mothers shouldn’t kill their children. ? Fathers more

  • Twelve Stones

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Feb 13, 2021

    Story was not over after witnessing a colossal miracle of great magnitude, God was very particular that the people remembered it, so He made preparations for the monument.

    Stones will speak Joshua 4: STONES! 1 Now when all the nation had finished crossing the Jordan, the LORD spoke to Joshua, saying, 2 "Take for yourselves twelve men from the people, one man from each tribe, 3 and command them, saying, 'Take up for yourselves twelve stones from here out of more

  • Persecution - Are You Ready For It?

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jan 9, 2021

    We in America do not have any real experience with religious persecution like we find in other countries. However, over the past decades we have seen reverence for the name of Jesus become mockery. What will we do when proclaiming Jesus becomes outlawed?

    Persecution - Are You Ready For It? Please stand with me as we go over our current memory Scripture: Psalm 1:1-2 “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the Law of the LORD, and on His more

  • The Only Way Out Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 2, 2021

    It is hopeless for man, that is, but God has a solution. That huge boulder of guilt that keeps you pinned to the floor of sin can be dissolved in the blood of Christ. You can't do anything about sin, but Jesus can. He can forgive it because he paid for it.

    Floyd Collins was a professional cave hunter. He found the famous Crystal Cave in Kentucky in 1917. It is a popular tourist cave now, but back them it was too far off the road to get people to come to it. Floyd's dream was to find a bigger and better cave, even more beautiful than the more

  • "I Will Always Have Hope”

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 19, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    There's a desperate need for hope in the world. People have often died because they had no hope. Many people today are hopeless because of Coronavirus, shuttered businesses, and racial and political tensions. Bring them the real Hope!.

    “I WILL ALWAYS HAVE HOPE” Ps. 71:14-15 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Three lady-church-attenders saw each other at the store. One said, “Covid-19 has our attendance down to 90 on Sunday mornings!” 2. “That’s nothing,” said the other, “Ours is down to 40!” The third, a single old maid said, “It’s more

  • Why Won’t Trouble Leave Me Alone

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on Sep 23, 2023

    In this scriptural landmark I finally found out what we should do in the time of crisis.

    Why won’t trouble leave me alone? By Pastor J.W.T. Spies Luke 6:22-23 We are trouble on every hand For quite of an extensive amount of years now I have longed to develop a serious inquiry concerning this physical disorder. This inconvenient element, this confused emotion, this transitive verb that more

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