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  • Do You Know Jesus

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    This is an Easter message.

    henever you watch something on TV that is a continuation of a previous show, they always bring you up to speed on what is going on. They say, “Previously on ‘I Love Lucy,’ Ricky caught Lucy in one of her little pranks.” You know the drill. So I think it is only fair to bring everyone up to speed more

  • Making Sense Out Of Suffering

    Contributed by Owen Lukins on Nov 15, 2000
    based on 48 ratings

    Making sense out of suffering as a result of an unexpected disaster. While we are helpless Christ comes to the rescue.

    17th August 1997 Tathra/Bega UCA SCRIPTURE: Romans5:1-8 SUBJECT: Making sense out of suffering INTRODUCTION: I will never forget the scene …. I had just entered the Thredo Alpine Hotel which had been transformed into the Disaster Welfare Centre. I was not really that sure of what my role as more

  • Are You Giving Thanks?

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 26, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    We have been blessed in so many ways that we too often never truly give thanks to God for His blessings.

    Are You Giving Thanks? Selected Passages November 20, 2005 Thanksgiving Message Introduction Can you believe that this Thursday is Thanksgiving Day? Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving? Lou Whitmire, a reporter in Mansfield, Ohio, asked the all important question "Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?" more

  • The Church With Open Doors Series

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Jun 3, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Christ loves us unconditionally, and we the church are called by Christ to share that same love in the world today.

    What would our church look like if Jesus were the pastor? Would it be exactly like it is here today? Would we even be here at all, or would we be gathering in a different place? How would we spend our time and our resources as part of the church? How might Grace be different if it was Jesus more

  • Prevenient Grace

    Contributed by Benny Anthony on May 8, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This is a Walk to Emmaus Clergy Talk.

    Please turn to page 52 in your Worship Book and join me in the Prayer to the Holy Spirit. Good morning, my name is Benny Anthony, and I took Gulf Coast Emmaus Walk #67, where I sat at the table of Peter. I worship and serve at NFMUMC. The title of this talk is Prevenient Grace. If you have your more

  • Live In Harmony With One Another Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Jun 19, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    We will not live in harmony with one another until we learn humility.

    Harmony missing in marriages, families, and churches. The Big Idea: We will not live in harmony with one another until we learn HUMILITY. 1. Harmony is ESSENTIAL for believers. “Live in harmony with one another” (Romans 12:16a). “Be of the same mind one toward another” (KJV). The NT emphasizes more

  • Getting Inside Society Without Letting Society Get Inside Of You Series

    Contributed by Art Campbell on Nov 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    How can we infiltrate our culture without letting it’s values infiltrate us? Daniel and his friends faced this issue...

    One of the questions thoughtful Christians often ask when we’re trying to live incarnationally – putting flesh on the gospel – is how far should we go in accommodating ourselves to our culture? What’s OK for a Christian to do and what’s not when we’re trying to reach people where we are? For more

  • When Dry Bones Live

    Contributed by Matthew Morine on Jan 7, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    There are places we dislike, graveyards and dead churches. Each of these places have the same message. This sermon helps us to overcome this message that might be crying out in our congregations

    WHEN DRY BONES LIVE TEXT: EZEKIEL 37:1-14 THEME: THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD GIVES THE POWER TO LIVE Have you ever walked through a graveyard at night? It is a quiet place. It is a place of reflection and fear. It is a place that we avoid at night. We do because of all the dead bodies in the more

  • Renewed In The Wilderness

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Feb 19, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    The power of Lent is in the wilderness of letting go and disengaging with the world so that we can reconnect to God.

    Introduction: The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness is a pivotal event in His life. It is recorded in Mark, Luke, and Matthew. This week we read Matthew’s account. It comes right after Jesus is baptized by John in the Jordan and before His formal ministry begins. Hear now the word of the more

  • Finding Friends In Low Places Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 12, 2008

    Do you ever find yourself in a place where nothing is going right? The Apostle Paul came to Corinth in just such a state. Learn how God brought him help and fellowship just when he needed it.

    The recent plunges by the world stock markets, bank failures, fortunes lost, even suicides by financial planners—all bring back chilling reminders of the Great Depression. 25% of Americans were unemployed. People couldn’t find work that lasted and many people lost their homes. Discouragement was at more

  • All Who Are Thirsty

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Oct 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The salvation of God, a relationship with Him is free and available to anyone.

    All who are thirsty Isaiah 55:1-7 Ho! If you are using the KJV or a number of other versions of the Bible, you will see this word. It is an old and rough English translation of the Hebrew word "Hoy!" which in simple translation into today’s English means: Hey! In NIV they have used the word more

  • There's No Peanut Butter!

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Nov 22, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Our ability to be grateful to God is largely dependent on the perspective we bring to life.

    Title: There’s No Peanut Butter Text: Psalm 100 The Big Idea: Our ability to be grateful to God is largely dependent on the perspective we bring to life. Introduction The painting you see on the screen is a familiar one. Bovey, Minnesota is a small community in south central Minnesota. In more

  • The Lord's Supper

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jul 17, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Exposition of 1 Cor 11:23-34 regarding the Supper

    Text: 1 Corinthians 11:23-34, Title: Why the Lord’s Supper? Date/Place: NRBC, 7/20/08, PM A. Opening illustration: The tomb of the unknown soldier at Arlington—a memorial B. Background to passage: Paul had warned the Corinthians about divisions in the beginning of the letter, but moved on to more

  • Joanna - A Changed Women

    Contributed by Darren Rogers on Jul 19, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Joanna had such a love for the Lord Jesus Christ that she wanted to tell people about Him.

    Joanna – 20th July 2008 am Luke 8:1-3 Joanna means, “Jehovah hath shown favour,” or “The Lord is grace” or “gift of God.” I. She was Healed By Christ When we come to this passage of Scripture, it is normally Mary that we concentrate on, but we are told that there were “certain women” and that more

  • Look And Live Series

    Contributed by David Lewis on Dec 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Look to Jesus

    In April 1988 the evening news reported on a photographer who was a skydiver. He had jumped from a plane along with numerous other skydivers and filmed the group as they fell and opened their parachutes. On the film shown on the TV, as the final skydiver opened his chute, the picture went berserk. more

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