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  • Pergamum--A Compromised Congregation Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jul 6, 2002
    based on 85 ratings

    We’re to stand firm & faithful in the midst of a fallen world, in spite of opposition.

    "Pergamum--a compromised congregation", Revelation 2:12-17 Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts -Series on the 7 Churches of Rev 2-3 Do you have a mentor, someone with experience and expertise, who helps you learn to do a better job? Mentors care enough to more

  • Confronting The Compromising: The Church Of Pergamum

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Jul 31, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon dealing primarily with worldliness in the church we read about the church of Pergamum: that Christ brings a word of Consideration followed by words of confrontation, and finally words of Consolation.

    Confronting the Compromising: The Church of Pergamum Introduction: Last week we talked about comforting the suffering church, this week we talk about confronting the compromising church. Spurgeon once said that “it is no trifling thing to be a church member. I could earnestly wish that more

  • Compromising Power--Pergamum Series

    Contributed by Aaron Householder on Jul 13, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Toleration leads to compromise & compromise to corruption. Compromise has power beacuse it takes spiritual power from the church.

    Southview Baptist Church July 23, 2006 Revelation 2:12-17 Pastor Aaron The Seven Churches for Today: Pergamum Compromising Power 1. Reminder of Jesus’ Power (12) Jesus’ sword symbolizes war & salvation (Hebrews 4:12). 2. Realities of a Sinful City (13) a. The more

  • Revelation Studies Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Dec 21, 2013

    Church at Pergamum

    Revelation 2:12-17 Church at Pergamum Revelation 2:12 Pergamum15 miles from Aegean sea, sixty miles from Smyrna, a modern town of Bergama (Turkish). Pergamum was a center of four pagan cults- Zeus, Athena, Dionysys, and esclepius and they had Blasphemous emperor worship. God calls it as Satan’s more

  • The Compromising Church Series

    Contributed by Jim Dillinger on Jun 5, 2003
    based on 14 ratings


    Pergamum: The Compromising Church Rev 2:12-17 One of biggest questions that I have struggled with since becoming a minister, and even before, is how wrong can a church be, and still be right? Some would say that is a simple question to answer, a church cannot be wrong at all! This week I got a more

  • Pergamum: Truth Marks The Church Series

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Jul 24, 2020

    The church is to hold to the truth inwardly as well as outwardly.

    Have you noticed how often a sword is at the center of a story? Young Arthur of King Arthur fame is destined to remove the sword from the stone, signifying he is the future king. The sword “Excalibur” bears the power to protect Arthur from harm. Only when the sword is stolen, does Arthur become more

  • Pergamum Church- Do Not Compromise Series

    Contributed by Steven Devroy on Mar 1, 2024

    The church called not to compromise

    Opener: We are excited to be here as we are continuing our sermon series this morning on the seven churches found in the book of Revelations. We have already looked at the church in Ephesus. This is the church that worked very hard for the Lord, and they stood up to those that were evil, yet more

  • Pergamum: Satan's Throne Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Jan 24, 2021

    Are we clinging to our faith in Jesus and His word as firmly and as stubbornly as the Christians in Pergamum did or are we guilty of trying to live a compromised life with one foot in the world and one foot in the church?

    There was once a king who ruled over a vast city. He was feared for his might and loved for his wisdom. Now, in the heart of the city was a well whose waters were pure and crystalline from which all the inhabitants drank … except the king. He lived in a castle on top of a hill overlooking the more

  • You've Got Mail: Pergamum Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Nov 13, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    The third in a series of seven. This is an expository, alliterated sermon with practical application based on the letter to Pergamum in Revelation. PowerPoint is avialable if you e-mail me.

    You’ve Got Mail: Pergamum Scott Bayles, preacher First Christian Church, Rosiclare, IL For those of you just joining us, we’ve spent the past couple of weeks camped in the Book of Revelation. Rather than trudging through the more puzzling prophetic passages, though, we’ve been pouring over the more

  • The Church Of Pergamum (The Indulgent Church) Series

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Sep 8, 2009

    examines the church of Pergamum to learn how it relates to us and the church today.

    “Revealing Revelations - III The Church of Pergamum (The indulgent church) September 13, 2009 Revelation 2:12-17 The city of Pergamum (or Pergamos in the KJV) was the center of an imperial cult. There were many cults and religions here – but ‘Gnosticism’ probably influenced them all – including more

  • Dear Confused Series

    Contributed by Alfred Beck on Sep 10, 2015

    Letter to the Church at Pergamum

    Dear Confused Jeremiah 2:1-5 Rev.2:12-17 We are in week three of our series on the book of Revelation and more specifically, Jesus’ letters to His Bride, the church. And each of the seven letters is different because each of the churches’ circumstances and more

  • Part 6- Pergamum The Church Compromised In Commitment Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on May 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What does Jesus think about churches that compromise?

    Pergamum: The Church Compromised in Commitment watch this sermon on our youtube channel Pastor Brad Reaves Grace Community Church Revelation 2:12-18 If you have your Bibles, find Chapter 2 of Revelation and put your finger there, and I want to more

  • To The Church In Pergamum. Reading Revelation 1:9-11 & 2:12-1 Series

    Contributed by Alan Hamilton-Messer on Jun 22, 2014

    The end times?

    Letter three. To the Church in Pergamum. Reading Revelation 1:9-11 & 2:12-17 We have seen over the last couple of weeks that the Apostle John was told by Jesus to write to the seven major Churches in Asia. We have already looked at the first two, the letter to Ephesus and the letter to Smyrna. more

  • How Should We Respond To Pressures? Series

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on May 1, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    This about the letter to the Church in Pergamum.

    We hear a lot in our day about pressure. We have pressure here. We have pressure there. Pressure, pressure, everywhere pressure. We talk about pressure with the weather. One thing I have noticed is that when we have low pressure, we get hurricanes. High pressure brings a clear, sunny more

  • The Seven, Part 9 Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Jan 9, 2014

    Pergamum: The Dangers of Tolerance and Compromise

    The Seven, part 9 Pergamum: The Dangers of Tolerance and Compromise Revelation 2:12-17 July 14, 2013 We have seen that the Revelation was written to address specific issues with seven churches in Asia Minor at the end of the first century. As we look at these letters we see that they are as more

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