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  • God's Perfect Son Is Jesus Christ

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Oct 28, 2013

    To show that GOD's Perfect SON is JESUS CHRIST.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have in you, GOD's Perfect SON? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD's Perfect SON is JESUS CHRIST. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 1:3 (The Message) 1:3 This Son perfectly mirrors God, and is stamped with God's nature. He holds everything together by more

  • The Law Of The Lord Is Perfect

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Dec 13, 2014

    God has given us a perfect law. It still speaks God's will and word to us and if we will hear it, we will be called to follow God's perfect Son.

    The Law of the Lord is Perfect I was thinking about our legal system in America. (slide 1) I looked up some information that I thought would set the stage for our sermon today. Here are some of the “Statutes at Large” 123 volumes, which make up all the laws passed by Congress. My more

  • The Best Man Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 6, 2014

    A review of Psalm 8 verses 1 through 9

    Psalm 8: 1 – 9 The Best Man To the Chief Musician. On the instrument of Gath. A Psalm of David. 1 O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens! 2 Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of more

  • The Perfect Father-Son Relationship Series

    Contributed by Ray Geide on Jan 24, 2022

    Fathers. We all have one. For some, father was a no show. He wasn't there. For others, father was there, but they wished that he wasn't. Others had good fathers. No matter what kind of father you had, there is a model father-son relationship for us to look at, Father God and His Son, Jesus.

    The Perfect Father-Son Relationship John 5:16-29 Fathers. We all have one. For some, father was a no show. He wasn't there. He gave his DNA, but that was all. For others, father was there, but they wished that he wasn't. He may have been abusive or unpleasant. Others had good fathers. more

  • Fulfill All Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jan 18, 2013

    Why did the Perfect Son of God need to be baptized and what relevance did that event have for sinners?

    Jesus: The Fulfillment ALL of Righteousness Matthew 3:13-17 I. Jesus was baptized “To Fulfill ALL Righteousness.” A. He identified with sinners although He was sinless B. He kept the law perfectly. C. He had to perfectly live as well as die. D. He initiated the sacrament of more

  • Woman, Behold Thy Son

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Apr 3, 2022

    “Woman, behold thy son.” Expression of affection by the perfect man

    Woman, Behold Thy Son John 19:25 I. Introduction A. The First Three Words from the Cross 1. “Father, forgive them.” Expression of forgiveness by the perfect Son 2. “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Expression of assurance more

  • The Perfect Gift

    Contributed by Leo Launio on Oct 14, 2003
    based on 284 ratings

    God’s perfect gift to us in the life of His only begotten Son.

    Dec. 25, 1999 Introduction: Now that the holiday season is here, it seems that finding the right gift for the right person seems to be at the top of the list for many people. If you went to the shopping malls these past few days, you will find that people are buying things that they usually more

  • A Perfect Gift

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 10, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    God has given us a perfect gift in the sending of His Son Jesus Christ.

    A Perfect Gift Galatians 4:4-5 December 2001 Introduction . Christmas means that: He descended that we might ascend (John 6:38, 14:3). He became poor that we might become rich (2 Cor. 8:9, Jas. 2:5). He was born that we might be born again (John 1:14, 3:2,7). He became a servant more

  • Baptism Of Jesus

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jan 10, 2015

    If Jesus is the perfect Son of God why did He need to respond to John the Baptist call for repentance and subsequent baptism in water?

    TSJ 11-01-2015 Mk 1:1-12 Our Gospel reading this morning is from beginning of Mark’s Gospel and it is about John’s baptism of Jesus. Mark’s more

  • Perfect Or Perfected?

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Nov 13, 2023

    Did you read something new in God’s Word this past week? Did you read a familiar passage with new eyes? Did you share it with someone? Did you share the Gospel with someone? Did you glorify God in your words or actions?

    Most of you have heard Pastor Jeff Reynolds preach. On many occasions he will say something like “for my 1st closing”… Today, I’m going to start with “for my first opening”… We’ll see how hungry I am by the first closing, to determine if there are more than one closings! 1st Opening In today’s more

  • Sleeping Through A Garden Moment

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 18, 2022

    This is the story of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. No doubt we have all heard this story preached, read it ourselves, or seen movies regarding the Crucifixion of Christ. He was the perfect Son, in perfect union, with the perfect Father.

    Was Jesus attempting to escape the performance of his undertaking? Jesus was communicating his actual sentiments however he did not deny or oppose God's will. He reaffirmed his desire to do what God needed him to do. His petition features the awful enduring he needed to suffer, and desolation more

  • The Indwelling Of The Father And The Son.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 19, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A special manifestation, perfecting His Love within us.

    THE INDWELLING OF THE FATHER AND THE SON. John 14:21-24. * Back in John 14:15, we saw how closely our love and our obedience are bound together: “If ye love Me, keep my commandments.” In John 14:21, Jesus develops this thought. It is not the mere ‘having’ of His commandments that demonstrates more

  • Perfect Gift PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 18, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the true meaning of Christmas, emphasizing God's perfect gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ, and our response to this gift.

    Good morning, dear church family. It is always a joy to gather together, to lift our voices in praise, to offer our hearts in worship, and to open our minds to the wisdom of God's Word. Today, we find ourselves on the precipice of the Christmas season, a time of joy and celebration, a time of more

  • A Hymn To Our High Priest

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 28, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    He is our eternal Advocate, always available, always approachable.

    A HYMN TO OUR HIGH PRIEST. Hebrews 7:23-28. Jesus’ priesthood is proclaimed to be of a better order than that of Aaron (Hebrews 7:11) because of His similitude to Melchisedec (Hebrews 7:14-15). It is not genealogy which qualifies our great High Priest, but the power of an indissoluble life more

  • Perfection Series

    Contributed by David Moore on Aug 3, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    In so much of life we are searching for perfection.

    Growing up in California, I used to hear about all the surfing that was going on. In surfing there always seems to be this search for the elusive perfect wave. The perfect wave has the right amount of curl, a perfect tube, just at the right height for the surfer. The wave isn’t too fast so that you more