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  • The Perils Of People-Pleasing Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Sep 5, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    If you devote your life to trying to please others you will find yourself enslaved to their opinions and approval.

    INTRODUCTION If you’re not involved in our Student Ministry at Green Acres, you may not know that it’s called “The One-Ten Student Ministry.” Do you know why? It’s not because the Student Center is located on Highway 110. It’s because the theme of the ministry more

  • The Temptation Of Pleasing People Series

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Apr 11, 2021

    When we start out wanting to serve God it is so easy to get distracted by what will please the people around us. But we have to choose one or the other, please God or please people.

    I had quite a dream last night. Spring training hasn’t even started yet, but in my dream I saw the final game of the 2007 World Series. It was in Wrigley Field. The Cubs were winning in the bottom of the 9th. Two outs, bases loaded. Kerry Woods is on the mound, looking to cap a phenomenal more

  • The Gospel & Who We Are Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Aug 18, 2018

    In Galatians 1:10–12 the Apostle Paul shows presenting the Gospel is not about 1) Pleasing People (Gal. 1:10); 2) A Human Centered Message (Gal.1:11); nor a 3) A Human Devised Message (Gal. 1:12a), but a 4) Christ Centered Message (Gal.1:12b).

    Canada is presently in a fierce diplomatic fight with Saudi Arabia. The government’s confrontation over several human rights issues has resulted in Saudi Arabia, to cut off diplomatic ties, withdraw students and begin a trade war. Critics say that this conflict is over the issue of Saudi Arabia more

  • "Sick And Tired Of People Pleasing!"

    Contributed by Kevin Smith on Oct 27, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    we spend far too much time trying to please everybody else, that we lose ourselves and our identities with God.

    Luke 7:11-23 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord. Verse 14 says, "Then Jesus went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still." I want to take a strange twist on this text and for a little bit of time talk from the subject as the Holy Spirit shall lead and guide of, "I’m more

  • Pontius Pilate: Stuck In People-Pleasing Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Feb 21, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Pilate was a classic people-pleaser, who found that his behavior produced popularity that masked contempt, pessimism, and powerlessness.

    The story has it that during creation, as God was sitting up in heaven turning out all these creatures, some of the angels asked if they could help. It looked like fun, making plants and animals, birds and beasts. And so God, who had just finished fashioning something, said, "All right. Come ahead. more

  • One True Gospel Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 30, 2009
    based on 45 ratings

    There is only one saving gospel, the gospel of grace by faith in Jesus Christ alone. This is the only gospel that is of divine origin. It is a gospel of the grace of Christ offered as a free gift. Man can not gain God’s salvation

    GALATIONS 1:6-10 Gospel Perversion/ ONE TRUE GOSPEL There is only one saving gospel, the gospel of grace by faith in Jesus Christ alone. This is the only gospel that is of divine origin. It is a gospel of the grace of Christ offered as a free gift. There is nothing any man could ever do to more

  • Pontius Pilate Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 20, 2016

    What can we learn from Pontius Pilate? (Material adapted from Steven J. Cole at:

    HoHum: A Sunday school teacher asked her students to draw a picture of Jesus' family. After collecting the drawings, she noticed that one little boy's drawing depicted an airplane with four heads sticking out of the windows. "I see you drew three heads to show Joseph, Mary and Jesus," she said to more

  • The God Who Protects Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 14, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    God providentially accomplishes His purposes through people.

    This is a picture of Anatoly, a 26-year-old member of Irpin Bible Church in Ukraine. His last act on earth was carrying the suitcase of a young mother and her two children, as they raced across a collapsed bridge. All four died when a bomb landed nearby. After evacuating his wife Diana and other more

  • Why Must God Be Pleased? Lesson 1 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 20, 2023

    If My people please me, then I will favor them.

    A. GOD WAS PLEASED WITH HIS CREATION: GENESIS 1:1-31 Day 1 – light, “It was good.” Day 2 – separate waters and create atmosphere, “It was good.” Day 3 – vegetation, giving life, “It was good.” Day 4 – sun and moon, “It was good.” Day 5 – animals, fish, and birds, “It was good.” Day 6 – male more

  • When We’re Scared To Go Against What Everyone Else Is Saying

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Apr 29, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at Pilate's desire to please the people and the ways that we often behave in the same way.

    AN EASY TEMPTATION: We want to satisfy the crowd. - Mark 15:15. - Most of us like being liked. We want people to approve of us. - And it is nice when everyone is backing what we’re saying or what we’re doing. - This is probably the most important phrase in our passage for more

  • Against The Currents Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Apr 28, 2016

    This is not a PC sermon. There comes a point in the lives of believers when we must speak what God speaks regardless of the consequences. Micaiah did exactly that. He is a hero to us and an example to follow.

    1. People Pleasing The following is reported to be a true story regarding Berkley, CA: In 1990, the Berkeley City Council passed a law changing the name of Columbus Day to Native American Day because Columbus wasn't nice to the Indians. Of course, no Native Americans were asked if they wanted the more

  • Absalom, Men-Pleaser

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Mar 18, 2015

    To show that we have an audience of 1 - the LORD. It's better to get applause from the LORD than from men.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a man pleaser? No, men hate me because I please the LORD. Luke 6:22 (Amplified Bible) 6:22 Blessed (happy—with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, apart from your outward condition—and to be envied) are you when people despise (hate) more

  • Shame You Don’t Deserve - Mark 15:21 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on May 27, 2024

    What do you do when the opinions of others mean too much to you? You can’t stand it when certain people disapprove of you, maybe you’re a people pleaser or you shy away from conflict. How do you escape the fear of man?

    Mark 15:21 A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was pass-ing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross. Introduction Simon Well, they finally wrap up their gruesome vaudeville entertainment session and get on with the more

  • You Can't Please Everyone Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Mar 2, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    You can’t please everyone, but you can please God.

    To receive free weekly emails contact Visit Jonathan’s blog - PEOPLE PLEASING The Apostle Paul wrote the Letter to the Galatians to expose the error of a group known as the Judaizers. The Judaizers were Jewish Christians who taught that more

  • Choosing To Please God Over Pleasing God's People Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Sep 13, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    Believers please God when they share the Gospel as the Gospel.

    Choosing to Please God over Pleasing God’s People Gal. 1:9-10 June 5, 2005 FBC, Chester Mike Fogerson, Pastor Introduction: A In 1979, 4th grade year, Vendee Myers was my first crush. a She said, "Mike, I’ll be your girlfriend more